Apartment tax does not come: what if there is no receipt?

More and more often, citizens began to complain that they did not receive apartment tax. What to do in this situation? What features should I look for? Should I be afraid of such a phenomenon? Understanding all this is not as difficult as it seems. In Russia, as in any country, the period of receipt of taxes is monitored by the population. Indeed, in the absence of an appropriate receipt, it will not be possible to deposit funds in time to the state treasury. How to make sure there are no problems with receipts? How dangerous is the situation in which payments with apartment tax do not come?

Hazard rating

The first step is to understand whether it is really worth panicking if tax receipts do not come to the citizen. This situation is not as rare as it seems. It requires special attention.

apartment tax does not come what to do

In fact, such incidents in Russia are not uncommon. You should not be afraid, but also to sit back - too. If you do not pay taxes (even if there is no receipt, there is a certain deadline for paying taxes), the citizen will be in arrears. Accordingly, debt will accumulate and grow daily. Problems with tax authorities are provided.

All this is not too happy. Therefore, you will have to understand how to behave if the apartment tax does not come. What to do in this case? When is there reason to panic? And is it possible to somehow influence the situation?

Not time yet

In fact, one should not immediately panic if tax payments do not come. The fact is that such payments have a certain payment deadline. It is to him that the payment documents will be ready.

To date, taxes on the apartment must be paid before December 1, 2016. Reception of receipts should occur no later than one month before the last day of payment. Accordingly, until about early November, you should not panic. It is recommended that you simply wait for the receipt of receipts. When the time comes, the tax authorities will deliver the payment document themselves.

No data

Still, taxes on the apartment do not come? What to do? If November has come and there are still no bills, you can contact the tax authorities. For example, by calling there. It is likely that the lack of receipts is a consequence of the lack of information about a particular property. Similar situations are not uncommon.

taxes on the apartment do not come what to do

It is recommended that you simply follow the advice of the tax authorities. Sometimes they ask to come in person for a receipt, if it is supposed to enter data on the house left without payment in the near future. But most often they are advised to just wait and not panic. Especially if there is a new building. Taxes will begin to come to the population when the relevant real estate data is passed to the tax authorities to help make the calculations.


Doesn't the apartment tax come? What to do in this case? Sometimes receipts are simply forgotten to send out. The tax authorities are the most ordinary people. They may forget to send payment to certain payers. Or the system crashes, which makes it impossible to bring the idea to life.

If a citizen is concerned about the lack of payments, you can personally (with a passport and documents for an apartment) contact the district tax office. There, a receipt will be printed out without fail and immediately handed to the recipient. The process does not take much time. This method is the most effective.

apartment tax did not come what to do

The promised three years are waiting

It is worth paying attention to the fact that taxes have a limitation period. He is 3 years old. Therefore, if payment orders did not come to one or another citizen, it must be remembered that at one fine moment the owner can receive payment with tax for 3 years.

A noteworthy point is that penalties should not be charged unless receipts are actually sent. Then you have to pay only taxes. However, some say that if there are no receipts, then you do not need to pay. It is possible that tax authorities simply forgot to send out payments. No receipt - no problem.

Electronic view

Didn’t the apartment tax come? What should a citizen do in order not to run into debt? You can try to check for a payment in electronic form.

The fact is that since 2016, all citizens who have a personal account on the State Services portal receive receipts and payment orders only in electronic form. On the corresponding site in the user profile you can see the tax payment.

Accordingly, do not be surprised if the apartment tax does not come. What to do? Remember if the owner of the real estate has a profile on Gosuslugi. If there is one, you should not wait for a receipt by mail - it will not come. It is necessary to log in to the "State Services" and look at the notices. There will certainly be a receipt for payment. It only arrives no earlier than the deadline - about a month before the end of the tax.

pensioner receives apartment tax what to do

After sale

A variety of transactions are constantly being carried out with real estate. Did you get tax on the apartment sold? What to do? It is necessary first of all to understand that payers pay in a given year for property that was sold in the past period. That is, in 2016, payments come for 2015.

Accordingly, if tax came on the apartment sold in the year the transaction was completed, you will have to pay it. And then it is recommended to report to the tax authorities about the sale of real estate. This technique will save you from unnecessary problems. It is recommended that you take a contract of sale of real estate with you.

Senior Citizens and Taxes

In Russia, pensioners are considered eternal beneficiaries. They are exempt from property taxes. But only in relation to one property. Does a pensioner receive apartment tax? What to do?

If this is the only apartment owned by a citizen, it is best to declare benefits to the tax authorities. Until the pensioner himself submits a standard application for exemption from property taxes, receipts will come again and again.

Sometimes older people do not immediately claim their rights. Then you can make a refund paid as taxes. This is done by the tax authorities.

came a tax on the apartment sold what to do

By the way, if a pensioner has declared his rights, then all payments can be ignored. They should not be paid. It is recommended that you contact the tax authorities and report constantly harassing tax receipts.

To someone else’s apartment

In some cases, citizens complain that they received a tax on someone else’s apartment. What to do? Get an envelope with a payment in the mail will not work. Therefore, the notice will simply have to be referred to the district tax office. A sent document is handed over there, in return you can ask for a payment for your apartment.

You will need to take with you:

  • mail notification;
  • identification;
  • documents for the apartment.

Nothing more is needed. If there is a payment for someone else’s apartment inside the envelope received, this will also have to be reported to the tax authorities.

came a tax on someone else’s apartment what to do

From now on, it is clear how dangerous the situation is, in which the apartment tax does not come. What to do in this or that case is also clear. In fact, for any delay in payment, it is best to call the tax office and find out the details of sending receipts there. Only reliable information will help to avoid problems.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B8952/

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