Man, his brain and psyche

   The cerebral trunk, cerebellum, two hemispheres, consisting of the cortex and subcortical structures - this is our brain. In its composition, the cortex is the latest formation in evolutionary development, but in the importance of functions, it comes first, as a unifying element in the concept of the human brain and psyche. It is like a shell, envelops the brain from all sides and consists of many convolutions and furrows that increase its surface. The human brain is white, the cortex is gray due to the large number of nerve cells in it.

Cortex functions and this mysterious brain

Higher nervous activity, the brain and the psyche, our emotional reactions that determine behavior, are directly related to the activity of the cortex in that part of the body called the brain. The signals coming from the outside world and our body are analyzed and synthesized in it. The projection zone of the cortex is connected with the neurons of the subcortical region and with the associative zone. It carries out two-way communication, which plays a very important role of all functions and processes taking place in the highest sphere of human activity - the nervous one.

Localization of a specific function (vestibular, speech, motor, respiratory, kinesthetic, center of general sensitivity, etc.) in a particular area of ​​the brain is conditional. The brain and human psyche are a single functional and holistic system. As part of the entire system, if we consider the cerebral cortex as its constituent part, we distinguish the main blocks that carry out, distribute and organize the human mental activity.

The main blocks of the central nervous system

The first block is the energy block, or, as it is also called, the block of tone in the cortex. By itself, it does not organize the reception and processing of information, but provides support for the tone of the cortex, attention and selection of impulses. The human psyche directly depends on the work of this unit. If his activity is normal, then all human reactions are active and normal. When its functioning is impaired, a person feels either excessive activity and arousal, or lethargy and drowsiness, his performance is reduced. When violations in the operation of the unit are serious, the deviation of the psyche can also be serious, up to the point that a person may lose consciousness and even fall into a coma.

The second block includes the temporal, parietal and occipital cortex. It receives, stores and processes all the information entering the cerebral cortex. In this section, visual and auditory, tactile-kinestatic centers are localized. If the brain is broken, then the psyche will be broken, and the violations will be clearly localized in accordance with the department of the cortex: vision, hearing or motor apparatus.

The third block - in it is the programming, regulation and control of our behavior. This is the region of the cerebral hemispheres (anterior regions ) and its cortex. The leading importance is acquired by the activity of the frontal lobes of the cortex. In the case of bilateral lesions of the frontal lobes, a person loses the ability to carry out complex actions that require a specific program and sequence, it is difficult for him to concentrate his attention. Internal goals are blurred, random external impulses can affect his behavior. There is no criticism of one’s own actions, the ability to recognize errors as well.

There are many theories and views on how the central nervous system acts in humans, on how the brain and psyche are connected. In practice, there are many cases where damage to the same areas in the brain leads to various mental disorders and, conversely, the same mental disorder is associated with damage to different parts of the brain. The human brain is not sufficiently studied to speak with certainty about the work of its individual sections. Scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that the activities of both individual sections and the entire system are associated with the full-fledged work of all its components.


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