The properties of green tea

It is difficult to list all those useful things that we received from the countries of the East. The list will be very impressive. Under one of the first issues it would, without a doubt, be green tea. This drink in recent years has gained unprecedented popularity in Russia. Interestingly, in the XVII century it was he who was first brought from China, but then black appeared, which seemed to people more tasty. And now green tea is finally regaining its lost position.

It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial properties of green tea. Sometimes it seems that it’s easier to name useful substances that are not in it than to list all that it contains. However, I would like to understand in more detail why people value this drink so much.

First of all, green tea is one of the best antioxidants known in the world. Scientists have proven that it contains vitamin C simply in huge quantities. This tea has more than any citrus fruit, not to mention the rest of the fruits. Due to this, it not only protects the body from various colds, but also prevents the development of cancer cells in it, and is also a preventive measure in the fight against cardiovascular diseases.

The beneficial properties of green tea are far from limited. For example, the concentration of vitamin P in it is ten or more times higher than its content in black. This helps to improve the circulatory system, makes the vessels more elastic. Tea also contributes to increased blood coagulation, which protects the body from blood clots.

A significant amount of iodine makes green tea the best drink for those who suffer from diseases of the endocrine system. And thanks to fluoride, those who drink it regularly will not have problems with their teeth.

What other properties of green tea are known to us? For example, it perfectly regulates blood sugar. By the way, no sweeteners are added to classic green tea. The fact is that they easily negate all its benefits. In addition, such tea no longer provides the necessary invigorating and tonic effect.

Green tea is very much appreciated among adherents of a healthy lifestyle and those who are on a diet. The fact is that it incredibly effectively dulls the feeling of hunger. One cup of green tea is quite capable of helping you give up excess food intake. Just do not drink it before bedtime, the fact is that caffeine is present in it. In green tea, it can even be much more than in coffee. However, due to other valuable properties, it is better to give preference to it all the same. In addition, thein (as this caffeine is called) does not cause negative reactions from the body. It is completely derived from it, but the mood and performance improves just fine.

The properties of green tea are also actively used in cosmetology. There are many cosmetics on the market that include green tea. The fact is that he is a wonderful natural antiseptic. Thanks to this, it helps relieve redness and itching. Every woman knows that in order to get rid of bags under the eyes, it is enough to take wet bags with green tea and make compresses. The result is a fresh and rested look.

Today, stores offer various types of green tea. They differ among themselves in many factors. For example, collection time plays a large role. For Sencha tea, in particular, only leaves collected in May are suitable. But the collection of Bancha tea, on the contrary, takes place at the very end of the season.

There are varieties specifically designed to be added to various dishes, such as ice cream.

Drink green tea and do not hesitate, it will bring you health and youth.


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