What is anorgasmia in men and women? Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Even in the happiest family, problems in the intimate sphere can arise. No one is immune from sexual dysfunctions. Problems in bed can appear suddenly and cause a lot of trouble to a man or woman. One such problem is anorgasmia. Most people have no idea what anorgasmia is, so you need to understand everything in detail.

What it is?

Anorgasmia is a partial or complete absence of an orgasm during intercourse. This happens with both men and women. Sex may be accompanied by pleasant sensations, but the highest peak of pleasure does not occur. In addition, this disease is characterized by a complete lack of arousal before sexual intercourse or even an aversion to it.

men's problems

How is the disease manifested in women?

Anorgasmia in women is different. Each case is individual and requires a special approach. This disease in women is often confused with frigidity, but this is a mistake. Frigidity is the lack of sexual attraction to the male sex. Anorgasmia can be accompanied by attraction and excitement, but without the onset of orgasm. Most often, girls lead a full, active, intimate life, but they don’t talk about their problem to their partner.

There are 3 symptoms of anorgasmia in women:

  1. During sex, the girl receives pleasant sensations, she is aroused, but the long-awaited moment of pleasure does not occur.
  2. During intercourse, the girl is cold and indifferent. She is not excited, does not receive pleasure, the lubricant does not stand out. This stage is confused with frigidity.
  3. Girl avoids intimacy. Sex can be discomforting or disgusting.
female pain

If a woman has noticed a loss of interest in sexual relations, then she should conduct a self-analysis of the situation and consult her doctor.

How is the disease manifested in the stronger sex?

Anorgasmia in men is more difficult to determine than in women. After ejaculation in men comes relief, which they confuse with orgasm. The highest peak of pleasure in the male sex depends on the partner they have chosen. The more beautiful and relaxed a girl is, the brighter the orgasm will be in a man.

Symptoms of anorgasmia in men:

  1. Dull feelings. A barely noticeable weak orgasm.
  2. Lack of ejaculation after prolonged sexual intercourse.
  3. Aversion to sex with a partner.
  4. Absence or loss of arousal during intercourse. It happens in advanced cases of anorgasmia.

The male sex is much less likely to suffer from anorgasmia than the female. However, this disease can catch any man by surprise. You should strictly monitor your male health in time to determine the time when you need to see a doctor.

Causes of anorgasmia

The causes of this disease are many, so you should study in detail every possible case that causes anorgasmia.

  • Incompatibility of partners. A girl may be caught by an inexperienced or rude lover who cannot bring her to orgasm. Guys lose interest and desire when they see a non-sexual or passive partner. In such cases, only changing the object for intimate relationships helps.
  • It is extremely rare that physiological factors can lead to anorgasmia. These may be features in the structure of the genital organs, congenital or acquired abnormalities.
  • Genital diseases. If a guy or a girl does not consult a doctor with intimate diseases on time, then this can bring a lot of discomfort during sexual intercourse. Girls may not get excited or experience pain when they enter the vagina. Young people may be uncomfortable with arousal or ejaculation. Treatment of anorgasmia in this case should be carried out by a doctor who deals with diseases of the genital organs.
  • Hormonal disruptions. This factor affects mainly girls. Problems with the thyroid gland or birth control very much affect the hormonal background of a woman. Jumps in the mood can lead to the rejection of sex and everything connected with it.
  • Psychological problems. Each person is characterized by headaches, fatigue at work, lack of sleep, stress, psychological trauma and more. All these problems can lead to disturbances in intimate life.
family problems

If a person has no idea what anorgasmia is, but notices one or another of the symptoms listed above, a mandatory trip to the doctor is necessary.

Types of anorgasmia

Nowadays, doctors know several types of anorgasmia. How to treat them will be discussed in this article.

  • Primary anorgasmia. It appears if the man or woman has never experienced an orgasm. The reasons may be both psychological and physiological factors.
  • Secondary anorgasmia. Most often found in women. It is caused by the fact that a woman enjoys sexual intercourse, but the orgasm itself is very weak or does not occur at all. This type does not require the intervention of doctors, since most often the reason lies in the relationship itself. Extraneous thoughts or anxieties may distract the girl. In this case, couples need to diversify their intimate life. Change of poses or places for having sex will help. This species is also called false or partial anorgasmia.
  • Situational anorgasmia. This happens when a woman is able to get an orgasm only in a certain situation. This may be a certain posture, a special place for having sex, or certain conditions for sexual intercourse. This species is very rare and does not require medical intervention.
  • Coital anorgasmia. It is caused by the fact that it is impossible to get an orgasm from sexual intercourse. The highest peak of pleasure can be obtained only with stimulation of the penis. It can be oral sex or masturbation.
  • Absolute anorgasmia. This is a condition where neither sexual intercourse, nor masturbation, nor oral caresses lead to orgasm. In this case, you must always consult a doctor.

