Fear of change: the name of a phobia, causes, signs and methods of struggle

In our article, we will talk about the fear of change. We will consider the main causes of this phobia. We also describe the signs of fear of change. In addition, possible solutions to this problem will be considered.

A similar phobia can occur in any person. Of course, it will bring everyone only discomfort. The fear of change is especially acute for conservative and sensual people. Note that this phobia has a scientific and psychological name - this is neophobia. More on this later in the article.

The effect of phobia on human life

Phobia is a protective reaction of the body. It is based on a sense of self-preservation, insurance against experiences and discomfort. Therefore, it cannot be said that this fear is a bad feeling.

Fear of the new in life

Sometimes the fear of change allows you to make more informed decisions, objectively assess the chances of success, be critical of opportunities and respond correctly to certain situations. Often, this phobia helps prevent rash acts, which in the future can lead to bad consequences.

Fear of changes in life can add a drop of common sense, as well as pragmatism in assessing external factors. Sometimes it happens that change becomes a turning point. They change our perception. Therefore, it is very important to take them seriously. After all, some decisions are made only once and for all. At the same time, fear helps not to make a fatal mistake, which a person will regret all his life.

If you look at this issue from a different perspective, then change is the same step towards movements in life, some progress. Note that you can freeze for a very long time in anticipation of active action on the part of other people. Only if you face fear can you learn how to manage your life, set goals and achieve them. Of course, not all steps will be true, but the mistakes for each of us are natural. Like it or not, you can’t do without them.

It is very rare that success and happiness flow into the hands of those who do not exert any effort, do not risk. Only after a large number of attempts can you get the desired result. Failures should be taken as moments that should be taken into account in the future.

Signs of Fear of Change

Why is it worth overcoming fear?

Many successful individuals on the road to success experienced repeated falls. They had to risk everything in order to achieve what they wanted. Sometimes it’s the fear of change, the fear of the new that paralyzes the will, and sets barriers. Only by overcoming this phobia, you can confidently move towards the future without fear of circumstances. Fear of change can cause significant difficulties in romantic relationships, career advancement, and social life. As a result, a person is already getting used to the daily routine. He very sharply reacts to any attempts to change something. Due to the fear of change, a person can deprive himself of happiness. As a result, he remains alone for a long time.

Types of phobias. Names and descriptions

Let's talk in more detail about the phobia itself and its types. For example, what is the fear of change called? If we are talking about fear of the future, then this is futurophobia. Fear of a new meal is called food neophobia.

Fear of committing new actions and movements is called ergasiophobia. There is also a pathological fear of technology. It is called technophobia.

Conservatism and fear of change

Sometimes some fears manifest themselves in professional activities. Such people who are afraid to change their usual ways of doing work are called conservative. This category of citizens includes those who have a sufficiently long work experience in one area or in a specific direction. It has been proven that neophobia is manifested in people over forty years old.

Reasons for the development of phobia. Why might fear arise?

Now we will explain why there is a fear of change; the main reasons will be considered below. Note that the root of the problem lies very deep in the subconscious. It is possible that since childhood. At one point, the natural defense mechanisms simply began to block the path to a new life. At the same time, a person feels a sense of comfort only in a routine situation and in a familiar environment.

Why can a phobia occur? Fear of change may manifest itself after any traumatic situation, which in the literal sense of the word “has unsettled”, has significantly changed life. Such changes for a long time remain in the memory of the child as an event that changed the worldview. Usually a child evaluates everything that happened before as good, but after - bad. For example, a divorce of parents can affect a baby in this way. It destroys ideals, harmonious life.

Such an unpleasant sensation can remain in the memory for a long time and cause harm even in adulthood. After such an event, a person tries to create conditions around him that will not change, and cause discomfort. External influence, regardless of its nature, will be perceived only as undesirable.

