How to get rid of mice in a wooden house? There are several ways

With the onset of autumn, almost every gardener is puzzled by the problem of the well-being of his garden, because a poorly prepared garden for winter can meet its owner in the spring with bare trees. The danger usually comes from rodents, so loving to "fool around" in the possessions of man.

how to get rid of mice in a wooden house

How to get rid of mice in the country?

Garbage (tops, weeds or straw) must not be left near fruit trees. Such piles of rodents are very attracted. Gardeners who do not dig Jerusalem artichoke for the winter, whose sweet roots are very fond of mice, are especially at risk. In general, the site should be tidied up so that the rodents do not have a chance to find a place for the nest.

The roots of the trees need to be wrapped with roofing oil, dug it a little in the ground. The height of such protection should exceed the expected level of snow, otherwise in spring rodents can easily get to the branches of a pear or apple tree. Roofing is removed when the snow melts.

If each time fresh snow is trampled tightly around a tree, the mouse will bypass it.

get rid of mice in the country

They do not like mice to nibble nylon stockings and white bags for sugar; this “good” should be wrapped around tree trunks and skeletons.

You can scatter sawdust around the plantings, sprayed with a 10% solution of creolin.

Poisoned baits are laid out on tree trunks . To do this, take a kilogram of grain, a little vegetable oil, 50 g of zinc phosphate or 10 g of ratside. They make tubes of roofing and place 10 grains in them (so as not to poison the birds). When spring work begins, the straws are burned.

How to get rid of mice in a wooden house?

The simplest and most reliable method of catching mice is the Clean House glue, ALT, etc. Pour glue, put the bait in it and that's it. Infections can catch several individuals. The mouse cannot come off until the glue is dusty or damp from moisture. Do not forget that the mouse bait is not cheese that they have never tasted, but cereals are their constant food (they simply knock down sesame oil that is sold in pharmacies). And glue needs to be poured onto a plastic surface so that the rodent has nothing to catch on.

How to get rid of mice in a wooden house? Get a cat! Even a small kitten is enough. He, most likely, will not need to catch rodents. Smelling a cat smell, they themselves retreat.

mice in the walls how to get rid

Another simple way to get rid of mice in a wooden house is to place black root seeds in all the bowls in bowls. The smell of this plant rodents simply can not stand.

If the mice settled in the walls, how to get rid? Pour ash into various crevices and holes. It provokes severe irritation on the paws of pests. As a rule, mice leave such dangerous territories for them very quickly.

If these methods do not bring the proper result, the last resort remains. How to get rid of mice in a wooden house quickly and reliably? You need to install repellers, which are now sold in specialized stores. Such a device, of course, is not capable of killing a rodent, but in a couple of weeks there will be no mice in your house . Sounds emitted by the device are not audible and safe for humans.

Have a good hunting!


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