Wash your bath with soda and vinegar: quick and effective ways to get rid of plaque

According to folk wisdom, the kitchen and the bathroom are the face of the hostess. However, maintaining the cleanliness and whiteness of plumbing requires the use of special tools. Shop washing gels often cause allergic reactions, have a pungent odor and are worth a lot. As an alternative, you can use ordinary soda, which is in every house. Sodium bicarbonate successfully removes rust and limescale, disinfects the surface and is completely safe for people and pets. In the article, we will tell you about several proven methods, how to wash the bath with baking soda and vinegar, soda ash, and citric acid.

Pros of Cleaning a Bathroom Soda

The main reasons for the hostess to refuse to buy household chemicals in favor of soda for cleaning plumbing include:

  • Efficiency. You can wash the bath with soda and vinegar from rust, water stone, plaque of cosmetics. Acid and alkali cope well with the destruction of bacteria, microorganisms and fungi.
  • Security. Bicarbonate does not have a pungent odor, does not cause allergies, does not leave burns on skin contact.
  • Universality. You can wash a bath of soda and vinegar from any material: enameled, acrylic or steel. The product does not scratch the surface, keeping the coating smooth and shiny.
  • Availability. Alkali and vinegar can be purchased at any grocery department at the lowest price, and soda ash can be found on the shelf of a household goods store.
    folk remedies for cleaning plumbing

How to remove minor contaminants

To clean minor contaminants will help a paste of baking soda. A small amount of warm water is added to sodium bicarbonate and stirred until a homogeneous slurry is obtained. Despite the safety of the product, it is better to wear rubber gloves. They will protect the skin of the hands from drying out with alkali and will help preserve the manicure. Soda paste treat the surface of the bath and leave for 60-90 minutes. After the allotted time, use a sponge or brush with soft bristles to clean the surface and then rinse with water. In fact, the water temperature does not matter.

before and after cleaning with soda and vinegar

Cleaning plumbing with vinegar

Table vinegar does a good job of removing water stone and rust. To wash the plumbing from pollution, you need to moisten paper towels with a 9% solution of acetic acid and line the surface of the bathtub with them. The tool will take about three hours to bleach it. After the napkin is removed, the remaining vinegar is washed off with running water. If the first time it was not possible to completely get rid of yellowness, the procedure can be repeated. This method perfectly copes with the pollution of cast-iron enameled baths, but caution should be exercised with acrylic surfaces.

There is another way to remove water stone with vinegar, which has proven to be effective. It is necessary to close the drain hole of the bath and pour a bottle of 9% acetic acid into it. Then it is filled with hot water and left overnight. In the morning, the bath will shine with pristine cleanliness.

vinegar for bath whitening

How to wash a bath with soda and vinegar

The state of plumbing is largely dependent on the quality of water and pipes. Water with a high concentration of sodium and potassium salts leaves whitish streaks on the surface of the bathtub and tile, the so-called limescale. Poor old pipes enrich the water with iron oxides. The latter provokes the appearance of rusty stains on plumbing. Such complex contaminants will help to wash soda and vinegar in the bath.

Soda ash is a stronger alkali, which is used to soften water, when washing complex stains, and washing dishes. They sell the powder in hardware stores, but it will not be difficult to prepare it at home. It is necessary for five minutes to heat sodium bicarbonate at a temperature of 150 degrees Celsius. The resulting substance, sodium carbonate, has a loose texture than baking soda.

To wash the bath with soda and vinegar, proceed as follows: mix baking soda and soda ash in equal parts and add a small amount of water until a homogeneous paste is obtained. The resulting composition must be rubbed on the surface to be cleaned and left for a quarter of an hour. Next, bleach and table vinegar are mixed in equal proportions. The solution is treated with a bath over soda and left for half an hour. After the allotted time, the plumbing is cleaned with a soft brush or sponge, and then washed with running water. This method is able to whiten the old bath and completely remove lime deposits, judging by the reviews. You can wash the bath with soda and vinegar from rusty deposits.

bath cleaning

Cleaning Plumbing with Citric Acid

You can also remove limescale and rust with lemon. It does not have such a pungent odor as vinegar, so people who are sensitive to strong aromas can freely use it.

A bag of acid (100 g) is dissolved in a liter of water, using a sponge, rub the surface of the bath with a tool and leave for 10 minutes. If the impurities are very strong, you can use cloths moistened in the product and give the acid more time to dissolve the water stone. After the bath is wiped with a sponge and rinse off the acid with water. This method effectively copes with calcareous deposits, old yellowness and rusty stains.

Cleaning the bathtub with soda and lemon

Want to know how to wash your bath with soda and lemon? Very simple! You just need to rub the plumbing with soda paste and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then dilute the acid in water at the rate of a tablespoon per half liter of water. The solution treats the surface of the bath and allows the substances to react within half an hour. The acid dissolves well without the formation of sediment, so it is very convenient to use a spray gun when applying the solution to the surface to be cleaned. After the allotted time, the bath is cleaned with a sponge and the rest of the product is washed off with water. In such a simple way, it is very easy to wash the bath with citric acid from limescale and rust.

soda cleaned bath to perfect whiteness

Cleaning the bathtub with soda and soap

He proved his effectiveness and method of cleaning plumbing with soap. Brown laundry soap should be grated and mixed with linen soda in equal parts. A little warm water is added to the mixture until a consistency similar to sour cream is formed, and left for 20-30 minutes until the soap swells. 3-5 drops of ammonia are added to the finished paste and the resulting product is applied to the surface of the plumbing. After 60-90 minutes, carefully rubbing the bath with a sponge, the mixture can be washed off. Such a tool helps to get rid of plaque and whiten the surface of even old plumbing.

clean the bath

The use of time-tested folk remedies for bath cleaning allows you to efficiently wash plumbing from water stone, rust and plaque. Soda is safe to use, does not cause allergies and has antiseptic properties. Regular use of sodium carbonate, acetic and citric acids for the bathroom will keep it white for many years.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8941/

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