Sanatorium "DiLuch" in Anapa: reviews, recommendations, address, rooms and treatment

Sanatorium "DiLUCH" in the city of Anapa is a powerful modern resort and medical complex with qualified specialists. It is distinguished by its uniqueness of methods, comfortable living conditions. Sanatorium "DILUCH" in the city of Anapa is located in an area with excellent natural conditions. Nearby is the Black Sea, which is an additional healing factor.


The first buildings of the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa were opened in 1923. Throughout all these years, the improvement of the territory continued. As a result, according to reviews, the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa has become one of the most ambitious resorts in the Black Sea.

The history of the sanatorium


The complex is multidisciplinary. At the moment, the list of services provided by the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa includes: visits to the spa clinic, diagnostics, more than 20 types of mud procedures and therapeutic baths, individual and group sports, a varied diet menu, a saltwater pool, a sauna, drinking pump rooms, cosmetology, 6 hotels. Special attention deserves the beach of the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa. It is presented in 2 variations - pebble and sand.

In a swimming pool

Over the decades of its existence, the “DiLUCH” sanatorium in the city of Anapa has gained extensive experience in spa treatment of people of all ages. He was engaged in the treatment of a variety of diseases.

For its professionalism and organization quality, the resort has repeatedly received prestigious international and Russian awards. In the last decade alone, he received 40 of them. These included the title of laureate, as well as the Gold Medal of the World Federation of Hydrotherapy in the nomination “The Best Sanatorium and Resort Institution”.

In 2013, the resort turned 90 years old. In 1923, the building of the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa, Pushkin 22, was a resort clinic. Thanks to the beautiful architecture, the patterned building with turrets deserved the title of pride of the city. Already at that time, the reviews were excellent about the future of the DiLUCH sanatorium in Anapa: professionals who provided a wide range of services in the field of medicine flocked here. To maintain public health, a mud bath, seawater departments, X-ray (which was rare in those days), a medical beach were opened here.

Professionals who worked here were engaged in both treatment and research activities in the field of spa treatment. Before the war, citizens from all over the country sought tickets to the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa. During the Great Patriotic War, the building was destroyed, Anapa remained in ruins. After a long period of reconstruction, in 1957, the reception desk of the “DiLUCH” sanatorium in Anapa was again opened for visitors. And a flood of Soviet citizens from all over the country poured here. Subsequently, a wide-profile complex will mark an almost century-old milestone.

At this moment

Today, according to reviews, the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa is equipped with advanced equipment, the number of medical services provided in it is growing from year to year. Manages the activities of the complex V. S. Sevryukov. She is an Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Hero of Labor of the Kuban.

The complex employs 65 doctors, 5 of whom have a degree. Their main specialties are therapy, pediatrics, family therapy, rehabilitation, occupational pathology, allergology, neurology, nephrology, nutrition, ophthalmology, cardiology, gastroenterology, proctology, surgery, urology, obstetrics, dentistry, psychotherapy and many other medical areas. A manual therapist works in combination.

Procedures in the sanatorium

Each doctor has a certificate, many specialists participate in large-scale conferences.

According to reviews, the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa perfectly copes with the tasks of treating young children. It is the only health resort accepting children of any age and treating children from 2 years old.

The rooms of the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa have a class of "3 stars", nutrition is accompanied by the appointments of a nutritionist. There is an extensive list of special spa programs, which include medical and diagnostic procedures.

Often held in the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa action. If desired, outpatient treatment is provided with accommodation outside the complex and meals in the dietary canteen.

About comfort

The territory of the complex has separate games and gyms with a stationary unit, a pharmacy kiosk. There is a spa, hairdresser. There will be entertainment for those who prefer both sports and outdoor activities. Rooms are booked by phone of the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa. You can also book a room on the official website of the health resort. You can contact the DILUCH sanatorium in Anapa by phone number around the clock.

