Katkov Mikhail Nikiforovich - founder of Russian political journalism, editor of the newspaper Moskovskiye Vedomosti: biography, family, education

The variety and quality of print media in Russia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries can argue with the modern publishing process. It was a real upsurge and flourishing of Russian journalism, which was distinguished by a variety of opinions, strategies and tactics of print production.

One of the kings of the media of that time was Mikhail Katkov (years of life - 1818-1887). He, by the will of fate, ended up at the very center of current journalistic trends when Russian society widely discussed: the European experience of publishing, attempts and possibilities of applying it in Russia, as well as the influence of liberal views on the formation of public opinion.

Collected works of Mikhail Katkov

From Masters to Editors

Born into the family of a petty official and early left without a father, he first studied at the institute for orphans, and then for another two years he was a free student at Moscow University. At the end of the hearing, Mikhail Katkov leaves for Berlin, and he improves his education by attending lectures by popular Berlin philosophers, in particular Friedrich Schelling.

Often malnourished, being in extremely constrained material circumstances, he was at the same time at the very center of the philosophical and socio-political life of Europe. There he made acquaintance with Bakunin, Herzen, Belinsky.

By the way, V.G. Belinsky prophesied him great literary success, noting that the hope of Russian literature and science was concentrated in him. However, the future famous publicist Katkov Mikhail Nikiforovich broke with his freethinking friends and with the literary field, having joined the university as a teacher. Soon, he defended his master's thesis and got a job at the Department of Philosophy of Moscow University as an adjunct. In those same years, he marries Princess Sophia Shalikova, the daughter of the former editor of the newspaper Moskovskiye Vedomosti, published at the university.

In 1850, when the departments of philosophy were liquidated in Russian higher education institutions, Katkov lost his job. But already in 1851, he gets the position of editor of the Moscow Gazette. The main role in choosing this position in his fate was played by a salary of 2,000 rubles, plus 25 kopecks for each new subscriber, as well as a government apartment that was supposed to be for the editor.

Considering his teaching mission, Katkov reluctantly began to learn a new field, considering this activity to be well paid, but not necessary. However, he soon became interested in it and so got used to it in a new place that he raised the circulation of the newspaper from 7 to 15 thousand copies.

And since 1856, he began to publish his journal Russian Bulletin in the Moscow province. In an effort to earn money on publishing, he succeeded not so much in earning as in creating new areas in journalism. As a result, he came close to creating a direction such as an independent genre of journalism and expert journalism in the field of interpretation of state law and support of state interests.

Russian Herald magazine, M. Katkova publishing house

Magazine "Russian Bulletin"

Nevertheless, at the beginning of his creative biography, political journalism was still a long way off, which is why the journal Russky Vestnik existed in the field of literature and far circumvented the pressing political issues facing the state.

Widespread public debate on the pages of print media was still unacceptable; censorship did not allow it. Therefore, the entire space of the journal was devoted to the writers of modern times and their works.

Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky were published here, among the published novels one could see:

  • "Fathers and Sons";
  • "War and Peace";
  • "Anna Karenina";
  • "Crime and Punishment";
  • Brothers Karamazov "

All these works, which became the classics of Russian literature, its golden fund, were first published in the Russian Bulletin, edited by Mikhail Katkov.

The editor did not skimp and generously paid for the work of the authors. So, Leo Tolstoy received 500 silver rubles per sheet, the advance amounted to 10,000 rubles. Fyodor Dostoevsky published practically all his novels in Russky Vestnik.

By the number of circulation, Russky Vestnik was second only to the Nekrasov Sovremennik: 5700 copies versus seven thousand circulation of Sovremennik.

Newspaper Owned

Since 1861, Katkov Mikhail Nikiforovich began to seek a wider application of his capabilities and abilities. He longed for development. By a lucky coincidence, at the same time, the government decided to transfer the university printing house along with the Moskovskiye Vedomosti newspaper to private entrepreneurs.

Leasing was carried out on the basis of an open tender, as they would call it now - a tender. Speaking on shares with the university professor Pavel Leontyev, Katkov won the competition by offering the most favorable rental amount in the amount of 74,000 rubles per annum.

In the photo (from left to right) Pavel Leontyev and the figure under study.

