Actors of the Evening Quarter: Vladimir Zelensky, Elena Kravets, Evgeny Koshevoi

It is difficult to meet a person who would be unfamiliar with the work of the studio "Quarter-95". The talent and charisma of the recognized stars of the show for many years delight viewers. And, probably, the most famous and beloved project of the team is the entertainment program “Evening Quarter”. Its main theme is the social life of the country. The actors of “Evening Quarter” gracefully joke with famous politicians, athletes and musicians, displaying the events around them through the prism of irony and satire.

The evening quarter show: how it all began

Evening Quarter has its history since 2005, when the first broadcast of the show went on the air. Then the authors of the project, while still members of the KVN "95 Quarter" team, decided to celebrate the tenth anniversary of the team and move from Krivoy Rog to the capital. Together with Inter TV channel, the artists came up with the idea of ​​a new show and brought it to life. The performance was a success - and a new popular television program was born, called the “Evening Quarter”.

actors of the evening quarter

"Evening quarter" today

Today, as at the beginning of its existence, the show is rightfully considered the hallmark of the Kvartal-95 studio. Although the authors of the team are in constant creative search and are always happy to pamper fans with new interesting projects, this program remains one of the most beloved and popular.

The project positions its work as intellectual humor, and critics call it “political cabaret”. Every week, the actors of "Evening Quarter" collect millions of viewers from the screens. Over the past years, the program has won many prestigious awards and prizes, and today the most eminent politicians, stars of big sports and show business consider it an honor to be visiting artists. The filming process takes place in the largest concert hall in Kiev in front of four thousand invited viewers.

The participants of the show perform not only on their stage, they are constantly invited to other channels, they take part in various concerts and festive events.

Stepan Kazanin

The team of the "Evening block"

The cohesion of the Evening Quarter team can be envied by any team. The actors have been performing together for many years, since the time of KVN, and during this time they managed to really make friends. Many of the artists over the years of filming have started families, raise children, but personal life does not prevent them from remaining friends not only on stage, but also in life.

The artistic director of the studio and the leader of the Evening Quarter is its ideologist Vladimir Zelensky. From the first days of the show, there were other actors with him. So, co-authors of not only the “Evening Quarter”, but also the illustrious KVN team, were Alexander Pikalov and Denis Manzhosov. It is noteworthy that most of the actors in the show perform on stage from the very first days to the present. This once again underlines the friendly and cheerful atmosphere within the team. And over the years of work in the team, new stars have also sparkled, thanks to which the performances of the "Evening Quarter" each time become more interesting and popular.

alexander pikalov

A little about Vladimir Zelensky

As already mentioned, the undisputed leader of the Evening Quarter from the premiere is the bright and charismatic Vladimir Zelensky. He became interested in KVN in his student days. It was then that Vladimir created his first "brainchild" - the Theater "Homeless", then the famous team "95 quarter". In it, he became not only the captain and actor, but also the author of a large number of numbers. However, in 2003 there was a conflict between the staff and the AMiK company. Then Zelensky decided to leave the club and created the Kvartal-95 studio.

The result was the birth of new projects, the most striking of which is the “Evening Quarter”. In addition, Vladimir is actively involved in other shows, musicals and TV shows produced by the studio.

Vladimir is married to one of the participants and authors of the project - Elena Kiyashko, they raise a son and daughter.

Vladimir Zelensky

The charm of beautiful Elena

Elena Kravets is the only representative of the weaker sex in the acting team of the Quarter, the general director of the team. After the show aired, it becomes a universal favorite and, probably, the most charming and charismatic news announcer. All the actors of "Evening Quarter" love and protect Elena, although they are always ready to play a joke in a kind way.

Her creative career, like many other project participants, began back in KVN. Elena began performing with the “95th Quarter” seventeen years ago, and five years later, together with the whole team, she moved to the capital. The actress participates in several popular projects, including the morning show “Ukraine, Get Up!”, The entertainment program “Evening Kiev”, etc.

Elena is married to one of the project participants, her husband is Sergey Kravets. In 2003, they had a daughter, Maria.

Elena Kravets

Soul of the company Eugene Koshevoi and ironic Sergey Kazanin

Evgeny Koshevoy is the youngest actor in the team. In the "Evening Quarter" he began performing since 2005 and immediately won the love of the public. Eugene’s creative career began in the team of KVN Va-Bank (Lugansk).

Today, the artist not only performs in the "Evening Quarter", but also participates in several other projects, for example, as a co-host in the show "Ukraine, Get Up!", In the new comedy program "Laugh the Comedian".

He is married to Xenia, one of the dancers of the ballet Elena Kolyadenko Freedom. Raises two daughters: Barbara and Seraphim.

Sergey (Stepan) Kazanin is a participant in the Evening Quarter and several other studio projects, including the Evening Kiev show and the Three Musketeers musical. He himself came from the Tyumen region, and got into the team when he played in the Kiev League of KVN as captain of the Tapkin Children team.

Married, has two sons.

Interesting facts about the Evening Quarter and its participants

  • One of the most beloved and famous shows (“Evening Quarter”) appeared on the screens quite by accident and grew out of the team’s anniversary concert and a holiday on the occasion of its move from Krivoy Rog to the capital.
  • The actress of the “Evening block” Elena Kravets in 2010 was recognized as one of the most beautiful Ukrainian women according to the popular Viva magazine.
  • Studio "95 quarter" was parodied three times in the program "Big Difference".
  • Alexander Pikalov moonlighted as a janitor in the House of Pioneers in order to have access to the rehearsal room of the Homeless.
  • Evgeny Koshevoy is the only professional actor in the creative team.

Yuri Krapov

The secret to the huge success of the Evening Quarter

All the actors of "Evening Quarter" are interesting in their own way. Each of the project participants brings a spark of talent and humor to it. It should be noted that most of the stars of the show appear on his stage from the very first days. For example, one of the founders of the studio, Yuri Krapov, who is a co-author of not only the Evening Quarter, but also some other projects.

Perhaps it is in this unity that the secret of the incredible popularity of the team lies. Or maybe the show enjoys such love because it knows how to find an approach to everyone, offering exactly that witty and ironic humor, which is so necessary for the viewer. Indeed, it is not for nothing that many prefer to learn about the latest events not from the news, but from the releases of their beloved Evening Quarter.

Laughter is the best medicine you can think of. The most pleasant, affordable, without side effects and not addictive. And the talented, funny and charming actors of the “Evening Quarter” give us the opportunity to laugh more often and from the heart!


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