About mission

The mission of the complex is to provide highly qualified medical assistance to guests in combination with spa services. And according to reviews, the treatment at the sanatorium "DiLuCH" in Anapa meets the needs of patients.

Nature heals

A feature of spa treatment is the combination of natural and medical forces to provide medical care to visitors. Sunny climate, mineral waters and healing mud of Anapa contribute to the rapid improvement of health. Such a complex effect of organized recreation and climate saves in the fight against a whole range of ailments. According to reviews with photos, the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa is located in a picturesque area. Anapa is the only family resort that has received the status of a resort of Federal significance.

The “DiLuCH” provides for the possibility of emergency examination and consultation, next to the complex is a municipal medical institution. The medical post is open around the clock.

The complex provides accommodation and meals at a decent level. There are game rooms, libraries, teacher services for living during the school year.


According to reviews with photos, the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa is located in a beautiful area in the region of Anapa Bay. The Black Sea is the warmest in the Russian Federation. Its temperature is 28 ° C in Anapa in the summer. The beach season lasts from May to October.

The climate is characterized by moderate humidity, has Mediterranean features, has a large number of sunny days. An important feature of the area are healing mineral waters. They are mandatory used in the process of rest in the complex "DiLUCH".

For children under 4 years old, far from all procedures are suitable. However, in the complex, an individual approach is provided for them. For those wishing to undergo outpatient treatment, an appointment with a specialist is recommended. It will be he who will prescribe the diagnosis and treatment for the child, and then will monitor the healing process. However, even with a permit, the pediatrician will do the same procedure.

About the buildings

The first building of the sanatorium "DiLUCH" in Anapa in the photo appears to be a respectable and spectacular building. Facade lining was carried out recently, the building was given a modern look. The design has become consistent with world-class hotels. The interior has been expanded. The interior of the premises has been changed. The photo of the sanatorium “DiLUCH” in Anapa shows that all amenities are provided for people with disabilities.

Since the reception is open 24 hours a day, check-in is done at any time. The room has 65 rooms with a spacious loggia. The view from the windows is amazing.

Room view

The rooms were furnished in such a way as to get rid of the feeling of treasury. Their decoration is original, all colors are pleasing to the eye, there is a homely atmosphere.

The second building is located among the trees that create a pleasant shade on Anapa days. Near the complex is a large park area, which is an ideal place for a walk. The building is located 300 meters from the sea. In the immediate vicinity there is a swimming pool and a mineral water pump room. In a couple of minutes you can walk to the clinic.

Overhaul of the building was carried out in 2016. Then the facade was finished with new material, internal reconstruction was carried out, each floor was equipped with ramps. In the second building numbers are reserved for those who have suffered a head injury, stroke, neurosurgical operation.

One-room rooms are designed for 2 guests, they have 2 beds. They have a high level of comfort. All shades are soft, furniture is provided in pastel colors. Each room is individual. The rooms have large loggias.

The third building includes two four-story rooms without elevators. The buildings are new and comfortable. They were erected next to the treatment center. Therefore, the venue of the procedures can be reached by just crossing the courtyard. A dietary dining room is 200 meters from the building. Distance to the sea - 300 meters.

This building is the most popular, as the prices in it are democratic, a high level of comfort. The rooms are designed for both 2 people and one. All have a standard level of comfort.

The rooms have all the amenities, the interior is pleasing to the eye. There is no feeling of treasury in it, there is a homely pleasant atmosphere. Each is decorated with wall paintings depicting landscapes, lyrical plots. The apartments always have a lot of sunlight, the windows are wide.

The sixth building has 6 floors with elevators, spacious corridors. It has a dietary dining room, and it is often filled with pleasant aromas that help to recreate a cozy home atmosphere. This has a positive effect on the mood of guests.

The apartments are presented in three varieties - one-room, two-room, three-room. Interiors are equipped in order to achieve maximum functionality. Most often, this building for living is chosen by families, there are many children. Bathrooms are equipped in accordance with international standards.

