Questions about love and relationships

Despite the general development of the technical side of civilization, it is becoming increasingly difficult for people to communicate with each other. Every year there is an increasing number of lonely hearts. This happens for various reasons: someone is busy with a career, someone is indecisive. Sometimes it happens that a guy and a girl meet and don’t know what questions about love can be asked. The result is an awkward silence. Also, for many people, Internet communication is a separate difficulty, since text messages limit emotional perception.

Do you need questions about love?

It will be difficult to determine in advance whether this or that question will be interesting. Each person is individual. There are certain standards of etiquette. For example, it is considered indecent to ask a lady's age or her salary level. There is an opinion that it is not worth talking about personal topics when making new acquaintances. Why? Because questions to a guy about love sometimes show his insecurity or statement. And there are delicate moments that can offend a person. The latter most often applies to girls.

Questions about love

Something "impossible" about the fair sex

Not all questions about love can be asked for a girl. For example, do not ask how many guys she had. Who will love the interest in the past? And it’s a really bad idea to start asking her who is better - you or an ex-boyfriend. Become the best for her, and that’s it!

Do not try to joke about these days. All people have a bad mood, and having menstruation does not solve anything here. It’s better to ask directly what upsets and angers her.

In our society, a large number of partners in a woman is condemned, and therefore do not be interested in how many men she had before you. You will put her in an uncomfortable position, perhaps make her lie.

Separate friends and girl. Do not try to borrow money from her for beer or chips. Despite the equality and division of the account in the cafe, this approach destroys the relationship.

Questions to the guy about love

Do not ask questions about weight. Few women will react to this with a fair amount of humor (for example, they will answer: “Look, I'll crush you”). Most likely, she will consider that you are hinting at its fullness and will be offended.

Do not try to limit her communication. Any girl has friends, friends, relatives. Attempts to remove them from her life will not lead to anything good. Try to make friends with them.

If a woman is upset or angry with something, do not ask her when she will calm down. Such a question will only provoke a backlash: an increase in negative mood.

Last: do not try to ask if the girl wants to change her wardrobe. Even if you find him very frank, to impose your will is a bad idea. This will only lead to scandals.


Properly established acquaintance is the key to a stable relationship. It is difficult for many men to start communication with the fair sex. In general, questions about love for a girl can be divided into two groups: shocking and contextual. Thanks to the first group, the girl is brought out of a state of calm. As a result, you have a flexible sheep. Examples of such questions: do you know how to cook cabbage soup? And who is better - Trump or Obama?

Questions about love for a girl

It is better to ask them to strangers, as an effect of surprise is created. But a close friend can offend such questions. The state of stupor tears the mask from a person, making him obedient and soft. It is important to immediately evaluate a potential partner. In fact, a simple chain is built: do you know how to cook cabbage soup? Will you prepare them for me? Let's continue our acquaintance. It is so easy to find a partner for easy meetings, which in the future can develop into something more.

Context Issues

Each person is primarily interested in their own personality. What questions can be asked about love for a girl? Associated with herself. For example, you can ask her if she is a businesswoman, or if she loves when she is obeyed. In this situation, the main thing is not to overdo it (you should not nod your head according to each answer and say: “How cool!”). So you risk being known as a henpecked and a loser.

Questions about relationships and love are best asked based on the situation. For example, if a girl walks along the street in the evening, ask if she likes the lights of the night city and vivid impressions. And then - if she is not a rebel. So you will achieve the main goal: attract attention.

Questions about relationships and love

You can start with a provocation: "Before you is the best guy in the world, will we meet?" Or: "Do you like to give gifts? Will you give yourself?" So you can determine how relaxed the girl is and what her character is.

"Not" for men

It would seem, questions to a guy about love - what could be easier? But even here there are peculiarities and pitfalls. The fair sex should know about what in no case should you ask your boyfriends. For example, the question “Do you love me?” So beloved by women bad. Than? Distrust is blowing from him. The same goes for the question "What are you thinking now?". So you make it clear to the guy that you feel bored. A natural reaction to this is irritation.

Do not ask about the number of partners. After all, the answer is unlikely to suit you. There is no need to turn to the past, since it is already gone and there is no point in clinging to it.

