The degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures: determination methods

Fires cause serious damage to enterprises, organizations and individuals. To eliminate the possibility of fire, a number of technical and organizational measures are taken. The degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures is determined by the ability of elements and structures to withstand the effects of fire. Regulatory documentation prescribes the definition of this parameter according to five main characteristics.

fire resistance of buildings and structures

The degree of fire resistance of a building SNiP interprets as the ability of building structures to maintain their load-bearing properties for a certain time. Fire and technical services carry out the examination of buildings, buildings and structures. All stages of work are checked, from design to commissioning. In addition, periodic inspections of facilities are carried out.

Classification: goals and objectives

All industrial and other economic buildings, public and residential buildings have design documentation. The degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures depends on many different factors, and primarily on the materials used in the construction process. Natural and artificial stone, metal, reinforced concrete and ceramics do not burn, and buildings with a predominance of such structures belong to the highest category.

fire resistance of building snip

A step below are houses made of the materials listed above and equipped with wood ceilings. Combustible elements are protected by plaster or are specially treated with chemical compounds. Frame buildings from metal structures with enclosing parts from materials of high and medium resistance belong to the third category. There are several subgroups in this class.

The degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures of the fourth class is quite low. These buildings are erected on a wooden frame with the use of barrage structures made from raw materials with low ability to withstand open flames. In all categories, the decisive role in determining classness is assigned to the supporting and external elements. Internal and interior partitions are taken into account to a lesser extent.

Improving the fire resistance of buildings and their elements

Determining the degree of fire resistance of a building is necessary to take measures to reduce the potential for fire and flame propagation. This is done if the structure does not meet the fire safety requirements. There are different ways and methods to increase the degree of resistance of buildings to fire, and their application depends on a number of factors and characteristics of the building itself.

Maximum attention is paid to the elements of buildings made of combustible materials, and primarily from wood. In order to increase their resistance, they are treated with special chemical compounds - flame retardants. Other methods include the isolation of ceilings and partitions by applying plaster, erecting walls of red clay brick.

determination of the degree of fire resistance of a building


A high degree of fire resistance of buildings and structures is necessary in those cases where hazardous industries, healthcare facilities and education are located in them. The application of measures to increase the resistance of buildings to fire allows to ensure the safety of personnel.


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