Brand Davidoff. Cigarettes How to get rid of nicotine addiction

This famous brand of tobacco products is of Russian origin. And Henri Davidoff - its founder - was a member of the Davydov family, which in 1911 moved to permanent residence in European countries.

History of the Davidoff brand, cigarettes

The first store was opened in the city of Geneva (Switzerland), and in 1924 almost all family members participated in the production of tobacco products, studied the properties of raw materials. They successfully managed to learn the secrets of growing, storing, preparing raw materials, and soon established their successful business. Davidoff - cigarettes that have firmly won their market share in Europe.

davidoff cigarettes

The brand "Davidoff" in 1946 became famous for its elite line of cigars - "Chateau", which was named as the very famous brand of expensive wine products in those days.

1970 is considered the beginning of the existence of the Davidoff brand, when Oettinger became the owner of the brand, and they were able to make it famous all over the world. To wholesale tobacco products in almost any country became possible in 1985, when mass production was established thanks to the use of new technologies. After 1991, various types began to appear: Davidoff gold, Classic cigarettes, etc. In the 1990s, tobacco from Cuba was used to manufacture products, and true experts were able to appreciate its unsurpassed taste. If we talk about Davidoff products (cigarettes), consumer reviews about it are the most positive.

Davidoff (cigarettes), product description

Original tobacco products have the appropriate certificates and expertise in quality. Wholesale and retail sales are available in any store, and can also be ordered online using the Internet. The composition of the tobacco product is always indicated. For example, consider Davidoff slim cigarettes:
- 7 mg / sig., Resin;
- 6 mg / sig., WITH;
- 0.6 mg / sig, nicotine.
In a pack - 20 cigarettes with a filter. Davidoff gold cigarettes and other types of tobacco products have the same composition. Sellers are required to have quality certificates and provide them to their customers.

cigarettes davidoff gold

But it is no secret to anyone that the Davidoff brand (cigarettes) is a sign of luxury and unsurpassed quality.

Nicotine addiction and its effects on the human body

Despite the fact that in many countries it is forbidden to smoke in public places (at stops, in parks, near theaters, at airports and trains, government offices, etc.), tobacco products are popular among the population. Statistics show an increase in the number of smokers among women and adolescents. Everyone understands that smoking is very harmful, but few people stop it. Advertising and popular opinion are doing their job - the number of tobacco addicts is only increasing. Habit requires a certain dose of nicotine for the body, each one is different: who smokes two or three cigarettes a day, and who several packs. How to quit smoking is one of the main problems for many people in the civilized world in the 21st century.

Ways to combat smoking

This habit is very difficult to overcome on your own.

davidoff cigarettes reviews

Therefore, we will get acquainted with some of the tips of doctors
1. Use the advice of doctors in combination with the use of medicines, which contribute to maintaining the level of nicotine in the blood of a person with its slow decline (chewing gums, special plasters, etc.)
2. You can turn to psychologists for help. They help to determine the possible cause of addiction, to set the person in a positive mood when refusing tobacco products and at the same time not to burden relatives and friends with their problems. It is also advised to choose the exact date for giving up cigarettes, you can just put a certain framework for yourself. Psychologists are quite good at identifying other priorities in daily life than smoking.
3. The use of electronic cigarettes. Due to the fact that the fingers are accustomed to cigarettes, doctors recommend the use of modern electronic cigarettes in the fight against this unpleasant addiction.

Smoking and common diseases associated with it

In order to consciously come to the fact that you still need to quit smoking, you need to know well how nicotine is harmful to health.

cigarettes davidoff slim

The list of the most common effects of smoking :

- a negative effect on the lungs and respiratory tract (air sacs and pulmonary alveoli are damaged, chronic bronchitis and persistent cough with the release of unpleasant mucus occur);
- cancer of the larynx, lungs, mouth, throat, or pharynx (cause tobacco products containing carcinogens in smoke);
- diseases of the cardiovascular system (smoking has a bad effect on blood vessels, namely arteries and veins);
- negative effect on the reproductive system (the risk of infertility in both men and women increases);
- the skin condition worsens (pallor, wrinkles, sagging appear, blood vessels become more noticeable), an increase in blood pressure, etc. is possible.

These are far from all the diseases and consequences that people can become addicted to nicotine. Everyone has a choice - to be healthy or depend on bad habits.


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