Plastic surgery rating

It is unlikely that there will be a man in the world who is completely satisfied with his appearance and figure. Even the written beauties believe that they have flaws, even if it will be just a few extra pounds or, in their opinion, a “slightly different” eye shape and so on, which is equally insignificant for most.

Plastic surgery is aimed at eliminating defects, deformations and restoring the aesthetic appeal of the patient’s appearance. Plastic surgery services in Moscow are currently available not only to rich people. Now they are on the list of available, and therefore are popular with almost everyone.

Someone resorts to services for aesthetic reasons, and others in order to reconstruct the face or body, eliminate serious shortcomings.

This section of surgery is constantly evolving, improving scientifically and technologically. Plastic surgeons must have in-depth knowledge of histology, morphology and physiology, have the skills of transplantology, implantology, macro- and microsurgery. They can handle almost any problems and defects of the patient, ranging from curvature of the nose, deformation of the ears, external aging to correction of the chest, hips, getting rid of the curvature of the legs.

There is a category of people to whom plastic surgery is contraindicated or not recommended:

    • Mentally unhealthy
    • Zealots of perfect forms;
    • Abusing plastic surgery.

Most popular destinations

According to researchers analyzing the plastic surgery market, a certain TOP-rating of operations was compiled. The leading position is taken by liposuction, about 20% of the total number of operations performed. Only 3% less are breast correction surgery. Statistics do not contain data on the use of implants in this case, however, it is known that the number of operations with their use is gradually decreasing.

In third place - eyelid plastic. The share of such operations is slightly more than 13%. Correction of the nose or rhinoplasty (about 10%) is very popular, which is carried out both for cosmetic purposes and to correct defects that impede breathing function. Often, athletes of traumatic professions - boxers, soccer players, hockey players, wrestlers and others resort to it. A little more than 7% gained tummy tuck.

Plastic surgeons of Russia

In total, 515 highly qualified plastic surgeons practice in Russia. Data provided on the basis of membership in the Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons - OPREH. In the world ranking, Russia takes 12th place in the number of specialists in this area. The leaders are the USA (5.7 thousand people), China (4, 25 thousand people) and Brazil (3.82 thousand people)


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