Nose tip correction: reviews. Rhinoplasty in Moscow

Correction of the tip of the nose is a type of surgical intervention aimed at eliminating various defects associated with its shape. Defects may be acquired or congenital. The septum is often corrected. Any rhinoplasty surgery is performed without visible incisions. To change the shape of the nose, and, in addition, surgeons are allowed to build up the missing areas with advanced techniques for working with the bone-cartilage frame. A qualified specialist in the field of rhinoplasty requires only one operation to correct the shortcomings, and, in addition, to improve the shape of the nose of a patient forever.

Rhinoplasty in Moscow
nose tip correction

In the Russian capital, rhinoplasty costs an average of eighty thousand rubles. This procedure is carried out at more than one hundred city addresses. Prices for such an operation in Moscow clinics, as a rule, start at ten thousand rubles.

Many are interested in knowing what the tip of the nose will look like after rhinoplasty.


The task of rhinoplasty is to achieve the correct shape of the nose, as well as the restoration of its functions that were impaired during embryogenesis, or as a result of injuries sustained during life. Thus, rhinoplasty includes the following types of surgical interventions:

  • The approach of the bones of the nose.
  • Correction of the wings of the nose.
  • Reposition of a broken nasal bone.
  • Removal of the hump, as well as shortening of the nose.
  • Support and tip correction.
  • Correction of the nasal septum, which is also called septoplasty.

Depending on the purpose of the surgery, closed or open access may be used as part of nose tip correction. The closed type of rhinoplasty is carried out by cutting the nasal cavity with subsequent detachment of the skin from the frame. Thanks to the closed access, operations are carried out to change the shape, as well as eliminate excess cartilage. In the presence of a large volume of interventions, open rhinoplasty with incisions in the area of ​​the vertical fold, which divides the nostrils, is used.

Rhinoplasty is either primary or secondary. Secondary (or otherwise revision) plastic surgery is performed in order to eliminate defects that remain after the initial nose operation. Reviews on the correction of the tip of the nose will be discussed below.

In addition to traditional nose surgery, rhinoplasty with fillers has been developing rapidly in recent years. This method is resorted to in situations where you need to deal with minor flaws, such as, for example, rounding the tip of the nose, changing the shape of the wings, restoring symmetry, and so on.

In what cases may the nose tip be corrected? Let's talk about this further.

Indications for rhinoplasty

how much is rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty is performed in the following cases:

  • Acquired or congenital deformity of the nose.
  • The presence of cosmetic defects in appearance.
  • Snoring along with defects of the nasal septum.
  • Regular nosebleeds.
  • Difficulty breathing.

What the tip of the nose looks like after rhinoplasty will be considered at the end of the article.

Contraindications to rhinoplasty

Surgery on the nose should not be performed if there are the following restrictions:

  • Patients are up to eighteen years old.
  • The presence of chronic diseases of the internal organs, which are at the stage of exacerbation.
  • Diabetes mellitus along with acute viral diseases.
  • Pathology of blood coagulation.

Rhinoplasty is also not performed in the presence of cancer or inflammatory processes. As part of the planning of rhinoplasty for aesthetic reasons, patients are invited to visit a psychologist, since in some cases people can perform nose tip corrections without surgery.

Preparation for rhinoplasty
Plastic Surgery Clinic in Moscow

Rhinoplasty is a complete surgical operation performed under general anesthesia. In order for it to be as successful as possible, you should carefully prepare for it. So, two weeks before the medical examination is necessary:

  • It is required to establish whether there are any heart diseases.
  • Detailed nose photographs are taken from multiple angles.
  • Blood tests, blood coagulability and biochemistry are being tested.

With the results obtained, it is necessary to consult a physician, as well as an otolaryngologist. Most often, people prefer to go to the plastic surgery clinic in Moscow. In addition to these specialists, the patient should also be consulted in detail by the anesthetist with whom the type of anesthesia is discussed in order to avoid a negative reaction to anesthesia.

In preparation for rhinoplasty (nose tip correction), you should discuss in detail all the details of the planned procedure with your plastic surgeon, and, in addition, determine the desired shape of the nose as accurately as possible. The results of rhinoplasty can be predicted in advance through the use of computer simulation.

Also, two weeks before surgery, you must completely abandon nicotine and alcoholic beverages. It is forbidden to take medications that are not agreed with your doctor.


