How to learn to follow the steps of a waltz?

Nowadays, waltz is widespread in all countries, including Russia. Waltz is played at almost every social event; it is considered obligatory at school graduations and weddings (which is why the dance was given the name "wedding"). That is why the ability to waltz and perform different combinations of waltz steps can be useful in our time. Waltz lessons are undoubtedly worth taking from real dance teachers, but if this is not possible, and you need to learn the movements in a short time, you can use our publication. The dance is elegant and easy to perform, and in this article we will look at how the waltz steps are performed for beginners.

Moving in the hall

Waltz history

Waltz is a classic pair dance, the origin of which is rooted in the late seventeenth century. The name comes from the German walzer - "spinning". Despite the fact that a dance appeared in Germany and was considered peasant, it was first performed in Europe, in Vienna. In Austria, he gained fame among the nobility. At that time, dance was not just an element of art, it was mandatory for performance among the aristocracy. Waltz lessons were taught from an early age to girls and boys belonging to the nobility.

Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, dance has spread rapidly throughout Europe and has become increasingly diverse. New types and combinations of waltz steps appeared, in many countries the modified version was considered a national dance. At the beginning of the twentieth century, such a now-known species as the slow waltz began to play in England. Despite the incredible popularity, any deviations from the classical style were negatively perceived by the old European aristocracy. In Russia, the appearance of the dance coincided with the rule of Catherine II and Paul I. At first, the waltz was not approved by the rulers and the nobility, it was even banned, but eventually gained fame. However, the waltz underwent special changes after the Second World War. In dance, the basic nature of movement, steps and turns has changed, but there are more opportunities for the development of dance figures.

Waltz in Russia

Waltz Variations

Despite the fact that the Viennese waltz is considered to be the founder of the dance, which is performed with quick steps, its other variations are also very common in the world. In total, there are about two hundred and fifty kinds of this dance. The following options are best known:

  • English (slow) waltz.
  • Viennese (fast) waltz.
  • Russian waltz (waltz in two pa).
  • Figured Waltz.
  • Japanese Waltz (Maltriso Waltz).
  • Argentinean waltz (tango).

Key Points

The performance of the waltz is quite simple, if you understand how to dance. Waltz steps are carried out according to a certain pattern. First of all, imagine a square - you will be moving along the trajectory during the dance. The dance is performed by a man, his left hand should be on the waist of his partner, and his right hand holds her hand. The woman’s left hand is on the man’s shoulder. Movement in a waltz begins with the right foot, ends with the left and occurs counterclockwise. But do not forget that a woman moves opposite to a man, that is, her steps are performed clockwise and begin with the left foot. The main step of the waltz is the attached one, it is very easy to learn it, but remember that for a beautiful dance performance the steps should be light and sliding. To do this, first slide the cushion of your feet, then move to the toe and only then rest on your entire foot. The first step is big, the second and third are small. The movements should be relaxed and smooth, and do not forget to smile, then you will achieve the desired effect.

Dance moves

Motion pattern

The movements of this dance consist of a track and a turn. Surely you heard that the musical size of the dance is three-lobed, that is, in the waltz, the steps are performed in 3/4 (possible variations are 3/8, 6/8), that is, at the expense of 1-2-3. Each step has three steps. The turn takes two steps. During the first bar on the first beat, the dancer with his right foot takes a step back along the imaginary line of the dance, and by the beginning of the second bar he turns his back to it.

Dance pattern

During the second measure, the performer returns to its original position, thereby performing a 180-degree turn. It is recommended to rotate at half-fingers, as it is easier to deploy the body. A track is just a way of moving a waltz pair from one place to another. The movement is carried out in the same way, in the rhythm 1-2-3, with small additional steps.


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