Fast and tasty sour cream cookies: recipes, cooking features and reviews

Sour cream cookies are a soft, airy, tender and very tasty treat, which is prepared very quickly and simply. Therefore, even novice cooks can cook it at home in just a few minutes.

Essential Ingredients

There are a huge number of variations of sour cream cookies. It is baked in the oven and in a pan, one or another component is added to it. But the main part of the ingredients of cookies on sour cream is always the same:

  • a glass of sour cream with a fat content of 25%;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • half a glass of sugar or powdered sugar (optional);
  • 300 grams of flour;
  • half a teaspoon of soda or baking powder;
  • a pinch of salt.

However, in addition to these components, depending on the type of cookies, honey, nuts, chocolate, condensed milk and much more can be added to the dough, at the discretion of the cook. By the way, it is important to remember that sometimes butter or margarine is still added to sour cream cookies, and in this case it is very important that the sour cream is with a fat content of 10-15%.

Cooking dough

cookie dough

The dough for a classic sour cream cookie is prepared as simple as possible, because only the main components go there without any additives. First of all, put all our sour cream in a deep bowl and add eggs and sugar to it. We grate these components of our future cookies on sour cream so that the sugar dissolves as much as possible, and then we add salt, flour and slaked soda or baking powder to them. After that, we begin to actively knead the dough so that it stops sticking to your hands, but it is very soft and tender. The main thing is not to immediately pour all the flour, because it may be required a little more or less, depending on its grade and quality.

Baking cookies

After the dough is cooked, it needs to be allowed to rest for half an hour, and only then can you start forming round balls the size of a cam from it, which after baking will turn into a delicious cookie on sour cream. You can also simply roll out the layer and squeeze the cookies out of it using an ordinary glass cup or special molds. After this, we spread the pieces of dough on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, and put them in a preheated oven with a temperature of 180 Β° C. Cookies are usually baked for about 20 minutes until they are slightly browned.

homemade cookies

Tasty cookies on sour cream with cottage cheese

If you cook ordinary cookies with cottage cheese, it will become even more airy and will literally melt in your mouth. For such cookies, we need all the same ingredients as for the classic recipe, however, we still need to take 200 grams of margarine and as much cottage cheese, plus a little more soda. And most importantly, we do not need whole eggs, but only their yolks.

So, first of all, in order to quickly cook cookies on sour cream, you will need to grind the cottage cheese in a bowl to turn it into a homogeneous mass, and then add sour cream, 2 egg yolks and sugar or powdered sugar to it. Knead all this mixture well and set aside for 5 minutes. At this time, we sift the flour, add margarine and soda or baking powder to it and rub it thoroughly with our hands. After that, we combine the flour and sour cream mixture together, bring the dough to an elastic state, roll it into a large lump and put it in the refrigerator for an hour to rest. At the end, it remains only to roll out the dough, squeeze out a cookie with a glass or tins and bake it in the oven at a temperature of 180 0 for 20 minutes.

Honey cookies

sour cream cookies

In order to cook quickly and tasty cookies on sour cream with honey, which will delight the sweet tooth even more, we will need all the same components as for the classic recipe. True, there will be no need for eggs. But in addition to the main ingredients, you will need another 2 tablespoons of liquid honey. The process of making such cookies is also very similar to the classic one. However, with such a recipe, the first thing to do is to melt the margarine or butter, then add all the other ingredients (except flour) to it and mix a homogeneous mass. And only after that you can add flour in small portions to the bowl with the dough, so that in the end you get a not too cool dough that does not stick to your hands. Then we make several lumps from the dough, put them on baking paper, placed on a baking sheet, and put in the oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 180 0 .

Chocolate Sour Cream

Also, a sweet tooth will be very pleased with a delicious and delicate sour cream cookie with the addition of cocoa in the dough, which will simply melt in your mouth. True, the ingredients for this dessert will be slightly different. We will need 3 pieces of eggs, 250 grams of margarine, sugar or powdered sugar - 160 grams and 3 tablespoons of cocoa. The remaining components here will be the same as in the classic recipe.

The first step is to beat the testicles with a pinch of salt to form an air mass. Then in another bowl we soften the margarine, beat it with sugar until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, after which we slowly add sour cream to it. Also in a separate bowl we mix the sifted flour, slaked soda or baking powder and cocoa powder. And only then we combine all the mixtures into one, and knead a cool, elastic dough. And then, as a standard, give him a little rest, form cookies and bake according to the classic recipe.

sour cream cookies with chocolate

Cookies "Nut"

He who loves nuts can please himself and loved ones by cooking easily and quickly cookies on sour cream with nuts, the aroma and taste of which will be simply divine. For this we need 130 grams of sour cream, margarine and nuts (absolutely any grade is at your discretion), half a glass of sugar, 300 grams of flour and one packet of baking powder of dough and vanillin.