The loggias are large, and it is convenient to relax here, enjoying a beautiful view of the sea. The pool is located nearby to get into it, just go through the courtyard.

The seventh building is located next to the pebble beach. It is called "Comfort", and for good reason. The spectacular building with elevators and wide corridors fully justifies this name. The apartments in it are intended for people with a wide range of occupational diseases. The entire building has Wi-Fi. The interior is made in a classic style with soft colors. Each room is complemented by paintings on the walls. The feeling of treasury in the apartment is excluded.

The building has a separate dietary dining room. Pleasant smells have a positive effect on guests. Timeliness of nutrition is considered the most important factor in treatment.

Near the building there is a swimming pool, a diagnostic center and a mineral water pump room. A walk through the green area around the building is an important part of recovery, as clean spa air helps strengthen the body's immune forces. The building was erected in 1987. It has a complex architecture. Until now, no Russian resort has its analogue.

The treatment center of the complex is called "9 floors of health." On each floor there is an institution whose activities are aimed at solving a number of problems of visitors. Each floor has its own separate profile. Each of the nine floors has a clinical laboratory, which the complex is proud of. It is in these laboratories that conduct more than 100 types of studies. On the 6th floor there is a department aimed at endocological rehabilitation. Its activity is aimed at cleansing the body of toxic substances.

On the fifth floor there is a physiotherapy department in which inhalations and halocamera therapy are performed.

The first floor has a department of balneological therapy. In order to provide full-fledged therapy in Anapa, the complex opened an exercise therapy room, a room with therapeutic massage, a phytobar, an office with carbonic baths, and so on.

The zero level of the health resort is represented by the department of mud baths and healing clay therapy. Passing the procedures, guests can relax in the library, visit the spa, children can have fun in the play area. On the territory there are manicured lawns, original plantings, in the shade of which it is also useful to relax.

About the pump room

An important detail of the resort is the presence of a drinking pump room with mineral waters, as well as healing mud. Mineral water is represented by two varieties - Anapa and Semigorsk. Their intake leads to a healthy body. Semigorsk water was discovered in the village of Raevskaya 24-26 kilometers from the city.

Pump room with water

Mineral water of this type is indicated in the presence of chronic colitis, diseases associated with metabolism, peptic ulcer, chronic pancreatitis, urinary tract diseases.

Anapa mineral water was discovered in 1975 at the resort. It is recommended for use by people with low acidity of the stomach, in the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers and a number of other diseases.

About physiotherapy

Physical therapy is included in the list of services of the complex without fail. "DILUCH" has three equipped sports halls. Classes are held for both young guests and adults. Exercise therapy is indicated for diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, bronchi associated with cerebral circulation, metabolic disorders.

Separate programs are provided for pregnant women. There is also a separate set of fitness equipment, tennis tables. Fitness and aerobics classes are held regularly. There are devices for special exercises shown to people with problems in the spinal area. There is also a separate cabinet for kinesitherapy.

At exercise therapy

You need to know that exercise therapy is most effective at the time when the disease is just beginning to develop. It is important to conduct the correct diagnosis beforehand in order to choose the right set of exercises for the patient. Specialists of the sanatorium "DiLUCH" are engaged in all this. The psychophysiological condition of the guests is also evaluated.

Separate equipment is designed to restore muscle tone. After classes, there is a surge of strength. The sanatorium has 14 massage rooms with special couches, where patients are provided with therapeutic, classic, acupressure and other types of massages.

About nutrition

At the heart of any kind of therapy is proper nutrition. Many studies have confirmed that a well-chosen diet contributes to the return of health, the establishment of a number of internal processes in the body. It was a special diet in combination with natural factors that was used even before the first procedures and wellness programs were developed. In the “DILUCH” complex, nutrition is given a lot of importance. An individual diet is being developed for each patient. Menus are made taking into account its features, choosing products in such a way as to maximize the health of the body.

In the dining room

A nutritionist always works in the complex, who is involved in the preparation of diets for all guests. In addition to the main course, separate recommendations are applied for each. Dietary sisters work in the dining room to help you get meals that meet your individual requirements.

