Who are apple pests and how to deal with them

Almost every amateur gardener has at least one apple tree on his plot. However, to use its fruits is obtained not only from the owner, but also from other representatives of our globe. In this article, we will touch upon the topic of insects - parasites, which so often spoil the summer harvest, and sometimes destroy the tree itself.

Pests of apple trees devouring leaves

apple pests

In the first place is the red and green aphids. These pests of apple trees have been planting eggs since autumn, from which larvae appear in spring, gifted by nature with amazing appetite. Green aphids prefer to lay their offspring on young branches at the base of the kidneys, which begin to devour newborn parasites. It turns out that they take all the juice from young leaves and shoots that dry and curl, stopping their growth.

pests of apple trees photo

Such pests of the apple tree as the larvae of the red-aphid aphid cling to the base of the leaves under the flake. The parasite absorbs moisture, and a red tubercle forms at the site of its accumulation. The leaf is curled, providing a house for the female founder, who will postpone the gluttonous offspring. But it has already mastered other trees in the garden, forming large colonies that kill everything succulent in its path. Such raids destroy trees, they stop growing, the leaves dry and twist. If you do not take measures, then the plant will simply die.

Of course, aphids gladly eat larger predatory insects, but the "riders" plant their eggs on it, which destroy its offspring. However, it is not worth hoping for such a natural factor. It is better to treat trees in spring with special solutions. And if aphids come to visit in the summer, the apple tree can be irrigated with tobacco infusion.

types of pests of apple trees
Such pests of the apple tree like red mite and tinnitus love to enjoy flowers and leaves. The latter is also afraid of tobacco infusion, but the former will have to tinker. The tick very quickly develops the territory, sometimes from its amount the leaves of the tree appear red. At the first signs of its appearance, it is worth treating the plant's crown with preparations with phosphates or colloidal sulfur. An emulsion with natural oils is well suited to combat this parasite, but it can be used up to three times a year so as not to damage the tree itself.

Such types of pests of the apple tree are also dangerous as moth-leaf moth, golden-moth, hawthorn, apple sawfly, ringed silkworm. This whole detachment loves to eat young leaves and shoots, so disinfection in the spring is simply necessary. And spraying should be carried out until the buds and buds open.

Lovers of bark

types of pests of apple trees
The pests of the apple tree, the photos of which you see in the article (this is an apple-tree spotted scab, as well as the larvae of the bark beetle), prefer to suck the juice, penetrating the bark of the tree, as a result of which it dries up and dies. It is very difficult to deal with such parasites, it is easier to prevent their occurrence. Spraying with a solution of insecticides will help well, which should be carried out five days after the flowering of the tree.

Apple eaters

Fruits like the apple sawfly and the codling moth. The latter are planted on fruits and foliage larvae, which crawl inside the apple to the seeds. Moreover, they spoil not one fruit, but neighboring ones, too. But the sawfly prefers ovaries, so it does not even allow apples to ripen, eating their core. Larvae are destroyed by digging the soil, and the parasite itself is afraid of spraying with special solutions.

Have a good harvest!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8924/

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