As a rule, nose tip correction is performed under general anesthesia using local infiltration anesthesia. Depending on the complexity, the duration is from two to five hours. In the framework of rhinoplasty, a bone-cartilaginous skeleton is changed to give the nose a more favorable size and shape from an aesthetic point of view. So, surgeons can change its length, adjust the width, height and curvature, eliminate humps, and so on. With the correct operation on the tip of the nose and the absence of any complications, postoperative scars are almost invisible.

Rehabilitation of patients after rhinoplasty

After surgery, tampons are placed in the patient’s nose, which are removed after two to three days. The new shape of the nose is fixed due to the application of a special plaster sticker for 5-7 days in case of interference in the cartilage, or for two weeks if the operation affects the bone. After correction of the tip of the nose, rehabilitation for each may take a different time. All individually.

surgical correction of nose tip deformity

Painful sensations are usually moderate, but breathing due to swelling in the nasal cavity in the first weeks may be somewhat difficult. Hemorrhages in the nose and around the eyes go away after ten days. It is undesirable to wear glasses for a month and a half after the operation.

The full course of rehabilitation is usually six to eight months. Thus, the final results can be evaluated in six months.

Such an operation is especially relevant for people with a bifurcated tip of the nose.

Medical risks and possible complications

Due to the fact that rhinoplasty is a type of surgical intervention, the possibility of damage to blood vessels is not ruled out.

If the existing defects are not completely corrected, then a second operation may be necessary. Secondary intervention, which is performed after an unsuccessful plastic surgery, serves as a more dangerous measure and possibly not earlier than six months after the first operation. As a rule, secondary rhinoplasty is performed in the presence of improperly stitched cartilage, or excessive removal of them, as well as asymmetry of the external nose and so on.

Surgical correction of nose tip deformity

Plastic correction of the tip involves a number of operations in the region of the outer nose, aimed at improving its shape by removing deforming or excess parts of the cartilage tissue, followed by fixation in a new position. The operation to correct the tip is a rather complicated type of rhinoplasty. The main goal in this case is to restore the anatomical properties without making changes to the supporting structures of the nose. Nose surgery is performed in the lower lateral cartilage using a symmetrical technique, and, in addition, taking into account the dynamics of the healing process. Most often, patients want to get a raised nose tip.

The presented type of operations performed by means of plastic surgery includes an increase or narrowing of the width and projection of the nose, as well as restoration of the natural shape of the tip and its symmetry.

A wide variety of anatomical types of the tip of the nose requires the search for an individual rhinoplasty strategy for each individual patient. This takes into account the thickness of the skin, the shape and strength of the cartilage of the nose, the structure of the corners of the arches, the length and width along with the contours of the back, and, in addition, the expectations of the person. It is important to consider that radical measures to excise the cartilaginous structures that support the tip of the nose can lead to the loss of its support, as a result of which the healing process will be very difficult. Skew and unnatural appearance are also possible.

nose tip correction reviews

Narrowing of the tip of the nose

Narrowing of the tip of the nose by surgeons is achieved by excision of the areas of the wing cartilage, which are departments of the lateral legs. These cartilages determine the width of the tip of the nose. With such an operation, it is possible to cut the domes with subsequent suturing, which will narrow or connect the wing cartilage to each other.

Nasal tip extension

This type of operation requires the removal of wing cartilage to a large extent, which can lead to an unnatural narrowing of the nose or sinking of some fragments. If the skin is thin, such a tip will look like it is pinched, it will undergo a slight degree of asymmetry. Such deformation is often accompanied by impaired respiratory function. Correction of the nose in such situations is performed through the reconstruction of auto-cartilage grafts. During the operation, surgeons create a cartilaginous framework that prevents the suction of the wings and side walls during inspiration, resulting in restoration of breathing and the shape of the nose.

Lowering the projection of the tip of the nose

This type of rhinoplasty is performed if it is necessary to reduce the gap between the face and the protruding point of the nose. Such correction is performed due to insignificant removal of fragments of cartilage domes, or reduction of their support by eliminating the medial legs, which form a columella, which is a fold between the nostrils.

Enhanced tip projection

Such a measure is needed in case of insufficient protrusion of the nose as a result of excessive resection of the wing cartilage during the previous rhinoplasty. In this case, the correction is usually secondary. Sometimes it is associated with congenital cartilage hypoplasia. With this deformation, there is a violation of the ratio between the cartilaginous region of the back and the tip of the nose. A weak projection of the tip along with an insufficiently lowered cartilaginous back serve as causes for deformation of the end section, like a beak of a parrot. The increase in projection volume is achieved through the use of transplants from their own tissue, which replace the missing departments. Cartilages of the nasal septum or auricles are used as grafts for correction.