The creators of the Lyceum PM Leontiev and MN Katkov

Despite the desire of other university leaders, the candidacy of the new tenant Mikhail Katkov was approved. And from January 1, 1863 he became editor of the newspaper. Then he did not even imagine that he would contribute to the creation and create a new newspaper genre - journalism.

At the same time, dramatic events in the political life of Europe are being played out: on January 10, an uprising begins in Warsaw. All publications tried to keep silent about the bloody events, and only Katkov turned his publication into the platform of political journalism, bringing down the full power of anti-Polish and anti-revolutionary philosophy into polemics, urging society to rally around the king and the Fatherland.

For the first time in the history of Russian print media, society does not just receive information, but listens to the expert opinion of the editor.

In an open discussion, the Russian publicist directly affects the mood of an educated reader; in the noble environment, many sympathized with the uprising and did not expect decisive action from the authorities. Katkov managed to reverse his judgments and moods, influencing the authorities. This is truly admirable!

Moscow Gazette and Mikhail Katkov

The heyday: Mikhail Katkov and literary activity

It can be said that the successes and popularity of the newspaper of the figure studied opposed the bureaucratic country, making public the political views of society. And the editor of the newspaper, Mikhail Katkov, at the age of 45, found a vocation, becoming the first Russian publicist.

Prior to publishing, his literary work was as follows.

He made his debut with translations in 1838. Translated by Heine, Goethe, F. Ruckert, Fenimore Cooper. From Berlin he sent articles on Schelling's lectures. He wrote journalistic articles in Russian Herald, which became one of the leading literary magazines of the second half of the 19th century.

Researchers call the article by Mikhail Katkov "Pushkin", released in 1856, a software product. Important from the point of view of influence on societies are his articles on the rural community, on the "elective beginning".

Katkov paid much attention to literary criticism and research, sending his articles to various popular magazines, especially to St. Petersburg Notes.

The literary critical articles of amazing sharpness and style are devoted to the works of contemporaries.

For example, criticism of the tale "The Little Humpbacked Horse" by Ershov is filled with a sincere and fantastically witty attitude to various absurdities in the development of the "fabulous" and fantastic in Russian literature. This critical article was first published in a journal in St. Petersburg, in 1840.

In the photo - the cover of the St. Petersburg national journal "Domestic notes":

Journal "Domestic Notes", St.  Petersburg

Friends and enemies in the literary space

At the time of its heyday, the newspaper under study was called the Russian Times, and the daily publication of editorials by the editor allowed Katkov to lay the foundations of the concept of "political journalism", while creating, in fact, a Russian actual newspaper.

In 1863, the Moskovskiye Vedomosti newspaper provided polemic support for Russian diplomacy, which faced pressure from European states in connection with the Polish uprising. The printed word played a decisive role and helped Russia overcome the political crisis, and Katkov acquired not only the authority of the publisher, but also an influential politician.

The editor had to defend his position not only against "strangers", but also against his former like-minded people. Therefore, he announced all his publications outside of any parties.

Ideas by Mikhail Katkov

Researchers note that the main idea of ​​the publicist was to formulate the principle of nationality. Which, according to Katkov, is, in fact, the basis of the unity of the country.

According to this principle, the state needs:

  • uniform laws;
  • single state language;
  • unified management system.

At the same time, Katkov did not imply a rejection of other "tribes and nationalities" that are part of the state structure; he supported their right to know their language, observe their traditions, religions and customs.

Contemporaries of Katkov and his ideological opponents in every way oiled over the ideas of Katkov, not embarrassed in expressions and definitions.

For example, the historian and publicist P. Dolgorukov wrote about his opponent like this:

... the eternally raging Katkov, who must always bark forever and always bite someone, who in his arrivals always goes further than even the government itself and anyone who does not share his opinions, is declared a state criminal and even a traitor to the fatherland.

Photo of a caricature of the figure being studied, ridiculing his ideas of the state system of Russia, based on European models.

caricature of MNKatkova

To rise high, but it hurts to fall

Over time, the role and political influence of Katkov intensified, reaching the highest point during the reign of Alexander III.

