Yogurt: what is it and how to cook it

Yogurt - what is it? This is a fermented milk product, which is one of the most popular drinks in Georgia and Armenia. If you literally translate the name, then we get the characteristic of the ingredient - "sour milk". Scientists still have not been able to determine the name of the one who first prepared this dairy product. Many assume that it was received by accident when they used unwashed dishes.

How to make yogurt

yogurt what is it
To prepare the product in the original, they use the milk of Georgian and Abkhaz cows, which graze high in the mountains and move a lot. But for lack of such a product, you can use any other milk, that is, cow, sheep, goat or camel. Yogurt (what it is - described above) can be prepared in the following way.
how to cook yogurt
Cooking Methods:

  1. Take the milk, bring it to a boil, but do not allow the bubbles to rise (approximately this temperature is about 90 degrees). Allow the fluid to cool to 45 degrees. Then add the leaven in this proportion: two large spoons per liter of base. It can be either yogurt itself, or sour cream or kefir. Mix well and pour into jars, it is more convenient to control the process. Cover the containers with napkins and send to a dark place for 4 hours to settle. It is advisable to wrap the containers. Shake or stir the mixture before the end of the term. After the specified time, the finished product is sent to the refrigerator overnight.

  2. Pasteurized milk must be boiled and evaporated (optimally, if a third of the volume goes), then the liquid should be cooled to 40 degrees. Pour into convenient containers, previously putting on a bottom of each a spoonful of natural yogurt (without flavorings and fillers). Wrap up the containers and leave overnight, in the morning send to the refrigerator to brew.

Useful properties of yogurt

beneficial properties of yogurt

It is worth noting that this sour-milk product perfectly satisfies hunger and thirst, which is valued in the mountains. In addition, the product has an anabolic effect, which is indispensable for athletes, because thanks to it you can build muscle. If you drink a glass of yogurt for the night (you already know what it is), then a calm sleep and a healthy nervous system are ensured. The product is able to cleanse the body and remove excess cholesterol. This sour-milk mixture is easier to digest and saturates us with amino acids and vitamins, which are necessary for the normal functioning of the intestines and other organs. Matsoni is often recommended to normalize microflora, as well as to stimulate appetite. It is worth saying that few people know that this product is considered to prolong youth. The reason for this is sour-milk bacteria, which perfectly cope with the pathogenic microflora of the body, beneficially affecting the work of all human organs and its general condition.


So, now you know everything about yoghurt: what it is, how to cook it, and what useful properties this wonderful product has. And although he is not loved by everyone, he is useful to everyone. Therefore, it is worth revising your preferences and at least occasionally pamper yourself with a useful, slightly acidic and island food.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9074/

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