Muscle exercises at home

Sometimes people get the thought that it’s time to think about your figure and health, which means that you can finally go in for sports, but there is no desire to go to the gym. Everyone has their own reasons for this: someone is limited in finances, others are shy, others simply can not find the time for this. But the main thing is desire, and you can perform exercises for the muscles of the body at home. To do this, you will need quite a bit of sports equipment and three hours a week.

For home workouts to benefit, you need to make a good program, otherwise it will be a simple exercise, no more. It is important to choose a set of exercises for all muscle groups, because only in this case you can count on the transformation of the body, whether it is weight loss or weight gain.

General principles of training. Features of muscle exercises at home

Classes in the gym have obvious advantages:

  • firstly, you are not distracted by extraneous matters;
  • secondly, it is a conducive working atmosphere;
  • thirdly, the whole range of exercises with various sports equipment and exercise machines is available to you.

However, at home, you can work out the whole body well. The main thing is to choose good exercises for all muscle groups that can be performed even with ordinary dumbbells.

Unfortunately, you won’t be able to do without equipment at all, because without additional weight gain your muscles will not get the proper load. It doesn’t matter what your goals are, be it weight loss or weight gain, in any case, you need to give preference to strength training and maximize muscle loading. Of course, there are good basic exercises that help to work out the whole body without additional weight (for example, pull-ups or push-ups). However, if you are very far from sports and have significant problems with being overweight, you obviously will not be able to do at least 5-6 repetitions. Therefore, it is necessary to first strengthen the muscles and prepare them for work with their own body weight.

Are there any fundamental differences between male and female training?

If we talk about the differences between male and female training, then there are no obvious and fundamental differences. Anatomy and biomechanics are identical, only the initial force data and some physiological features differ. For girls, exercises for the muscles of the upper body are always given with great difficulty, while the legs and buttocks always respond perfectly to even the most difficult types of load. It's all about the function of procreation, nature has taken care of the strength of those muscles that help hold the stomach during pregnancy.

Men, on the other hand, have more developed torsos and arms, since from ancient times they had to get food by hunting, carry weights and protect their family. This is important to consider when creating a program for men. Exercises for the muscles of the upper body should be the main part of the session. But women need to concentrate on the bottom. And now we will consider the most effective exercises for the muscles of the whole body, which can be safely performed even at home. To do this, you will definitely need two typesetting dumbbells and a horizontal bar, but you can do without it.

Our support: training leg muscles

If you exercise at home, it is always better to give preference to good basic exercises for all muscle groups. So there are much more chances to load your body well and achieve improvement in strength indicators. When training the body, it is important to start with large muscle groups, and then gradually move on to smaller ones. After all, small muscles will certainly act in all exercises as “helpers” and stabilizers, which means that they are guaranteed to receive their share of the load. At the end of the lesson, you just have to “finish off” them with isolated training with a small weight. Now consider the most effective exercises for the legs, because this anatomical group makes up 50% of our body, which means that, following the rule, you need to start with it.

dumbbell squats


In general, this exercise shakes not only the legs, but also a huge number of other muscles of our body. However, the lion's share of the load is taken over by quadriceps, calves and sometimes adducting thigh muscles. There are a great many types of dumbbell squats, but it's best to start with the classics:

  • Starting position: the average setting of the legs, the back is straight, the face looks strictly forward and up, and the hands hold the dumbbell in front of the chest.
  • When doing a squat, be sure to keep an eye on your knees. It is important not to flush them inward and not to lead over the line of socks. Also, do not tilt the body too far forward, this will adversely affect the spine.
  • Squatting is best to parallel or lower.
dumbbell lunges


The technique of this exercise is very simple, and therefore it is better to concentrate on the types of lunges. Indeed, depending on the setting of the legs, different muscles of the thigh will be loaded:

  • reverse lunges (back) - study of the biceps of the thigh;
  • classic lunges (forward) - pumping quadriceps;
  • side lunges - the load goes to the adductors (inner part).