Its editorial office, located on Strastnoy Boulevard, quietly turns into an informal "government" center, an organ of influence, where government affairs were not only discussed but also discussed, including the planning of official movements of influential people, the development of measures and projectors of "counterreforms".

Katkov directly tried to intervene in government. So, in a Note to the Emperor, he tried to warn about the danger of political "flirting" with Germany:

The services of Bismarck in the East are more dangerous and harmful for the cause of Russia than their hostile actions ... His services will turn out to be a deceit ... Evil ... will disappear by itself, as soon as an independent Russia comes out in Europe in its greatness, independent of foreign policy, controlled only by its own, clearly recognized, interests ... To be obliged to help others in resolving any difficulties — this would be a new humiliation for Russia, it would mean hiding under the cover of someone else's strength, which itself is only so strong that it keeps us in its dependence, which subjugates those or otherwise Russia.

(Excerpts from the biography of Mikhail Katkov).

Such a principled position annoyed people in power and Tsar Alexander the Third himself. On the eve of Katkov’s death, he was summoned by the highest command to the capital and “put on the face”, essentially depriving all privileges. It was an anonymous letter, the authorship of which was attributed to the studied figure. After the death of Mikhail Katkov, Alexander III, learning the truth, repented of his rash step, saying that he "fell under a hot hand."

Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov

A time of accomplishment and a new lyceum

We must not forget the role that Katkov played in the field of education. The time of publication of the Moscow Gazette coincided with the era of reforms and modernization in Russia. With fervor, Katkov took part in the discussion of all the topics that were acute and crucial for Russia.

Intervening in a dispute between proponents of "classical" and "real" education, Katkov supported the then Minister of Education Tolstoy, who canceled the charter of the gymnasium, emphasizing education on the study of ancient languages. The adoption of the new charter in 1871, according to which it was possible to enter the university only after graduating from the classical gymnasium, was their common achievement.

Katkov was a man of business and by his own example decided to prove the advantages of the new education system. Together with long-time friend P. Leontiev, they create a new private lyceum, which unofficially called Katkovsky.

The lyceum gave a gymnasium education for eight years, as well as a three-year university course in law, physics, mathematics and philology, the institution was aimed at children of representatives of an elite society.

For the construction of Katkov and Leontiev attracted the investments of large industrialists. They themselves invested ten thousand rubles, added the construction of large railway contractors Polyakov (40 thousand rubles), Derviz (20 thousand rubles). Von Meck contributed 10 thousand rubles, and other wealthy people of the country took part.

Education in the Lyceum was based on the Oxford model, the personality of the gymnasium student was in the first place, tutors (tutors) worked. It was a prestigious educational institution, in order to cover all expenses, the state gradually took over the maintenance of the Lyceum in 1872, and Katkov became its permanent leader.

Officially, the Lyceum was named in honor of the deceased eldest son of Alexander II - "Moscow Lyceum Tsesarevich Nicholas."

In the photo below - the former Imperial Lyceum, and now one of the buildings of the Institute of International Relations.

Katkovsky Lyceum

After the February revolutionary events of 1917, the Katkovsky Lyceum was transformed and received the status of a higher legal educational institution.

After the October Revolution in 1918, NarKomPros (Commissariat of Education) was located here.

The modern Russian historian A.I. Miller, evaluating Katkov’s contribution to the development of publicity, enlightenment and the historical significance of public opinion, here is what he wrote about this outstanding man:

And those people whom the intellectual discourse has smeared with black paint, if not something worse, you just need to read. We must read what Katkov wrote about the principles of membership in the Russian nation. There are a lot of arguments that I am ready to subscribe to today.

Katkovsky Lyceum in Moscow

Family matters

With such a lively and active nature, Katkov was an excellent family man. As already mentioned above, he was married to Princess Sofya Shalikova (1832-1913). This marriage caused a lot of amazement among friends, because the princess had neither appearance nor inheritance. Moreover, many knew about Katkov's passionate love for the Moscow beauty Delaunay - the daughter of a French emigrant grandfather and a famous Moscow doctor. The marriage proposal was accepted by Delaunay, the engagement took place. But for unknown reasons, Katkov suddenly broke off all relations with his beloved and immediately married Sofya Pavlovna.

