Recipes and calorie canned fish soup

Fish is considered one of the key components of the human diet. However, many housewives who do not want to waste time cutting it, deliberately deprive their loved ones of the pleasure of eating this or that dish, which contains this product. This article describes what the calorie content of canned fish soup is and how to cook it properly.

With saury

This popular budget dish is easy to digest and does not cause digestive problems. Therefore, it is equally suitable for both adults and growing consumers. It contains only useful ingredients that do not require long-term heat treatment. Therefore, it will appear more often in the diet of your family.

In order to cook a delicious fish soup made of Caira canned food for dinner, whose calorie content is not so high as to affect the slimness of your figure, you will need:

  1. Large carrot.
  2. Onion head.
  3. Bank saury.
  4. 5 potatoes.
  5. Salt, water, herbs, vegetable oil, parsley and peppercorns.
fish soup

Start cooking canned fish soup, the calorie portion of which is 72.1 kcal, you need to process vegetables. Rinse the peeled onions and carrots under a tap, chop and pass in warmed lean oil. As soon as they change color, they are sent to a pot with salted boiling water, in which there is already a parsley, chopped potatoes and peas of pepper. All this is cooked until cooked over low heat. Shortly before the completion of the process, canned food is added to the total capacity. Before use, each serving is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

With rice

Using the method described below, a very aromatic and fairly nutritious canned fish soup is obtained, the calorie content of which increases due to the addition of cereals. To feed your family a hearty meal, you will need:

  1. 80 grams of rice.
  2. 3 potatoes.
  3. Onion head.
  4. Juicy carrot.
  5. Bank of canned food.
  6. Salt, herbs, water, parsley, pepper and vegetable oil.
calorie canned fish soup with potatoes

In order for you to get a truly delicious canned fish soup with potatoes, the calorie content of 100 grams of which is 117 kcal, you must strictly adhere to the recommended algorithm. In a pot filled with salted boiling water, pre-washed rice is loaded. Almost immediately, slices of potatoes, lavrushka and pepper are sent there. All this is boiled for ten minutes, and then complemented with passivated onions and browned carrots. Then canned food is added to the general pot and all this is brought to full readiness. Immediately before use, the soup is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

With cream

Those who like simple first courses should pay special attention to another interesting recipe. The canned fish soup prepared according to it, the calorie content of which is regulated by changing the fat content of the cream, has a very delicate taste and pleasant aroma. To make such a dinner, you will need:

  1. 200 ml cream.
  2. 3 potatoes.
  3. Bank of canned pink salmon.
  4. Juicy carrots.
  5. Salt, ghee, water and dill.
canned saury

Potatoes are boiled in salted boiling water, and then supplemented with passivated carrots. All this is briefly languished on the lowest heat and crushed with a blender. The resulting mass is diluted with cream, combined with pink-stumped pink salmon and sprinkled with dill.


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