What could be the consequences

If you do not consult a doctor in time, anorgasmia can progress, causing difficulties in the intimate sphere of partners. Depression, depression, psychological disorders may appear. This will entail quarrels between partners, up to a complete separation. In addition, if a person suffering from anorgasmia begins to become locked in himself, an aversion to the opposite sex or to sex itself may appear.

upset woman

The lack of emotional discharge in a woman can lead to disruption of the menstrual cycle. Due to changes in the hormonal background, problems with the mammary glands may occur. For the female, orgasm is very important, it makes them beautiful and radiant.

Why is the disease more common in women than in men

Most women know what anorgasmia is. Men are less familiar with this word. According to statistics, 75% of the female population and only 25% of the male suffer from this problem. In its physiology, it is easier for a man to achieve the highest peak of pleasure during intercourse. Many ladies have their own psychological characteristics, complexes and prejudices that dull the orgasm or prevent it from happening at all. This explains the frequent occurrence of anorgasmia in women.

If a man has no desire and need for intimate relationships, then he will not be able to extend his family. Every young man is able to ejaculate even without getting an orgasm. With women, everything is much simpler. A girl may not have a sex drive and not get an orgasm, but this will not prevent her from becoming pregnant and giving birth to offspring. A woman who wants a baby is able to have sex even with anorgasmia.


To start treatment for anorgasmia, you need to contact a sexologist or sex therapist. In some cases, you need to contact an andrologist, gynecologist or urologist. Each of them knows what anorgasmia is. These specialists diagnose your disease and help with the solution to this problem.

urologist consultation

At the doctor’s appointment you will find a number of questions about your intimate life, work, childhood. Based on the responses received, your doctor may refer you to the following examinations:

  • Gynecological or urological examination. Assign if there is a suspicion of a disease or abnormality in the development of the genital organs. For an accurate diagnosis, you will need to consult a gynecologist or urologist, an examination of the genitals and ultrasound.
  • Endocrinological examination. Assign in those cases if the patient has a suspicion of hormonal imbalance. In this case, consultation with an endocrinologist, an ultrasound of the thyroid gland and a blood test for hormones will be required.
  • Psychological or psychiatric examination. Assign if the patient has signs of depression, aggression or a violation of the emotional state due to the lack of orgasms. In this case, the man or woman is sent for consultation with a psychologist or psychiatrist who orders a full examination in his area.

Treatment in women

After diagnosing anorgasmia, the doctor prescribes treatment. Most often, this disease has a psychosomatic nature, therefore, consultations with a psychologist or hypnosis sessions are mainly prescribed. This specialist will teach you how to relax, how to get rid of fears and inner complexes. If the girl is worried about frequent anxieties and poor sleep, then she will be prescribed a course of treatment with sedatives.

couple of lovers

In the presence of endocrine pathologies, the endocrinologist prescribes hormonal drugs. Patients suffering from sexually transmitted diseases, expect a medical course of treatment at the gynecologist or venereologist. Pathologies or changes in the genitals in women are observed by the surgeon. If there are visible defects in the labia or vagina, then surgery with plastic surgery may be required. Treatment of anorgasmia in women is prescribed only after a full examination by a sex therapist. In no case should you start therapy yourself!

Treatment in men

Anorgasmia in men does not appear on its own, so the doctor very seriously approaches each patient. If the cause is psychological trauma, consultations with a psychologist are recommended. It will help eliminate all mental anxieties that prevented the appearance of an orgasm. Antidepressants, tranquilizers, vitamins, hormones and additional stimulants for orgasm can be prescribed to men. If a young man suffers from poor sensibility, he is prescribed vibration massage, electrical stimulation and hydrotherapy with the additional use of drugs.

consult a psychologist

In diseases of the genitourinary system or genitals, each case is examined by a specific doctor. If a man is bothered by pain during urination or sex, then a full examination by a urologist will be required, followed by treatment. In diseases such as prostate adenoma, prostatitis, male menopause or infertility, males should contact an andrologist. If anorgasmia is caused by abnormalities of the genital organs, there are defects or scars, only plastic surgery will help here, followed by consultations with a psychologist.

Anorgasmia exercises in women

To strengthen the vaginal muscles, the following exercises will help:

  1. It is necessary to bend so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed. In this position, grasp the back of the chair. Breathe smoothly and slowly. When you inhale, you need to strain the muscles of the vagina, and when you exhale, relax. This exercise is done for 3-5 minutes in 3 sets per day.
  2. Every day before going to bed, lying in bed, it is necessary to try to cause heat in the lower abdomen and in the genitals. Next, you need to strain all the muscles from the knees to the waist so that the walls of the vagina can touch. It is done 10-15 times before bedtime.

Prevention and advice from doctors

Sex therapists advise not to keep secrets from their sexual partners. If problems arise in bed, you need to solve them together. Relationships will help rest, a change of position or environment. If a person works on hard work, then he must devote time to rest. Walk in the fresh air and observe a sleep pattern. It is necessary to abandon excessive smoking and taking alcohol.

In order for a sexual life to always please and bring pleasure, it is necessary to monitor your physical condition. For any problems and deviations, you should immediately consult a doctor. In no case should you ignore intimate problems. What is anorgasmia and how to avoid it, must know both men and women.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9067/

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