Hemlock in cancer: use and reviews

Spotted hemlock has long been considered an elixir for health, which we inherited from our ancestors. This medicinal plant is the most valuable and is a strong immunostimulant that activates and strengthens the body's resistance to various adverse factors and diseases. Hemlock in cancer has a painkiller, anticonvulsant, anti-inflammatory and sedative effect. In folk medicine, this plant is widely used for the treatment of cancer of various localization areas. It should not be overlooked that hemlock is a deadly poisonous plant, so it should be handled very carefully.

hemlock for cancer

Earlier in traditional medicine, drugs made on the basis of hemlock were widely used. Various drugs were used to treat various diseases, but due to the inconsistency of the therapeutic effect and in cases of repeated poisoning, this plant was no longer used as a medicine. Only on the threshold of 2000, several methods of treating hemlock sarcoma and other tumors with drugs were patented.

Botanical description of hemlock

Other names for the hemlock are: omega, mace, tar, puzzle, hemlock, speckled, poisonous umbrella and stink. This plant belongs to the umbelliferous family, reaches a height of two meters, has branched tubular stems with a bluish bloom and spots of reddish-brown color. Leaves are glabrous, large and triple pinnate. The fruits resemble dill seeds, have an ovoid shape and green color.

The plant is characterized by a large number of white flowers, grouped in umbrellas. A characteristic feature of a hemlock is the appearance of an unpleasant odor (resembling a mouse) when rubbing its parts in the hands. The flowering of the spotted hemlock falls on the period from June to August. For medicinal purposes, it is recommended to use grass collected from June to July.

Chemical composition

Hemlock in the treatment of cancer is very effective due to its constituent substances:

  • Leaves contain 0.1% alkonoids - koniin, methylkoniin, conhydrin, konicein, pseudo-conhydrin; 0.08% of essential oil, netrozeredinovaya and caffeic acid. There is also some carotene, ascorbic acid and provitamin A.
  • Flowers contain kempferol, querticin.
  • Fruits contain 2% alkonoids, 1% coniin, conhydrin, methylconiin, as well as other equally important compounds.
  • A small amount of tannins was found in the plant sap.

Properly prepared tincture from this plant, due to the content of the above substances in its composition, has a powerful immunobiostimulating effect. Recently, many experts urge to take home-made medicines annually as a preventive measure for the development of oncological processes in the body.

Official medicine recommends not overdoing it, using a poisonous plant for medicinal purposes, because the chemical composition of the hemlock can cause a secondary immune response, which has unpredictable consequences. In addition, with prolonged exposure to hemlock, the appearance of resistance and immunity for some malignant cells to stimulation by cytostatic drugs and antitumor antibiotics is possible.

Considering the chemical processes that occur in the human body with the use of tincture of hemlock, we can highlight the effectiveness of koniina. This substance is the main component, which is an antigen, which is foreign to the human body. Penetrating into the blood, konin stimulates certain immune responses in which specific antibodies (proteins) are formed that are part of the immunoglobulins. These antibodies, when attempting to destroy an antigen, simultaneously inhibit cancer cells. Most effectively they act on free cells formed during leukemia and metastases. That is why doctors advise treatment with a hemlock tincture in the presence of metastatic stages of cancer.

hemlock cancer

Hemlock - a poisonous plant!

Despite the fact that traditional medicine recommends using hemlock for cancer, all parts of this plant are very poisonous. This fact is due to the content of alkonoids in them. Konin is the most toxic, which has a curariform and nicotine-like effect. It represents the strongest poison of neuroparalytic action.

Medium and small doses of coniin increase blood pressure, strengthen heart contractions and increase its rhythm. Hemlock should be used with extreme caution, because with an overdose of this alkonoid, first of all, excitement is observed, and after that - respiratory arrest. It is recommended to combine hemlock in cancer with the following antitumor plants: hellebore, marin root, saberfish, catchment.

Symptoms of hemlock poisoning

Hemlock poisoning often occurs not during treatment, but when this plant is eaten by mistake. The roots and grass of the hemlock in the first year of life are similar to carrots and parsley, in the second - like dill, hogweed, angelica, carrot. In severe cases of poisoning, symptoms of ascending paralysis are observed:

  • Complaints of a cooling of the whole body and a feeling of "goose bumps" in the limb region.
  • Pallor of the face and difficulty breathing.
  • Weighting limbs, dizziness and shakiness.
  • Irregularity and dilated pupils.
  • Burning in the mouth, vomiting, nausea, and excessive salivation.

how to take hemlock in cancer

In the mild stages of poisoning, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract are first noted. In severe forms of poisoning, ascending paralysis develops, resulting in respiratory paralysis and death.

Urgent care

Often, the treatment of cancer is not carried out carefully enough with the help of a plant such as hemlock. The use of cancer infusions from it should be carried out in accordance with the recommended dosages. If an overdose was still not avoided, and characteristic symptoms arose, it is recommended to take the following measures:

  • Take 30 tablets of activated charcoal inside.
  • Drink a solution of 3% hydrochloric acid.
  • Take saline laxative (magnesia sulfate - 30 g, 100 ml of water).
  • Take heart remedies (camphor, caffeine).
  • Provide access to fresh air.
  • Make a warm wrap.
  • Perform artificial respiration if necessary.

There is an effective old method for combating poisoning, which involves the removal of poison from the body. To prepare the solution, you should use warm water and low-grade olive oil, which was previously called wooden. Flaxseed or hemp oil will also work. The resulting product should be poured into the poisoned person in the stomach using a tube or funnel until vomiting begins. This method is good if a person is unconscious, because it helps bring him to his senses and cleanse the body of poisons. After several rinses of the stomach, the poisoned person should be given warm water and honey to drink, until he receives relief.

