What are the weirdest questions to ask a guy?

Don't want to fall too low in your own boyfriend's eyes? Then don't ask weird questions. The ladies logic is not always clear to the guys , and some questions can openly annoy them. Before you ask anything, think about what kind of answer you want to receive. You may not like frankness? Then do not ask a question.

Do you believe in magic?

weird questions to correspondence guys

It is difficult to find a representative of the strong half of humanity who respects esotericism, etc. Most guys think magic is archaism, which used to work poorly, but today it certainly has outlived its own. Therefore, the guy’s strange question about magic will not cause any enthusiasm on the face of the companion. A man may think that you are addicted to witchcraft and intend to do a love spell. Without even believing in magic, the guy will worry and, most likely, will break off your relationship.

Who were you in a previous life?

what a strange question you can ask a guy

This strange question is similar to the previous one. Even if you are very interested in what the young man thinks on this subject, keep silent. If you are not sure that the guy is normal about esotericism, do not develop this topic. A cavalier might think that you are obsessed with strange things that have nothing to do with this reality. Such an opinion will cool interest in your person. If a lady is interested in who her gentleman might be, she can ask a similar question to her friend, but certainly not to her soulmate.

Does this dress suit me?

the weirdest question to a guy

Do you think this question is quite natural? Do not ask his boyfriend. Strange questions about clothes annoy the strong half of humanity. Men do not pay much attention to fashion trends, and they do not understand anything in women's dresses. Few of them will appreciate the trendy style of over-size. Most likely, your boyfriend will criticize your stylish novelty if it does not emphasize the beautiful curves of the body. Therefore, think twice about who to ask for advice about the next new thing. If a guy likes your outfit, he will tell you about it. But most likely, the boyfriend will not even notice that you came on a date in a new clothes. Guys rarely pay attention to how their girls dress if the outfit remains within the bounds of decency.

Is a screwdriver and a drill the same thing?

strange questions to guys from girls

Stupid questions are annoying. Therefore, do not try to joke where it is completely inappropriate. The strangest question a guy might have is building tools. A girl can read on the Internet what interests her. If she asks her gentleman if the screwdriver performs the same functions as a drill, the guy will laugh the lady. The question will show the girl’s lack of education in basic things. If you do not want to become a laughing stock, then try not to ask stupid questions. You are unlikely to remember the answers to them, but you will definitely become the object of ridicule of common friends.

Are you afraid of death?

Before you ask something from your soulmate, ask it to yourself. Are you afraid of death? Yes. Why shouldn't a guy be afraid of her? It’s not worth asking obvious things. Strange questions to the correspondence guys will show the ladies low intelligence. If a girl cannot come up with an interesting topic for communication, she will sprinkle with clichéd questions and ridiculous jokes. Ask for something original, and you don’t need to go deep into what is interesting exclusively to you. Keep your boyfriend in the light of imaginary spotlights.

Do you think going to the movies alone is normal?

very strange questions for guys

Whatever answer is given to this question, it will be strange. If a guy says that it’s normal, then the girl may be offended. After all, her chosen one tomorrow can go to the cinema without her. And if a guy says that he does not understand those who go to the movies alone, then the lady will be forced to accompany her boyfriend to all sessions. A similar strange question to guys from girls comes often. Therefore, the lady should think what in the end she wants to hear. If any answer does not suit her, then she must reformulate the question so that it can be answered harmlessly. Before you ask a guy something, practice your girlfriends, then you can maintain a good relationship with your chosen one.

Have you ever really loved?

weird questions that you can ask a guy

Very weird questions for guys are those that relate to relationships. It’s always embarrassing to talk about such topics. Lying is ugly, but the truth can upset a girl. In order not to offend his chosen one, the guy will leave the answer to this question. If the girl insists, then you still have to answer. And what to say? The guy can say that he was with his former passion in a relationship for 3 years. Naturally, he loved the girl, if all this time he was next to her. Will the girl like this story? Listening to stories about your boyfriend’s ex is not a favorite female activity. Then why ask strange questions, the answers to which cause mutual awkwardness?

What do you want to change in yourself?

what question can a guy ask

Girls often want to somehow influence a guy. They may not like a particular feature of the boyfriend, or they will not be delighted with the established habit. Strange questions that you can ask a guy relate specifically to changes. No need to ask what exactly the guy wants to change in himself. You fell in love with a person as he is. So why now demand that the man change? You should get used to the idea that people after 25 years are not amenable to any changes.

What does love mean to you?

What strange question can a guy ask? If you want your chosen one to feel awkward, ask him what love is. This feeling is difficult to convey in words. First try to do it yourself. How can you explain how you feel? Each person, by virtue of his upbringing, education and intellectual development, looks at this world differently and perceives it in his own way. Therefore, do not be surprised that you and your boyfriend may have a different idea of ​​love. For a girl, gifts can be a proof of love, and for a guy - a good attitude to his soulmate. Do not demand from the chosen one more than he can give you.

Who would you like to be on a desert island with?

Want to hear how your boyfriend would like to have a great time with his friend? No, do you prefer a sweet story in which it is you who will keep company with a guy on a desert island? A man may not answer exactly as you would like. Therefore, think about whether you can survive the fact that you will not accompany your soulmate on a sandy beach on a mythical trip. After all, a guy can be very practical and decide that it will be easier for two people with an engineering education to get out of the island.

Have you been beaten at school?

By asking a similar question, you humiliate your soulmate. Nobody likes to remember the minutes of their shame. Even if the guy was really oppressed in his school years, he will not want to tell you about this. And lying will be uncomfortable. Therefore, the question and answer will be rather strange. If you want the guy to respect you, do not ask him questions of this nature. When a person wants to open up and talk about his failures in the past, he will do it. Many men prefer to keep their shameful moments to themselves. Do you like the fate of the guy? No need to specify how thorny the path to success was.

Have you cheated on your ex?

Most girls want the guy to speak badly about his ex. It is so stupid. After all, the girl who was next to your boyfriend for several years, he really liked. Well done guy if he can talk about his former passion calmly and with dignity. The respect that two people have after parting is an indicator of former love. Some girls go further and ask uncomfortable questions about past cheating. What do they want to hear? What did the guy cheat on? But if he did this in the past, then the story may repeat itself. Do not think that you are a saint and it is impossible for you to change. Therefore, work on the development of new relationships, and not on a thorough study of the biography of your chosen one.

What is your car?

When meeting a guy, he doesn’t need to interrogate him. This can be annoying for many. Want to know more about the chosen one? Ask relevant questions. No need to ask what kind of car the guy has. Not all young people have a personal car, and some did not even give up their rights. This question can humiliate a guy. In your opinion, should any adult have their own transport? Make a discount on the fact that your chosen one can come from a dysfunctional family, and to achieve what he now has, he had to make a lot of effort. Perhaps in the future the guy will have a car. But now the young man does not have the opportunity to buy it. Always keep this in mind before asking a question.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B906/

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