Love at age 14: features of feelings in adolescence, a manifestation of sympathy

No matter how parents deny the fact that their child has already grown up and may feel a sense of love, sooner or later this will have to be recognized. Teenagers' love is a very difficult period in the lives of children aged 14. Most likely, adults know about this firsthand, but from their own experience.

Teenage love at age 14

Feeling of love refers to the mandatory stage, which is associated with growing up a person. For some, these emotions remain warm and tender memories for life, and someone is sad because the relationship did not work out. It also happens that teenage love develops into true love, which lasts more than a dozen years, or even a lifetime. They say that they are truly lucky.

Love at 14

Often, parents of teenagers start to panic when they notice signs of love for their child. This is due to the fact that people tend to forget about their past experiences. Of course, parents in this situation can be perfectly understood. They tend to worry about the safety of their child. But we must try to understand it, because right now the teenager begins the process of gaining experience in communication with the opposite sex.

Signs of love

Teenagers' love at age 14 is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. A sharp change of mood during the day.
  2. Distraction and forgetfulness. This is especially true for insignificant things.
  3. The emergence of new hobbies and interests.
  4. Increased attention to their appearance.
  5. Deterioration in school performance.
  6. Constant control of your smartphone.
  7. Loss of interest in familiar activities and hobbies.

First love at age 14 and its features

It is arranged that the feeling of love is built on instincts. The boy likes girls. And when he starts his first relationship, they are insanely interesting to him. The emotions received from communicating with the object of adoration resemble a state of mild euphoria. And I want to stay in it as long as possible.

First love at age 14

Moreover, adolescents tend to love this state much more than a person who contributes to his development. So, in order to prevent the loss of the feeling of “butterflies in the stomach”, it is natural for a teenager to idealize his beloved so that the relationship does not wane. This state of affairs is the absolute norm and almost everything passes through it.

Teenage love - hormonal adjustment

First love at age 14 often arises through the fault of the body's biological processes. During this period, adolescents tend to look at the opposite sex. Therefore, it is not surprising that it is at this age that the first love occurs.

Most students capture the anticipation of this feeling. They do not yet know when and where it is waiting for them, but they are really looking forward to it. Therefore, first love is very desirable and necessary for every person. Feeling teaches adolescents to experience passion.

Parents need to understand that if your child did not fall in love or did not suffer from unrequited love, and also does not worry about the absence of this feeling, then this is not always good. After all, it is better to feel the first love at this age.

With regards to boys

At age 14, girls are already aware of love as a feeling. And the boys, it would seem, behave absolutely illogical, and sometimes even very strange. Initially, they tend to express their feelings rather rudely. The thing is that they do not yet know how to cope with these emotions and what happens to them. This is how love is manifested in 13-14 years.

Guy look

From fear and inability to express their feelings, they can look pretty stupid. They tend to pinch or push the girl they like or ask her a lot of stupid questions. Moreover, in front of his beloved, he can behave very defiantly, trying to attract attention or look like a real hero in her eyes. It is also common for male adolescents to stare at a girl they like for a long time. Then come up to her and "accidentally" touch.

What about the girls?

When boys at the age of 14 can still not be aware of love as a feeling, then girls understand everything very well. Therefore, the majority already knows perfectly well: if a boy is pestering her, constantly looking and pestering, then it is obvious that he fell in love. And girls, whom the boys do not pay attention to, even in a rather strange way, are often offended and feel deprived of attention. Often they themselves try to draw attention to themselves or provoke the guy they like on this action.

Sometimes it happens so that the girl, whom the guy is actively caring for, answers him with complete disregard. But at the same time it does not give a refusal, unconsciously giving up hope. But he continues to avoid communicating with him, because so far none of them understands how to behave in a state of love. And also there is a lack of understanding of how to communicate on the subject of these feelings.

Often girls are very assertive in trying to please her lover. They laugh out loud in his presence, can call names or tease the object of adoration. Shy and modest girls have a different behavior. They are trying to attract the attention of a lover with new clothes or a hairstyle. And they can also “accidentally” sit down with him in class for one desk.

Even older

Love at the age of 14-15 takes on completely different forms. Teenagers are ready to speak openly with each other. They already perfectly understand their feelings and are aware of emotions. At this age, silly “tricks” in the form of tweaks or loud laughter become inappropriate.

