Rodniki newspaper, Mytishchi: address, opening hours, correspondents, articles and print runs

In the subway, on the street, in a cafe, at the bus stop and in public transport - in any crowded place you can meet a person reading a newspaper. Obtaining information using this "medium" became popular back in the 19th century. Nowadays, when electronic communications dominate the world, the newspaper does not lose its high positions and always finds a person who wants to read it.

The exact number of newspapers is not possible to calculate, and there is no particular need for it. This article will consider the Rodniki newspaper in Mytishchi.

Statue of a man reading a newspaper

About the newspaper

First of all, it should be noted that the Rodniki newspaper ranks 1st in the ranking among other publications published in the city of Mytishchi. The frequency of release is 3 times a week, and the circulation is 16,500 copies. The newspaper tells about the course of life and the bright moments taking place in Mytishchi.

Mytishchi springs

About the archive

Returning again to the topic of the high promotion of electronic media, it is impossible not to talk about a useful innovation for the newspaper, which this article is devoted to. The archive of the Rodniki newspaper in Mytishchi is available to any interested person on the publication’s website. There you can find the issue of the newspaper 5 years ago (dated 11/11/2013). All issues are placed in PDF format, which makes reading from any electronic device convenient.

2013 Rodniki newspaper cover

About the editors

The staff (correspondents) of the Rodniki newspaper in Mytishchi includes truly professionals in their field:

  • Kurskova Lilia Pavlovna.
  • Tkalenko Elena Yuryevna.
  • Gorbacheva Anna Gennadievna.
  • Ilitsky Vladimir Solomonovich.
  • Resin Victor Mikhailovich.
  • Nesterov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich.

We will tell you more about them.

Kurskova Lilia Pavlovna

Based on the reviews found on the Internet, one can no doubt say that Lilia Pavlovna is a master in her field. Employees of the Mytishchi LDPR organization thank her for important and timely advice on creating articles, for adjusting the material that makes it interesting.

Tkalenko Elena Yuryevna

Professional journalist. Graduate of the Faculty of Journalism of St. Petersburg State University. He has been working in the media of the Moscow Region since 1993. Articles written by Elena Yurevna are read in one breath and do not contain the “water” that is often present in the materials of young journalists trying to justify the lack of meaning with the number of words.

Gorbacheva Anna Gennadievna

Honored Press Worker of the Moscow Region. The sphere of professional interests as a journalist is architecture and construction, culture, education and healthcare, ecology. The material created by Anna Gennadievna, no doubt, resonates with the hearts of readers thanks to the interesting and unusual turns that she uses in her articles.

Ilitsky Vladimir Solomonovich

Russian poet, writer and publicist. He writes poetry from school years. He is the head of the department of economics at the Mytishchi news agency, editor-in-chief of the electronic journal “There”. Member of the literary association Dmitry Kedrin. He published poetry and prose in magazines, almanacs and collections, such as “Poetry”, “Day of Poetry”, “Moscow Journal”, “Friendship of Peoples”, Magazin, “Pride and Bitterness: Poetry of the 70-80s about the war” and much more. Author of "Cadets, Boys, Tankers" (1987), "Ancient Egyptian Cinema" (1999), "From Perlovka to Berlin" (2015) and much more. Honored Press Worker of the Moscow Region (2011).

Resin Victor Mikhailovich

The correspondent of the newspaper "Rodniki" in Mytishchi. Based on the read articles written by Viktor Mikhailovich, we can confidently say that he is very reverent about his work. The information is set forth clearly, without "fuzziness" and avoiding the topic.

Nesterov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich

When an interesting text is supported by a no less attractive photograph, reading becomes many times more pleasant than a regular black and white sheet. It is precisely the creation of photographs that Vyacheslav Vladimirovich is engaged in - a person from whom not even the smallest detail can be hidden. Thanks to his sensitive attitude to work, photos in Rodniki (Mytishchi) vividly complement the text material.


Having described the workers who are working on creating interesting printed materials, one might think that everything happens in some kind of magical place. Fortunately, these professionals exist in real life. The address of the Rodniki newspaper in Mytishchi: Moscow Region, Mytishchi District, Mytishchi, 7/1 Mira Street. Opening hours: Mon-Fri - 9.00-17.00, Sat.- Sun. - weekends.

About Subscription

You can subscribe to the Rodniki newspaper (Mytishchi), including electronic. Subscription price is valid as of 10.23.2018:

  • for 1 month - 60 rubles;
  • for 6 months - 350 rubles;
  • for 12 months - 700 rubles.
newspaper springs Mytischi

The cost of an electronic subscription to the Rodniki newspaper:

  • for 6 months - 500 rubles;
  • for 12 months - 1000 rubles.

About distribution methods

In addition to subscribing, the newspaper is distributed in the following ways:

  • Using mailboxes (free).
  • On special racks in buildings (free of charge).
  • Sale in specialized stores

About Information for Advertisers

Advertising haunts the population everywhere: on roads, in the subway, near shops, on the phone (via SMS). And of course, you can not ignore the topic of advertising in print media. The Rodniki publication in Mytishchi invites advertisers to place their ads on newspaper pages. The following materials may be published in this print publication:

  • Articles about the appearance on the market of a new type of goods, work, services (for this in the newspaper "Rodniki" there is a column "Economics").
  • Announcements on the search for workers (specialists) in the organization (the section "Labor and Employment" will help).
  • Interesting interviews and reports on important events in the life of the population (for this you can use any of the above sections).
The cover of the Rodniki newspaper


Many people believe that printed sources of information will soon cease to exist, and their place will be taken by electronic media containing many useful functions. This answer is fundamentally wrong. After all, reading a text from paper, leafing through a book, magazine or newspaper and hearing this pleasant rustle, smelling from a freshly printed publication or, conversely, from a book in a library is much better than straining your eyes, thereby worsening your eyesight, and staring your eyes for days on end into the bright display of the device.

Unfortunately, this is a problem of modern society. More and more people are becoming residents of the virtual world, forgetting about the joys of real life. Print publications such as Rodniki in Mytishchi have to adapt to the new rhythm of life and, in addition to creating a paper version beloved by the adult generation, also create electronic versions, thereby attracting the younger generation to read.

What do you think? Should I forever abandon any type of printed matter? Will this step be right? And will it not harm future generations if nowadays children can no longer live without smartphones and tablets?


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