Workout for the buttocks at home: the best exercises for girls

It is quite difficult to overestimate the importance of a beautiful and slender figure for any modern woman. The desire of the fair half to ideal proportions has always been one of their most important goals. This is not surprising: a slender figure, long legs, beautiful shapes - all this makes a woman graceful, attractive, sexy.

At present, in many cities, a sufficient number of various sports clubs, fitness rooms, aerobic and gym complexes have been opened, where girls are actively working on their proportions and trying to eliminate their shortcomings, while emphasizing the merits. Elastic rounded buttocks are considered to be one of such female virtues. Inflated booty is today the goal of almost 90% of women who come to the gym. But is it possible to pump it at home? Are there really effective exercises for training the buttocks at home? For girls today, the answer to this question has almost global significance. So, let's try to answer it.

Bridge from the floor

The most important factors in home training

Before proceeding to the direct development of the buttock training program at home, girls should pay special attention to some nuances that are quite serious in an integrated approach to working on their body.

  • Preparation for the process. You must clearly understand that pumping the buttocks (at home or in the gym is not the point) - this means actively stretching and contracting the gluteal muscle, and therefore, build up abundant muscle mass in this area. If your body is not well prepared, if excessive weight predominates in its texture, you need to get rid of it first. Since, by pumping the gluteal muscles, you promote its active growth, an increase in the gluteal muscles with overweight prevailing over them provokes only an additional expansion of the femoral zone. In other words, this will result in even more visual enlargement of the hips. Therefore, initially try to go through a training program for weight loss and, already being freed from extra pounds, begin to gain muscle mass in the buttocks area.
  • Work on the mass. Pumping the buttocks at a workout at home is possible only if you work with extra weight. It is not necessary to engage in an ultramodern gym with a huge amount of sports equipment and training equipment in order to bring your form to the desired results. Here, on the contrary, it is aspiration, patience, endurance, and self-work that play the main role. The most famous world champions trained on seedy courtyard sports grounds and on street installations with home-made devices. Needless to say, everything here depends only on your zeal and desire to achieve your goal. But it is also important to understand that the lightweight buttock training program at home for girls, even in theory, cannot contribute to filling the gluteal space with actively pumped muscle and achieving dense muscle building in this area. Of course, you can tighten and tone it, but in order to “clog” the gluteal muscles, you should definitely work with weighting materials, with a load.
Pli squats

Required Inventory

The most successful home equipment for such training is mainly dumbbells. They can be found in an old suitcase with tools of dad or grandfather, and can be purchased at an online store or any local sports shop. As an alternative to dumbbells, you can fill the bottles with water or sand and use such devices instead of professional sports equipment. In general, you can use absolutely any items that are comfortable for grabbing and having enough weight, with which you will be able to play sports easily and comfortably.

In addition to dumbbells, you can purchase special load belts for legs. They do a good job of pumping the legs and back of the thighs in a complex of various exercises aimed specifically at the involvement of these particular muscle groups.

Recently acquired a fairly wide popularity of fitness gum. Different levels of tension and density allow different rubber devices to be used on different muscle sectors. Often their load level is determined by assigning the gum a specific color: yellow or green - the minimum load, blue - medium, red - high, black or gray - the load is of increased complexity.


So, what are the most successful exercises for buttocks at home, effective in terms of effectiveness, can be brought to the first position?

One of the fundamental classes, characterized by maximum efficiency and impact, are squats. But these are not the usual squats that you were taught at school. Here you must definitely monitor the quality of the technical features of the exercise. With the right approach to the development of this area and with the correct observance of the technique performed, the popliteal and gluteus maximus muscle enter the battle.

Among other things, squats can be different, and the areas of muscles affected by them can also be slightly different.

Classic squats

Classic squats

Standard squats are performed in the setting of the legs slightly wider than the width of the shoulders, with a slight turn of the socks to the sides. At the same time, dumbbells clamped in the hands (or alternative home weights) should be pressed to the outside of the hips. Classic squats provide a deep pelvic back. On the count of “times”, you slowly go down and lean your hips back a little, as if trying to sit on an invisible low chair, on the count of “two” you go up with a light jerk, while the body should be flat, your back straight, your lower back should not be overloaded. The main burden should be transferred to the heels. In no case do not tumble forward, in any case do not transfer the weight of your body to the socks - this way you overload your knees and can even injure your knee joints. It is also necessary to remember that the knees should not tumble inward: where the socks look, the knees should protrude in the same direction.

At the top point when returning to the starting position, do not forget to contract the gluteal muscles and hold them in this position. Squeeze the buttocks as tightly as possible, leave them in this state for 1-2 seconds, and then continue the exercise. Stretching and contraction of muscles leads in the end to the result that every girl dreams of, who set out to lead to an aesthetically attractive look with her butt. The exercise is performed in three sets of 10-12 times.

Correct squats

Pli squats

How to tighten the buttocks at home and make them more rounded? Squat, squat and squat again. The squats themselves can be combined: one of the most effective options along with the classic squats is considered to be a plie. Here, as a weighting agent, you can take a heavy down pillow or some other weighty object that you can comfortably grab with both hands. At the same time, the legs are set much wider than in the classic squat: the load goes not only on the back of the thighs and the gluteus maximus muscle, but also on the inner thigh. This is another fairly problematic area in women, which is subject to rapid physical deterioration and undergoes sagging. Squats in the pli you work out the muscles of the legs and buttocks in the complex.

The technique is identical to the classical version: the knees do not tumble inward, the back is straight, the body is straight, the pelvis is brought back to the maximum. The difference is only in the wide setting of the legs and the draft of the load with both hands on the inside of the thighs. Three approaches of 10-15 times with weighting in unhurried execution will contribute to a good final result.