Surgeons comments on nose tip correction
rhinoplasty nose tip correction

On the Internet, specialists from Moscow write that nose tip plastic surgery is not the most popular rhinoplasty service, such patients make up only one percent. Doctors note that people who go to the clinic in pursuit of a beautiful nose shape do not understand much. For example, they think that outwardly they only have a problem with the tip, but, in fact, almost every person in the nose has various flaws that are compensated by its large size. When the surgeon slightly changes the volume of air in the dome, the entire breathing process instantly changes. Therefore, if you do not carry out a full operation, there is a risk of leaving the patient disabled, who will have breathing problems throughout his life.

In their comments, surgeons indicate that over the past ten years in medicine, views on techniques that are used in rhinoplasty have changed dramatically. Earlier, resection rhinoplasty was a priority, in the framework of which a significant part of the structures of the nose was simply cut off. Such operations were simpler but less predictable. But today, progressive specialists are increasingly turning to structural rhinoplasty, in which the tissues are not cut off, but rather lined up.

Now let's talk about how to operate: closed, or open method. The plasticity of the tip of the nose is just the case when you increasingly have to use the first option, allowing you to expose the internal structures. Thus, with the cone folded down, the symmetry of setting nose objects is clearly visible.

Doctors say that a lot depends on the practice of a surgeon, as well as on his skill and ability to anticipate the final result. In that case, if the specialist is sure that after the nose tip surgery, asymmetry, for example, will not be visible, then he can safely perform the operation. Doctors note that this type of rhinoplasty is best carried out while maintaining nutritional connections, blood vessels and nerves. How much does rhinoplasty cost, we examined above. It is better to check more specific prices in the clinics of your city.

Doctors share that patients themselves often do not fully understand what they want. But there are situations when a person insists on correcting the tip of the nose. But in the event that the doctor sees that he has thick skin along with a low saddle-shaped back, it becomes obvious that the tissue will not be able to contract, even with a decrease in cartilage, which will look unnatural as a result. In this situation, the surgeon will have to raise the back of the nose, otherwise the patient will be dissatisfied with the result. Thus, success depends on the structure of the elements of the nose of each of the patients. For some, the operation will end with the acquisition of the expected result, but for someone it is better to abandon rhinoplasty.

nose tip correction without surgery

Plastic surgeons are confident that the nose is one. Therefore, when the patient comes to the consultation and tells the doctor that he wants to change only the tip of the nose, he explains that the immediate meaning of the operation is to get a beautiful shape of this part of the face as a whole, and not just one specific area. Doctors write that patients are often afraid to perform an osteotomy, and therefore are asked to perform surgery only at the tip. But sometimes, as practice shows, correcting only the tip, it is far from always possible to get the aesthetic beauty that the doctor seeks.

Thus, according to doctors, plastic only at the tip is possible only when the patient has an ideal nasal bridge of small height and with good proportions. But, if the nose is large, and the hump is high, then plastic surgeons are sure that the operation will not help. So, if you make a narrowing of the tip, leaving a wide back, then it will be striking. In a similar situation, doctors have to explain to patients that in their case it would be best to perform a complete rhinoplasty. The positive factor is that today the doctor’s consultation can be supported by demonstrating the final result through modeling. Doctors not only tell, but also show that most often they act quite convincingly on patients.

Patient Reviews

Many people are not comfortable with the shape of their nose, but most are still afraid to seek the help of plastic surgeons. Nevertheless, there are patients who nevertheless decide to resort to their services. They are not even confused by how much rhinoplasty costs in a prestigious clinic. Quite often, an operation is done, which is called for health reasons, to fix a damaged nose or congenital pathology.

Those who went through rhinoplasty at the plastic surgery clinic in Moscow write in their reviews that in general, such an operation is quite successful. After her, however, bruises and swelling appear, which pass after three days. Patients also write that the rehabilitation period is usually short-lived, and pain during the procedure itself is not felt, thanks to strong anesthesia.

It is worth emphasizing that most of the reviews on the Internet are positive.So, in their comments, people quite often share the fact that thanks to the operation they managed to get a beautiful and graceful nose. Many believe that rhinoplasty helps people literally transform.


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