How to get a loan under maternity capital in Sberbank?

Proposals for the full or partial repayment of a consumer loan using maternity capital funds are found almost everywhere. Although today the commission of this action is considered illegal and is almost impossible. What is actually offered under the loan repayment?

loan under maternity capital in Sberbank

How to get a loan under maternity capital?

No matter how strange it may be, repayment of a loan implies just that. All salt lies precisely in the concept of consumer lending. The thing is that loans that are provided to individuals at banks can be considered consumer loans, as they are taken in order to purchase goods or pay for services. There are no other options for using money, unless you put it aside for a rainy day. Although it is unlikely that someone will take a loan for this purpose.

What loan for maternity capital in Sberbank to choose?

Loans for special needs are allocated in separate groups, but they do not cease to be consumer. They just got other names that directly indicate their purpose. Other loans, for which banks do not track the purpose of issuing funds, also have their own names, which may indicate the conditions for their provision. With the help of such loans, household appliances are bought, repairs are made, furniture is paid for, and so on. They are considered to be consumer customers, and it is they who they hope to pay at the expense of this capital.

take a loan under maternity capital

Maternity loan at Sberbank

But, whatever one may say, this cannot be done. In general, maternity capital can be used for three purposes: for the funded part of the mother’s future pension, for the education of the baby and improvement of living conditions. In this case, improvement is not considered as gluing new wallpapers or buying household appliances, but rather the acquisition of residential real estate or its construction. It is clear that this has nothing to do with the majority of consumer loans.

Will the list be expanded?

A loan under maternity capital in Sberbank and other banks can be said to be provided only for mortgages. But some time ago, lawmakers proposed making the list larger and allowing capital to be used to buy a new car. But while this proposal is still under discussion. For this reason, partial payment or full, and even more so a car loan for those who have two or more children, is not provided. In addition, it is impossible to repay loans for education, since tuition can only be paid when funds are transferred to an educational institution. Credit intermediaries are not specified in the law.

And what ultimately remains?

Very little. First of all, you can get a mortgage, that is, a loan where the purchased apartment will be collateral, and until it is repaid, it will be in the pledge. In addition, banks offer loans that can only be spent on real estate. The difference is that the guarantee will not be an apartment, but other property. It is such a loan under maternity capital in Sberbank and other banks that you can get.

Sberbank loan under maternity capital

As for the down payment ...

There is one snag. The thing is that every apartment loan is not complete without a down payment. After the financial crisis has come, not a single bank provides the full amount of the cost of housing - at best, only 90 percent, the remaining ten are paid by the buyer. Today, only VTB-24 and Sberbank can provide a loan under maternity capital.


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