Plie squats

Step lunges

Lunges are considered a fundamental exercise performed to lift the buttocks up. Thanks to this exercise, pumping the buttocks at home will not be difficult for the girls, because it is precisely due to lunges that you can achieve the effect of creating the famous “shelf” in the buttocks zone, emphasizing the beautifully curved lordosis. A gorgeous bend of the silhouette in the soft transition from the lower back to a convex round and beautiful pope is just that cherished desire that many girls strive to realize. This is what attracts the attention of men - it is the raised priest that visually makes the figure more athletic, fit and, important for many, sexy.

But how to carry out lunges at home? The ideal option is if you have extensive space in your apartment or there is a yard that allows you to carry out lunges in movement. It is lunges in motion that contribute to the maximum involvement of the muscles of the posterior thigh and buttocks themselves. Step forward forward alternately with the left, then the right foot with the obligatory observance of the bend of the leg in the knee at a right angle and with emphasis on the heel when lifting, it will certainly have its effect. Of course, that you can achieve the result only in the case of regular training in compliance with the technical side of the exercise. Ten lunges in movement on one leg and ten lunges on the other make up a full-fledged approach. Such approaches need to be done 3-4.

If you do not have the ability to move around the apartment, you can take advantage of the execution of lunges on the spot. Do not forget that at the same time weighting materials should be in your hands to create a greater load and to build muscle in the buttocks area as soon as possible.

Classic lunges

Cross lunges

This exercise also allows you to quite efficiently pump your buttocks at home. It should also be performed with dumbbells or with alternative substitutes. The meaning of the lesson is that the starting position is the legs placed on the width of the shoulders and arms extended along the body with dumbbells clamped in them. On the count of “times”, the left leg is retracted and goes diagonally behind the right, as if crosswise. In this case, the right leg bends at a right angle in the knee. This exercise involves the quadriceps and develops a sense of coordination of movements, forcing to keep and control the balance. Three approaches of 10 times for each leg with a break in a minute with regular performance will provide the desired result.

It is important to remember that effort is always exhaled, and relaxation is exhaled. The pressure must be transferred, again, to the heel. If your body weight is transferred to your sock, the wrong muscles will be worked out and you, in addition to swinging your quadriceps, will cause a real risk of trauma to the knee joints.

Bulgarian lunges

When training at home, tightened buttocks can be achieved as a result of regular exercise called "Bulgarian lunges from the bench." What is it like?

The gym bench is very easy to replace at home with the most ordinary stable stool, low chair or sofa surface. You just throw one leg by pulling it back onto the sofa, and at the same time expose the other, slightly pushing it forward. Naturally, for a higher effectiveness of this action, weighting materials should be in your hands. On the count of “times” you slowly fall down, while making sure that your body is flat and your back is straight. Your knee bends at a right angle, without moving further beyond the socks, with the thigh parallel to the floor. On the count of “two” on the exhale, you return to the starting position. Perform 10-12 times in the approach, after which you take a timeout for 30-60 seconds, and then perform the exercise again (plus another two or three approaches).

Bulgarian lunges incredibly powerfully affect the pumping of muscles of the back of the thigh and buttocks, so this exercise should not be neglected. Moreover, it is quite easy to perform at home, because for this you do not need any special devices.

Bulgarian lunges


Also a great option for pumping the gluteal muscle at home. Among other things, it is considered a good home cardio. If you live in a city skyscraper, it will not be difficult for you to run a couple of times from the bottom up the flights of stairs. However, there are also some nuances here: you need to not only strive to quickly climb and descend the stairs, it is important to observe the basic rules for the correct execution of the exercise.

  • Rule one - always focus on the heel. When climbing a step, you must fully step foot on the surface of the step and with all your body weight apply pressure to the heel. In no case do you need to transfer body weight to the socks: stepping only half of the foot onto the step, you will not use the gluteus muscle in any way and only, on the contrary, run the risk of damaging the knee joints.
  • The second rule - to stoop and bend forward is contraindicated. The back should be straight and the body should be flat.
  • Rule three - hands are held in front of the chest. It is good if they have dumbbells or any other weighting materials.
  • Rule four - skip one or two steps to increase the effect. So the amplitude of the extension of the gluteal muscle will increase, respectively, and its reduction will be most effective.

In the absence of the upper floors at the entrance of your house, use the park stairs or pay attention to the nearby stadium as a place to study this exercise. Do not be shy to perform exercises in the yard and in general on the street: be proud of yourself in striving to become better. Let this be your incentive and motivation.

Surface stepping

This exercise can also be performed in the courtyard of your house or in the apartment, using any unnecessary, but strong and stable box. The higher the support on which you will intercede (of course, within reason), the more powerful the impact will be on the gluteal muscle. Be sure to use weighting agents. At the “times” count, you put your right foot on the support, press hard on the heel, forcing the body to rise above the support. At the expense of "two" you return to the starting position. Doing three approaches 10-12 times - and the exercise can be considered completed.

Gluteus bridge

In the gym it is performed with emphasis on the bench. At home, you can use a sofa or bed for support: your shoulder blades should lean against the edge of the support, your legs should be forward and bent at the knees. As a cargo, you can take, again, a pillow or some kind of weighty roller. On the count of “times” on the exhale, you raise your pelvis from the floor as high as possible: your legs are bent at the knees at a right angle, in no case leaving your knees behind the toe. The pressure is again applied to the heels. Follow the rhythm: lower slowly, rise with a slight jerk, fixing the pelvis in the reduced position with a delay at the top point for 1-3 seconds. The exercise is performed 10-12 times in three sets.


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