Mutual sympathy

Girls and boys are seriously concerned about the issue of how to approach a person, as well as on what topic to start a conversation so as not to seem boring or intrusive.

This is a very important stage in the development of a teenager, when he begins to realize that the person he likes can be imperfect. During this period, girls learn how to take care, and guys learn how to take care.

The benefits of teenage love

Some couples can last only a few weeks or months. But despite this, such a relationship is already useful for both parties. In conditions of confidential contact, it is easier for people to recognize each other. They can share their fears, dreams and life plans. In addition, there is a comparison with the experience of another person. And it is important to understand that without feelings such equivalent communication is simply impossible.

Guy and girl in cafe

In a relationship, a teenager learns:

  1. Talk not only about your hobbies and interests, but also listen to your interlocutor. And also give a huge amount of time to the partner to speak out.
  2. They try not to overload each other with their problems and life's turmoil.
  3. Create a conversation so that it becomes more confidential. To do this, questions are asked about possible problems and personal experiences.
  4. Learns to talk about feelings, and not just about current situations and events.
  5. And also move smoothly from conversation to hugs and kisses.

That is, a person in such relationships tends to receive many important skills that he will need throughout his life.

State feelings

How to declare love to a girl at the age of 14? At this age, shyness prevails. This is often associated with fear that the object of adoration may reject feelings. To overcome the feeling of self-doubt, it is necessary to think over the situation in the worst case scenario.

Possible failure options should be considered. And to understand for yourself whether it is really so scary to be refused. Perhaps in your situation this will seem like a complete trifle, of which there may be many in life.

How to confess to a girl

Of course, the refusal to always hear is painful and unpleasant. Moreover, your feelings may end there. Sometimes adolescents tend to deceive themselves. It seems to them that they are afraid to confess their love. But in fact, behind this is a reluctance to disturb a person who most likely does not have mutual feelings.

It is important to understand the situation and understand that absolutely any reaction of this person does not depend solely on you. And accepting recognition or rejecting it is solely a person’s choice based on her feelings and emotions. And it is unlikely that this decision will change dramatically after your recognition. But until the teenager takes the first step to express his feelings, he does not know the answer to his question.

Now recognition can be done using the messenger or social networks. In addition, you can do this anonymously. And there it all depends on the reaction of the girl.

Can teenagers be called true love?

From psychologists you can often hear that love at this age is only a rehearsal of this feeling. Despite the fact that adolescents wake up the need to get closer and maintain a relationship on a romantic note. In fact, for them, their own interests and experiences always remain in the first place. Therefore, it is customary to say that schoolchildren are attracted not so much by a pretty object of the opposite sex, but by emotions received from the feelings that he experiences.

This stage of “love egoism” is a completely normal development process.

It should be noted that true love at the age of 14 is a rather rare phenomenon. Most often, this age is characteristic of fleeting hobbies and short-term love. But this does not affect the strength and quality of emotions that adolescents tend to experience.

Therefore, parents should not tell their children that this is all a temporary phenomenon that does not apply to true love. And also to emphasize that such feelings do not arise at age 14 and so on. In such a situation, you need to take your child’s feelings seriously. But in no case do not panic and do not sound the alarm, but try to support the teenager.

Parents reaction

As you know, a feeling of love affects almost all teenagers. And for parents, a rather difficult period begins, because it is undesirable to intervene in this process. But despite this, it must be remembered that feelings can lead to sad consequences.

Dad with son

Trying to help, parents begin to actively learn from a teenager about his personal life. The student, in turn, perceives this as an attack on his personal boundaries of freedom. On this basis, there are many conflicts that are easier to prevent than to resolve subsequently. Unable to withstand long resistance, parents begin to take extreme measures and forbid the child to communicate with the object of adoration. But few people pay attention to spoiled relations with their own child in this situation, believing that soon everything will work out on its own.

This is a rather difficult period for both the child and parents. However, it is important to understand that parents must support their child. You can talk about your first love, share your opinion about the object of adoration of your child, and it is also very important to let the teenager get their own experience. But all this must happen within reason, since the safety of one's own child should be above all.


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