But if therapy in Anapa includes special diets, then nutrition is carried out completely individually. It includes national, Kuban cuisine, vegetarian and lean dishes.

Meals in the “DILUCH” are carried out according to the principle of “buffet” or “menu-order”. Patients under 14 years old are allocated snacks and dream books. Guests come for breakfast, lunch and dinner in any of the 5 rooms in a separate building or in the dining room in buildings 6 and 7. Each dining room is decorated in a special way, the interiors of the rooms are unique. One detail remains common in every room - the pleasant atmosphere that prevails in the dining room.

On holidays, canteens always present a variety of dishes that match the characteristics of the holiday. In addition, there are always entertainment programs to help you have fun. A nice bonus is a natural dry wine from the best wineries. The intake of this drink is indicated for most patients.

To ensure that food always remains at the proper level, management conducts regular “Nutrition Tips”, organized personally by the complex’s general director V.S. Sevryukova. In the process of these meetings, new features of dietary nutrition are being approved.

Family and marriage

It must be remembered that among the services of the sanatorium, the services of the Marriage and Family complex are distinguished. He is engaged in the treatment of gynecological diseases, the genitourinary system. It carries out the rehabilitation of pregnant women, in the early stages of oncological diseases associated with the reproductive system, mammary glands. They diagnose and treat cervical diseases, select the best methods of contraception, and terminate the pregnancy using medical methods.

Younger patients also receive therapy at the School of Mother and Child. The complex "DiLUCH" has effective modern methods of dealing with the diseases mentioned above. Sexually transmitted diseases are also treated here. Diagnosed with osteoporosis in pregnant women and people over forty years of age.

The combination of spa treatment with physiotherapeutic methods, medicines in practice has shown excellent results in the fight against even chronic ailments, including infertility, irregularities in the menstrual cycle.

About phytobar

Another feature of therapy in the complex is the use of phytotherapeutic techniques. So, in “DILUCH” has its own phytobar with healing herbal infusions. They are selected in such a way as to delight patients with the taste qualities that give strength to the guest’s body, help to cope with a number of diseases, including the most serious.

Oxygen cocktails are popular, which are extremely useful for children and pregnant women. They sell a special type of bio-ice cream - "Health landing." It is supplemented by bifidobacteria, which explains its beneficial properties.


In the sanatorium there is an opportunity to undergo ophthalmic therapy according to special programs designed for guests of any age. During it, tension and fatigue are relieved from the eyes, and vision is restored at the initial stages of the diseases, which are diagnosed right there.

At the disposal of professionals, “DiLUcha” is the most advanced equipment that helps in accurate diagnosis, as well as in carrying out the necessary treatment. On the territory of the complex, vascular eye diseases, myopia, farsightedness, strabismus are treated, emotional stress is relieved, eye muscles are trained. Laser fiber stimulation, magnetotherapy, and pneumatic massage are also produced here.

Therapy of eyeball diseases in each guest is carried out according to individual methods. It is important that the specialists of the complex also carry out the treatment of amblyopia of various etymologies. Eye condition improves quite quickly due to a combination of a wide variety of treatment methods. In the complex there are also opportunities for the implementation of electrical stimulation of the eyes.

How to get there

You can drive to the “DiLUCH” sanatorium in Anapa by following the regular buses No. 2, 9, 24, 25. You need to get out of them at the “Sanatorium DiLUCH” stop. Thus, the complex can be reached from the airport or from the railway station.

Contacts of the sanatorium "DiLUCH" (Anapa) can be found on the official website of the institution.


Reviews about the complex are positive for the most part. Many express gratitude for the restoration of their loved ones after a stroke, for the organization and professionalism of specialists. They note that the rooms are chic, the food is balanced.

Visitors also noted comfortable living, cleanliness and order in everything, beauty in the courtyards of residential buildings. Many enjoyed the buffet! in the dining room.


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