Characterizing this sudden union, F.I. Tyutchev argued: "Well, probably, Katkov wanted to put his mind on a diet." Hinting at the low intelligence of the wife. However, regardless of the opinions of others, Mikhail Katkov and his family multiplied and lived quite amicably and happily.

Wonderful, smart and beautiful children appeared from marriage:

  1. The first-born - Pavel Katkov (1856-1930) - was a major general, ended his life in exile in France.
  2. Peter (1858-1895), having been educated as a lawyer in the lyceum of his father and Moscow University, participated in the Russian-Turkish war. Then he graduated from the Military Academy, from 1893 he served as an official of special assignments under the Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasus District.
  3. Andrei (1863-1915) during his service became the county leader of the nobility and the current state adviser. He was awarded the court rank and the position of Jägermeister. He was married to Princess Scherbatova. After their sons Mikhail and Andrei died on the fronts of the First World War, the couple built at their own expense the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior in the Bratskoye cemetery, Moscow province.
  4. The youngest son of Andrei Katkov, Peter, had five children, and his descendants still live in the Penza and Saratov regions.

In the case of the nobility of the Katkov family, M.N. Katkova daughters:

  1. Barbarian - maid of honor at court, wife of the diplomat of Prince L.V. Shakhovsky.
  2. Daughter Sophia - was married to Baron A.R. Engelhardt.
  3. Natalya - married Chamberlain M.M. Ivanenko. One of her daughters, Olga Mikhailovna, later became the wife of Baron P.N. Wrangel.
  4. Twins Olga and Alexandra, the fate is unknown.
  5. Daughter Maria - married to the Chief Prosecutor of the Holy Synod A.P. Rogovich.

End of life

As a rule, people who are keen on their work care little about their health, or rather, there simply is not enough time for this. The same thing happened with Katkov.

His contemporaries and friends complained that he could fall asleep right in the editorial office on the edge of the sofa, usually he was tormented by insomnia, he did not follow the time, sometimes confused the time of the meetings or the days of the week:

In the normal course of his life, Katkov felt ill, sick, suffered from insomnia, fell asleep at the editorial office somewhere on the edge of the sofa or in the car of the Moscow-Petersburg express train, where he jumped up at the last minute. He generally did not distinguish between time, was always late, confused the days of the week.

Malnutrition and deprivation in early childhood led to the fact that the body of Mikhail Katkov was weakened by rheumatism.

All these adverse conditions, nervous and overactive activity led to the development of a painful disease - stomach cancer, from this disease M.N. Katkov died on August 1, 1887.

The funeral was attended by the Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, who honored the memory of Katkov with the following speech:

A person who did not occupy any prominent high post, did not have any government power, becomes the head of public opinion of a multimillion people; foreign peoples listen to his voice and take him into consideration at their events.

The famous publicist and publisher Mikhail Katkov was buried in the cemetery at the Alekseevsky monastery. It was destroyed during the construction of the road in the early eighties of the 20th century. Tombstones and fragments of underground crypts, coffin boards with bones were thrown out along with the ground.

The fact that someone was reburied is not known. But maybe somewhere under the asphalt of the road are the remains of the great Russian enlightener Katkov.

Memoirs of Contemporaries

Soulful and good memories of the former editor were left by N.A. Lyubimov - co-editor of Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov - in the journal "Russian Bulletin".

The famous monarchist V.A. Gringmouth devoted a series of articles to him, where he praised his work.

In modern life, the works of Katkov are interesting not only to historians, but also to literary critics, and journalists, as well as to those statesmen who are not indifferent to the fate of the state and its construction.

As the teacher of philosophy, historian S.M. Sankova:

Consideration of state nationalism as a unifying principle for the normal functioning of any state can become an additional incentive to study not only Katkov’s theoretical views, set forth on the pages of his publications, but also the whole range of measures taken by him in putting his views into practice.

Modern reforms that require the strengthening of central authority are caused by the inevitability of strengthening its social activity and initiative in order to coordinate various movements on the outskirts of the Russian state.

The process of formation and development of the state in the era of the fall of empires and the creation of new forms of government in which we lived, reveals a genuine interest in the works of the enlightener and political journalist Mikhail Nikiforovich Katkov, attaching special value to his works in time, their lost relevance.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9021/

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