Poisonous Plant Cancer Treatment

Hemlock for cancer is recommended even by doctors, but only if traditional medicine does not give positive results. The substances that make up this plant have a mild effect on the living cells of the body, and after a short period of time they adapt to the components that make up the hemlock. Atypical cells that form a cancerous tumor, hemlock acts fatally. That is why folk recipes prepared on the basis of a poisonous plant are considered indispensable even in critical situations.

hemlock tincture for cancer

It is not for nothing that for a long time all oncological diseases were treated using this healing plant. For cancer of the stomach, breast, liver, intestines and lungs, various recipes were used for the preparation of tinctures and decoctions, with the help of which therapeutic therapy was carried out. To achieve a positive result of treatment, you should know how to drink hemlock in cancer of a particular organ, in order to prevent the development of adverse reactions and avoid overdose.

Treatment for stomach and breast cancer

Hemlock with gastric cancer, many combine with fly agaric, but experts argue that a similar method of exposure to cancer is unacceptable. It is enough to use a simple tincture of this plant in alcohol, instead of which you can use vodka.

To prepare the tincture, it is recommended to use the hemlock flowers in freshly ground form, filling them to the top with a suitable vessel. Further, the container is also filled with vodka to the top, sealed and placed for 18 days in a cool dark place.

Even the advanced stage of the oncological process in the stomach will help to cure a properly prepared hemlock tincture. The use of the obtained drug in cancer should be carried out strictly in accordance with the indicated dosages:

  1. Drink on the first day, immediately after sleep, on an empty stomach diluted in 100 ml of water 1 drop of tincture.
  2. In the morning of the second day, the dosage of the hemlock should be doubled by adding 2 drops per 100 ml of water.
  3. Every day you should increase the dosage of 1 drop and take the tincture strictly at the same time.
  4. Bringing up to 40 drops per 100 ml of water, you should repeat the process, gradually reducing the dosage to 1 drop of tincture.
  5. To achieve a positive result from treatment, the full course should be repeated, from increasing to decreasing at least 2-3 times with the recommended interval of 1-2 months.

According to a similar scheme, hemlock can be used for breast cancer. To do this, it is recommended to increase the dosage to 20 drops, and then lower to 1 drop. The course of treatment is carried out at least 3 times with a two-month break.

Liver and lung cancer treatment

Hemlock effective in liver cancer of various stages. This plant not only slows down the growth of atypical cells, but also has a positive effect, strengthening healthy cells. To achieve a positive result, it is important to consider the patient's condition, because taking hemlock in cancer is not always safe. In this case, it is very important to observe the dosage of the plant itself in order to exclude an overdose.

Ways to use tinctures on a hemlock:

  • If the patient is weak, then water tincture is used - 0.6 g of dry powdered hemlock per 350 ml of boiling water is enough to prepare the medicine. Brew grass should be in the evening, drink in the morning, dividing by 2 times. It is recommended to use tincture on an empty stomach in the morning and 1.5-2 hours after eating before bedtime.
  • If the patient's condition is satisfactory, and there are no other concomitant diseases, then alcohol tincture is suitable for treatment - to prepare a therapeutic agent, fill the vessel to the top with chopped (preferably fresh) hemlock flowers and pour vodka. Drink should be according to the method of the slide, bringing up to 40 drops per 150 ml of water and vice versa. If the condition worsens, it is recommended to reduce the dosage by 3-5 drops, and then again gradually increase it.

According to the same scheme, hemlock can be used for lung cancer. It is important to take into account your condition and monitor the appearance of overdose symptoms so as not to harm yourself.

hemlock cancer reviews

Bowel hemlock treatment

Hemlock for the treatment of intestines should be used young, collecting its shoots and insisting on alcohol or vodka, filling the third part of the container with crushed raw materials and pouring 40 ° liquid. Insist should be at least 18 days in a cool and dark place. In the treatment of cancer, young shoots of such a poisonous plant as hemlock do not have an inhibitory and irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This tool has an almost instant analgesic effect, which helps to significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

Hemlock with bowel cancer is recommended to be taken according to the optimal scheme, increasing the dosage to 15 drops and stick to it for the remaining days during therapy. Treatment can be continued until the cancer formation decreases in size, periodically observed by a doctor. The optimal scheme has a gentle effect, in which the protective functions of healthy cells are not inhibited.

General recommendations

Our ancestors have conveyed to our days methods for the effective treatment of cancer with the help of a plant such as hemlock. The use of infusions on cancer in this plant should be agreed with a specialist in order to prevent the development of negative reactions and overdose.

hemlock in liver cancer

When treating cancer using this method, the following nutritional guidelines should be followed:

  • The use of food products, which include high-grade protein (low-fat fish, meat, vegetable fats, cereals, bakery products and dairy products).
  • Saturation of the body with products containing pectins (fresh fruits and vegetables).
  • From the daily diet, it is recommended to exclude completely fried foods, fatty foods and smoked meats, as well as alcohol.

A complete protein stimulates the synthesis of antibodies, and pectins - the absorption of poisons and decay products of atypical cells, removing them from a person in a natural way.

hemlock for lung cancer

Today, many patients have successfully recovered or stopped the growth of atypical cells in the body using hemlock for cancer. The reviews of the healed people indicate the effectiveness of traditional medicine, with the help of which they managed to defeat the cancer or stop its progression, prolonging their life.

Experts recommend using hemlock with caution in cancer. Reviews of patients admitted to the hospital with an overdose of toxic substances of this plant are confirmation of this. Before starting treatment with traditional medicine, you should consult with a doctor who will help you calculate the correct dosage and evaluate the effectiveness of using a plant such as hemlock in case of cancer individually.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8945/

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