Obsessive Syndrome

Today, the syndrome of obsessive conditions is not some kind of special disease. Many have repeatedly come up with thoughts about whether they forgot to close the front door or turn off the iron. A large number of, in general, healthy people have such an easy degree of obsessive states (approximately every fourth person suffers from this). At first glance, such harmless anxiety is only a borderline state on the path to the development of the true form of the disease. The obsessive state syndrome takes on an especially acute form in two percent of cases, forcing people to literally go crazy with unfounded fears. The quality of life of patients drops sharply, sometimes they try to completely isolate themselves from the outside world, losing all interest in life.

So what is the obsessive state syndrome?

If we turn to the scientific definition, then the syndrome of obsessive states, or obsessive-compulsive disorder, we can consider the emergence of unreasonable and irresistible thoughts, memories, fears and doubts. The disease can have a chronic, markedly progressive or single (episodic) character. SNA can be divided into two periods: 1) The period of relative calm, when the patient can fight attacks; 2) An acute period in which the patient is characterized by an irresistible desire to indulge his pathological mania.

Obsession Syndrome is still a point of discussion. Finding out the cause of this disease finally failed. A number of authors adhere to the theory that the syndrome of obsessive states is a type of schizoid and schizopathy. Others, in turn, attribute this disease to cycloid burden.

In a number of studies, it was found that the syndrome of obsessive states is the result of some real events that have changed, depending on the current situation and situation. It is customary to give a large role to traumatic experiences and such factors as chronic lack of sleep, constant overfatigue, and concomitant somatic diseases.

The treatment of obsessive conditions is divided into several separate groups, each of which has its own characteristics.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Well-known American psychiatrist Jeffrey Schwartz is promoting a method of treating cognitive-behavioral therapy, the essence of which is that patients need to resist attacks of obsession, try to slightly change and simplify the “rituals” associated with their mania. The basis of this technique is an attempt by patients to realize their illness and a gradual resistance to emerging symptoms. It is important to draw a clear line between which of the symptoms are truly dangerous and which are only part of the patient’s imagination.

Drug therapy with psychotropic drugs

If the syndrome of obsessive conditions is accompanied by depression, the patient is prescribed antidepressants of the serotonin uptake inhibitor group, which helps to actively combat the disease. When it comes to the chronic stage of the disease, which cannot be treated with antidepressants, atypical antipsychotics are prescribed. In this case, it is extremely appropriate to combine medication with cognitive-behavioral therapy. In cases of pronounced anxiety, the appointment of tranquilizers is not out of place.


With the syndrome of obsessive conditions, it is useful to take warm baths lasting about 20 minutes, applying a cool compress to the head, rubbing it with water at 23-31 ° , as well as bathing in sea or river water.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9012/

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