Bleeding the most seductive part of the body: training for the buttocks

gluteal bridge

The gluteal bridge is an exercise to strengthen the muscles of the buttocks, it is most useful for girls, because they are the ones who strive to pump this part of the body and make it more voluminous. In general, buttocks swing and in squats, and in deadlift, and even in lunges. But if you want to accurately load the muscle, you can add this simple exercise to your arsenal:

  • Lie on the floor and bend your knees, take your calves from the hip to such a distance that when lifting the pelvis, the angle in the joint is 90 degrees.
  • Put the dumbbell on yourself and slowly tear your buttocks off the floor. Keep your body on your legs and shoulder blades.
  • Try to linger at the top point, this will increase the load on the muscles.
  • You must also lower yourself slowly, while not lowering your buttocks to the floor until the end. Work within the amplitude throughout the approach.

We form posture: exercises for the back

Now consider the exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back. In general, this anatomical group is divided into three large sections: the lower back, paravertebral columns and wings. Each part of the muscles is involved in completely different exercises, however, you can pump your entire back at a time, if you resort to basic exercises.



This is exactly what was mentioned above. With the help of deadlift, you can not only strengthen the entire back, but also other muscles of the body, because this is a very complex and energy-intensive exercise. There are many different technical options for traction, but for the vertebral columns and lower back, the classic and the Romanian modification are best suited.


This type of training is aimed at pumping wings, especially if you use a wide grip. Girls can do this exercise with a partner or use a very tight elastic band to support their legs.

hyperextension exercise


This exercise is for the muscles of the lower back, it is very convenient to do it in the gym, as there is a special simulator for this. At home, you can perform hyperextension from a bench or sofa, and if you have a fitball, you can use it.

One of the largest anatomical groups of the upper body: swing the chest

Breast training is most often a priority for men. Muscle exercises for this part of the body will certainly be present in the training program for both a beginner and a professional. Consider the best options for pumping these muscles.


Conventional push ups

The simplest, but at the same time effective type of chest training is simple push-ups. And if they will be with a wide statement of hands, and even performed with weight and support (skirtings, stacks of books), then nothing better can be imagined. This is the best basic exercise for the muscles of the chest, especially its middle and lower sections.

Dumbbell Bench Press

You can perform the exercise both from the bench and from the floor. This type of training accurately swings segments of the pectoral muscles and helps them become more voluminous.

Where without it: we train the press

Any set of exercises for the muscles of the whole body can not do without pumping the press. But this muscle responds very well to any kind of load, and therefore it does not matter which exercise you choose. Train your press in the usual and most convenient way for you, it will not affect the effectiveness.

Do not forget about the small muscles: exercise for the neck and trapezium

exercise shrugs

From large anatomical groups, we are slowly moving to small ones. There is one very good exercise for the muscles of the neck and trapezium - these are shrugs. It is very simple, but quite important, because these muscles often top the list of laggards.


  • Stand in a free position and take a projectile in each hand (weights or dumbbells, you can even eggplant with water).
  • Begin your shoulders up, as you would with the phrase: “I don’t know.”
  • The head and neck at the same time remain absolutely motionless.

Oblique Fathom: Exercises for Deltas

We turn to pumping deltas at home. Exercises for the muscles of the hands are best performed with dumbbells, otherwise the training will be very ineffective. There are two very good exercises for leveling your shoulders.

shoulder exercise

Dumbbell Bench Press Up:

  • Take the dumbbells in your hands, lift them at head level. The arms should be bent at the elbows, and the shells should be on the same line.
  • Raise the dumbbells over your head, and then lower them back. In this case, do not bring your hands and do not straighten the joints to the end.

Exercise "Eagle":

  • While standing, hold shells in each hand.
  • It is necessary to spread straight arms with dumbbells to the sides, while the knuckles should look down, and the elbows should be slightly bent.

Making beautiful hands: triceps sighting

There is a very good home exercise for the triceps muscles - this is French bench press. The technique is very simple: you need to lower and raise the dumbbell, holding it behind your head. You can do this both in a standing position and sitting. Both options are equally effective. When training your hands, always start with the triceps, and then move on to the biceps.

Classics of the genre: exercises for biceps

The last exercise for arm muscles is biceps flexion. It is necessary to take one dumbbell in each hand, and this must be done with a reverse grip. Raise each hand individually or both together, choose the most convenient option based on your physical abilities.

This set of exercises for all muscle groups will help you put your body in order even at home. You need to train regularly, optimally every other day. Do not forget that muscles need regular rest.


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