To prepare such cookies, first of all, grind it into crumbs or grind it in a coffee grinder, previously frying it in a pan. After that we combine the softened margarine with a pinch of salt and sugar and knead until the sugar crystals dissolve. Then add sour cream with nuts to the resulting mixture, knead everything well, and at the end we gradually pour in the flour, which must have already been mixed with vanilla and baking powder. Well, then we do everything according to the classic recipe, give the dough to rest in the cold for an hour, divide it into small parts and bake in the oven at a temperature of 200 0 C.

Cooking sour cream cookies in a pan

sour cream cookies

It happens that the oven fails or is simply absent among household appliances. But do not think that in this case you can’t cook your favorite treat. After all, cookies on sour cream are quickly and tasty cooked even in an ordinary frying pan, which is available in every home. In this case, we will need all the same ingredients as for the classic recipe, plus 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil. However, in order for cookies to easily form, not to decay and not to burn during frying, only egg yolks without proteins will go into the dough. And plus, in order for the cookies to be perfectly fried, after combining the eggs, sour cream and sugar, add vegetable oil to this mixture, and only then flour. As a result, we make an excellent elastic dough, give it a little rest, roll it into a roller, cut it into individual cookies. We fry them in a pan with non-stick coating on both sides over low heat for four minutes.

Very easy recipe

If you look at all the recipes for cookies on sour cream, you will see that the most difficult in the process of its preparation is the creation of elastic dough. However, if there is a blender in the farm, the complexity of creating cookies will simply be zero. There will be no difference in the form of the delicacy and its ingredients, since the whole secret lies only in the way of kneading the dough. It all starts with the fact that we drop a pinch of salt in a blender, pour vanilla and sugar, break an egg there and begin to beat everything for a couple of minutes. Then add softened butter there, and again you can beat the mixture for a minute. After that, sour cream is sent there, which is whipped for a couple of minutes, and that's all, half the battle is done. Now we transfer the whole mass to a bowl, add the sifted flour to it, other missing components, if the recipe requires it, mix everything, and then cook according to our recipe.

Cake without baking cookies and sour cream

cake without cookies

If it so happened that you still have cookies and a little sour cream, then you can make a real cake from these and a couple of additional ingredients. For this we need:

  • 500 grams of cookies;
  • 500 grams of sour cream;
  • 2 bananas;
  • 250 grams of sugar;
  • chocolate bar.

Now, in order to make this cake from cookies with sour cream, the first thing you need to do is prepare a cream with which we will coat every layer of it. To do this, we cut the bananas in circles, and combine the sour cream with sugar and beat thoroughly so that all its crystals are completely dissolved. After that, put a few cookies on the dish, grease them with sour cream, and then lay out a row of banana slices. Then the cookies are placed again on the bananas and the whole process is repeated again. The last layer must be cookies with sour cream on top. And the top of the cake will just pour melted chocolate over the fire, and that's it, the preparation of the dessert will be completed.

By the way, if you wish, you can make a cake from cookies without sour cream. Just in this case, it will be replaced by boiled condensed milk, which will need to grease a layer of cookies. Or you can prepare any other cream instead, at your discretion, depending on free time and financial costs.

Mistress note

cookies with cocoa

And in order for you to always get cookies made of sour cream "excellent", you just need to know a few simple tricks.

  1. If you wish, you can bake a lot of cookies at once, and then leave a part for yourself, and put a part in a plastic bag, tie it tightly and send it to the freezer, where the treat can be stored for about two months. And when you want to try it, cookies can simply be heated in the microwave.
  2. If, when mixing the dough, ground ginger, saffron and cinnamon are added to it, then at the output we get a real Christmas treat.
  3. Butter or margarine with a fat content of 80% is best for biscuits, because only in this way it will turn out to be tasty and appetizing.
  4. If you want to crunch cookies, for this the dough should be rolled out very thinly and baked at a low temperature of 160-170 0 C for half an hour.
  5. Before you start squeezing the product from the dough, the edge of the glass and molds should be dipped in flour, so the dough will not stick to them.
  6. If you want to somehow improve the appearance of cookies, having formed it, you can hit each piece of dough with a jackhammer for meat, after which a nice net is formed on it.


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