Do not ask, "Is this skirt for me?" or "Do I need to wear this necklace?" - so the girl shows her insecurity. The guy’s job is to admire the appearance of the lady, and therefore you should not load him with details of the wardrobe.

questions to a guy about love and attitude

Another annoying question: "Who is more expensive: me or your mother?" You should never put a person before a choice - he may in the end be not in your favor. It is not recommended to zealously monitor where your man is looking and at whom. He is already with you, what else is needed?

Women's issues for men

What questions can I ask about love for a guy? Almost any. In general, they should be divided into two large groups: evaluation and verification. Depending on the answers, the girl draws conclusions about the man. For example, an unconventional sense of humor will only play into the hands. To the question "Where do you work?" You can wink and say that the agent is undercover, but this is a secret. The main thing is not to be shy to respond originally, as non-standard answers attract girls.

Try not to use standard question templates. Ask about first love what this word means to him, how he relates to same-sex relationships, etc.

Chatting in Internet

The Internet has long and firmly entered everyday life. Numerous dating sites and social networks have become popular with people of all ages. Therefore, girls in search of a couple should not discount the virtual web. But what questions to ask a pen guy about love? It depends on the goal. For example, to develop intimate relationships, you can ask if he likes to sunbathe naked. So you gently praise his body. As a seduction, ask: “What part of me seems most seductive to you?” After such a passage, only a rare guy will not go to review your photos.

what questions to ask about love

Seriousness on the Internet?

If the girl is looking for a relationship with the prospect of marriage, then it is important for her not to turn the chat into an "interview". Therefore, questions about love should not be boring and banal. Everyone in their life is pretty tired of asking questions like “What do you do, where do you work, what happens in your life?”. It is better to start correspondence with an unobtrusive interest, for example, after learning a guy’s profession, ask him a question on this topic. Or, for example, after seeing his photo with a cat, ask how to care for such a pet. Feel free to use the fantasy: "Did I see you on the bus on Tuesday?" What matters here is not the answer, but the plot of communication.

questions about correspondence guy about love

Candid conversations

Ask the guy questions about love and relationship to intimacy, but do not go too far as it’s easy to cross the line and show yourself as a girl of easy virtue or not far off. Therefore, remember the feeling of tact. You should not ask how many partners he had, and then giggle over the answer. It’s better to ask him about what serious relations he had, what he remembered most of all in them. You can gently ask about his preferences in an intimate sense. Do not forget to share your fantasies about this.

Ambiguous Questions

What question can a girl with a trick about love and about life ask? The bottom line is that it can not be instantly answered. For example, whom would she prefer to save in case of fire: a cat, a child, a mother? Or her attitude to the criminal elements of society. As an option: “Do I need to use a mat in everyday speech?” The meaning of such questions is to catch the girl by surprise, so that she could not immediately answer. They can be funny: “How do you fold tights? Do you believe that the washing machine eats socks? ”, And serious:“ Is there life after death? Can trees think? Are the stones alive? ” etc. Most of them are absurd. However, do not forget that they can lead to an interesting conversation.

Some general tips

When a person chooses what questions to ask about love or sex, he risks turning the conversation into an interrogation. Therefore, be sure to give the floor to the interlocutor so that he can also ask something. Try to find out interesting moments for you by chance. Make more jokes, tell jokes - this relieves the situation well. Before asking a guy questions about love and attitude towards yourself, enter into confidence in him. A girl can take a decisive step first - there is nothing wrong with that. It is important here not to cross the thin line between interest in a person and obsession. Remember that some men can be reserved and taciturn, and they need time to get used to the person.

The main difference between men and women: representatives of the stronger sex should be given full pronunciation. They never admit it, but implicitly expect it from the girls. Think of the conversation as a game of chess: you cannot completely predict the enemy’s actions, and therefore it’s important to take a few steps in advance. This also applies to conversation - you can never know the accuracy of someone else's answers, therefore, it is impossible to prepare the necessary questions in advance.

It is important to demonstrate a genuine interest in the conversation. Only such an approach allows a person to fully reveal himself in a conversation. Remember that if you conduct a conversation on a pre-prepared list of questions, the partner will feel this and he will not treat you positively.

Interrupting a person is impolite. Therefore, let the interlocutor fully speak out. It is important to find a favorite topic, and it will not be difficult for a man to develop it. Interrupting a person, you confuse him with thought and quench his desire to communicate.

The art of talking on any topic requires constant practice. Therefore, it is useful to communicate with a large number of people, then as a result of the accumulated experience it will not be difficult to choose one or another question.


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