Myofascial release in fitness: reviews. Myofascial release techniques. Myofascial cervical collar release

Every day, our body is subjected to various stresses, which, along with stress, dehydration, repetitive monotonous daily movements contribute to the occurrence of muscle imbalance. This can lead to persistent pain, reduced mobility, and an increased risk of injury.

Instructors of modern fitness clubs often hear complaints from clients about the sensation of muscle pain, which interferes with training. In addition, the technique of performing the exercises suffers, the client’s posture changes and there is no progress from the classes.

myofascial release

Often the source of the problem is the fascia, which is the connective tissue that envelops our muscles.

Healthy fascial tissue is able to stretch and move without restrictions. Age, stress, poor posture lead to the fact that fascial tissue becomes less elastic, loses mobility, adhesions and scars appear between the muscles and fascia, which leads to chronic stress and deformation of the body.

Myofascial release

Modern specialists use myofascial release widely to get rid of chronic pain, if there are problems with the musculoskeletal system, and recover from any bodily injuries. What is it and how does it affect our body? The myofascial release technique is a new safe and most effective method of acting on both muscles and connective tissues.

Features of the technique

A competent combination of myofascial release and massage very effectively eliminates disorders of the musculoskeletal system, helps to reduce weight, and adjust the figure. Massage technique MFR differs from classical massage and includes pressure, palpation, soft stretching of tissues with the help of phalanges of fingers, fists, forearm, elbow. All movements should be smooth and painless. Each fascia site is given 3-4 minutes. The stretch is very soft.

Myofascial Release Techniques

Myofascial release and massage are course. First, a softer, more superficial effect. Then, as the body prepares, the load increases. The number and duration of sessions depends on individual characteristics. The massage can last from an hour to one and a half.

Fashion trend in fitness

Increasingly, myofascial release is used by modern fitness instructors. This helps to quickly get in shape after an intense workout, eliminate muscle soreness, promote flexibility, and reduce the likelihood of injuries.

In fitness, myofascial release is a unique technique. The reviews of those who have tested in practice the effect of the application of this technique indicate that using it, in just one hour, you can pump almost all muscle groups, feel their relaxation and tension, feel the mobility and flexibility of the joints. The correct execution of exercises will allow you to get rid of the stress that occurs as a result of low physical activity.

Myofascial release in fitness

The most difficult part is the middle part of the workout. But with a competent approach, you will not feel very tired and tired, but only a surge of strength.

The training includes self-massage, cardio loading, yoga elements, as well as exercises that will help develop flexibility, strength, and endurance.

Myofascial release in fitness often uses the technique of independent MRF, rolling (rolling) and inhibition (pressure on the point in the muscles, which is most stressed, using a special foam cylinder).

Do-it-yourself exercises

Using myofascial release, you can get rid of pain in the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine, ribs, abdominal organs, headaches. MFR techniques are based on the search for positions, including inclinations, bending-unbending, twisting, in which a person feels as comfortable as possible. Being in these positions for some time helps to normalize blood flow, open joints, relax muscles and fascia.

Myofascial release is

The myofascial release techniques for different areas of the spine are based on the same principles. It is important to focus movement on the selected exposure zone. If you are concerned about pain in the upper thoracic spine, use forward bends, flexion or extension of the shoulders. For the middle thoracic region, flexion-extension is shown, in which the lower back remains in a straight position.

Consider, as an example, the myofascial release of the cervical-collar zone for independent use.


1. At a slow pace without jerking, you need to bend, then unbend the neck, holding each position for several seconds. Determine and remember in which position we feel the greatest comfort and decrease in pain, after which we need to return to a neutral position.

2. At the same slow pace, tilt left and right. A comfortable position is determined, memorized. We return to the neutral position.

3. Turning the neck in different directions, we determine the position in which it is comfortable. Remembering him, we are in a neutral position.

Thus, we have identified three positions in which we feel most comfortable. Now you can do the treatment.

Myofascial release, what is it


At this stage, you need to slowly translate the neck into the position of greatest comfort during flexion-extension. Then we repeat this when bending to the sides and when turning the head. At each point, you need to linger for 30 seconds, after which you smoothly return to the middle position, inhale and exhale deeply four times. What is the effect of myofascial release? The feedback of many students suggests that already at this stage there is a decrease in pain and discomfort, which indicates the correct technique.

Then the exercise is repeated with holding the position for one minute. Subsequent repetition occurs with a delay of 90 seconds in each position. We complete the cycle by repeating inspiration and exhalation.

Exercise helps relieve acute pain in the cervical-collar region, and also relieves chronic conditions.


Like any physical activity, this technique also has its contraindications. You can not do it if you have a cold, you have injuries, as well as an exacerbation of any chronic diseases, in the presence of oncology.

Important Tips

Do not try to increase the amplitude of movements, perform exercises with great force. It is necessary to maintain a sense of comfort. When performing exercises, it is important to monitor the resistance of the spine, having felt which, it is necessary to return to the previous comfortable position.

Myofascial release reviews

If it is physically difficult to stay in the found position of the body, you can use various objects as a support. When performing exercises, it is important to stay relaxed, to maintain even breathing.


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