Personal characteristics that affect the development of phobias

Also, a similar phobia can develop due to the personal characteristics of each. Now we will consider personal qualities and character traits, against which the fear of change develops:

  • Rigidity of the nervous system.
  • Increased suspicion. Everything that happens is suspicious.
  • Indecision.
  • Conservativeness. The tendency to ideological attachment to living conditions and established traditions.
  • Increased suspiciousness.
  • Indecision. Difficulties arise in the process of resolving various issues.
    Phobias in humans
  • An increased level of anxiety. The constant feeling that some kind of danger was coming.
  • Low self-esteem. A person feels an inability to perform some actions, changes in life.
  • Inability to leave the comfort zone. A man builds a barrier around himself.
  • Excessively high level of responsibility.

Sometimes the occurrence of fear can provoke a not entirely successful experience. As a result of it, a person drops his hands. After which there is no desire to try something, so as not to bring yourself discomfort. This is because the perception of a person froze at one point. Such a one-sided judgment leads to the emergence of neophobia.

Fear of change. How is it manifested?

This kind of fear often arises in front of the corresponding situations. For example, if for a long time a man led a bachelor lifestyle, then at the time of the talk about the wedding he may have signs of a phobia. Even if a person in this case does not find any good reason, he still feels discomfort before a new one in life.

What is the fear of change called?

The fear of change can be divided into two categories: fear of changes in the individual himself and fear of changes in external conditions. Changes entail changes in life (in relationships, for example, with friends or acquaintances). Feeling fear, a person perceives everything new as an additional burden, which should be used to. Sometimes during such periods, an internal struggle begins to restore stability. The fear of changing oneself due to impending changes is gaining great strength. The external environment is not as important as internal control. A sensitive person perceives everything as a threat to himself, habits and feelings.

Symptoms of Phobia

How to overcome the fear of change?

How does this phobia manifest? Her symptoms are as follows:

  • shiver;
  • stupor;
  • dyspnea;
  • increased sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • temple pain:
  • heartache;
  • distraction;
  • numbness of the fingertips.

Similar signs are nonspecific. They can appear in many other conditions, as well as in diseases. Although they can be used to diagnose fear in humans.

Internal mental symptoms are different. They vary, depending on the person and his reaction to fear. Typically, symptoms range from distraction to anxiety with panic attacks and other negative consequences.

Overcome fear

What are some well-known ways to combat the fear of change? We will talk about this later. It is difficult for people who are afraid of change to achieve their goals and live a full life. Therefore, it will be useful for them to find out how to overcome a phobia. Of course, the fear of change is not treated with drugs. Since they not only do not help, but can also cause addiction in sensitive individuals. Usually, psychological methods are used in the treatment of phobias. They allow you to formulate tactics of behavior, to analyze all the problems in pieces.

Methods for influencing phobia. What are the ways to fight?

Symptoms of Fear of Change

Often a lot of trouble gives a person a fear of change. Therefore, we suggest you pay attention to effective methods of influencing this type of phobia:

  1. Make lists. Any event has its pros and cons. To do this, write them in separate columns. In the process of forming thoughts, consider the possible consequences of change. It is possible that you realize that not everything is so scary.
  2. Make plans. A person should determine for himself whether he needs to get rid of a phobia. In the process of working with a psychologist, you should analyze all those mistakes that the individual made due to fear. For future life, it is worth making plans, follow this list steadily.
  3. Catch the moments. If the plans for success agree, then because of fear you should not miss them.
  4. Analyze the situation. You should be aware of the situation in order to understand what a person refused, so that he could receive if he did not have such a fear.
  5. Look fear in the face. Sometimes turn on the pragmatic mind, boldly move forward, not paying attention to your emotions. Then sooner or later you can overcome the phobia.
  6. Look at the situation objectively. Look at each case from different angles. Try to objectively look at the situation.
How to overcome the fear of change?

Little conclusion

Now you know the signs of fear of change, the causes of phobia, as well as ways to combat it. We hope that this information will help you in life. It must be remembered that not everything revolves around only one event. Life is too valuable to waste it, not allowing any changes. Sometimes people themselves complain about unloved work or everyday life, but at the same time continue to do the same thing day after day. Such inconsistency in its judgments does not allow you to take steps forward, to conquer new peaks.

If a person lives with a fear of change and new things in life, then he will not be able to fully experience how beautiful this world is. Therefore, do not be afraid to take risks and try!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9033/

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