How to remove the "Moment" glue from the hands completely?

The best tool for fast and reliable bonding of wooden, plastic and metal elements is the Moment glue. However, its binding qualities often turn into a problem, getting on clothes or hands, the composition also firmly enters the structure of the tissue or skin. So the question arises of how to remove the “Moment” glue from the hands. Many people decide to act in the usual ways, such as regular hand washing, but using soap and shampoos does not lead to anything. In order to completely eliminate the traces of dried glue, saving yourself from discomfort, you must use special tools.

how to remove glue moment from hands

Sunflower oil removal

Sunflower oil is the easiest way to get rid of glue. The operation is performed as follows: the areas of the hands on which the glue got should be moistened with oil and rubbed into the skin, after which the elimination of the unpleasant coating should be started. It is advisable to wait for the oil to penetrate the skin surface more strongly, but for those who want to know how to quickly remove the “Moment” glue from their hands, you should immediately try cleaning with a cotton swab. It must first be moistened in oil to enhance the effect. Then the hands are washed with warm water and laundry soap, which should also be rubbed as intensively as possible into the soiled areas.

how to remove glue moment from hands at home

This method is affordable and relatively fast, but it completely eliminates traces of glue only in the case of a thin layer of glue. If the question arises as to how to wash the Moment glue from your hands, when it is already a dried up large stain, then vegetable oil may not help, or at least the cleaning process will be long. In such cases, it is better to immediately begin treatment with more active drugs.

Strong solvents

This option of cleaning hands, perhaps, can be attributed to the most effective, although it has some disadvantages. The procedure uses solvents such as acetone, white alcohol, or refined gasoline. As you can see, the means are quite aggressive in terms of chemical effects, but the question of how to remove the “Moment” glue from the skin of the hands will surely disappear. It is advisable to use one of these formulations immediately after the skin is dirty. As cleaning tools, you can use the same cotton pads, rubbing them with a tool on the adhesive layer. Speaking about the disadvantages of this method, it can be noted harm to the skin itself, a long reaction time and low efficiency in removing highly hardened glue.

Anti glue

how to quickly remove the glue moment from the hands

In fairness, it is worth noting that manufacturers of adhesives in the same lines provide anti-agents. The same applies to this brand, for example, there is an anti-adhesive “Super Moment” that cleanses the skin safely and effectively. At the same time, there is an instruction on how to remove the “Moment” glue from the hands with a special antioxidant composition.

In general terms, the description of the sequence of this operation looks like this: the composition is applied to a sponge and contaminated areas are treated using a known technique, and after a short time the foreign coating dissolves. Therefore, if it is supposed to work with binders, it is advisable to take care of the availability of such funds in advance. In this case, you don’t have to look for or come up with new ways to remove “Moment” glue from your hands at home or at work, where there may be no solvents or even ordinary soap.

Abrasive products

how you can remove the glue moment from the hands

The most radical way to get rid of glue. If cleaning of matter, metal products, wooden or plastic surfaces is required, this option will be the most effective and fast. But in the case of delicate skin, one should be careful, as abrasives suggest a mechanical effect on the treated area. The following devices will help in this matter: sandpaper (only with small abrasive grains), pumice or nail file. In just a few minutes, even the dried up thick layers will be removed, and the question of how to quickly remove the “Moment” glue from your hands will be solved with minimal cost. But again, one should proceed with caution, since abrasives will inevitably affect the skin itself.

Removing glue from nails

Nails are considered the most problematic area in terms of glue removal. The task is complicated if during the cleaning you need to maintain their aesthetic appearance. Therefore, you should immediately turn to funds aimed at painlessly removing varnishes. Answering the question of how to remove the “Moment” glue from the hands and, in particular, from the nails, it is possible to bring funds from different ways: you will need an abrasive in the form of a file for polishing, an acetone-containing compound, and boiled water.

The operation begins with processing the most "dirty" sections of nails with a nail file. It is advisable to clean off only the glue itself without affecting the surface of the nail. Then the fingers are immersed for 5 minutes in warm water, which will soften the remains of the stubborn coating. After that, use cotton pads to moisten and clean the remaining traces. In general, the procedures and methods of how to remove the “Moment” glue from the hands have general principles of influence. But in the case of nails, a more intensive primary treatment and softening procedure are required, after which it is possible to use the same acetone and sunflower oil. The specific choice of method depends on the thickness and area of ​​the randomly pasted area.

How not to remove glue?

how to remove glue moment from skin of hands

It has been mentioned more than once that some of the products can damage the skin, therefore it is not recommended to abuse them to achieve the result soon. Also, do not try to tear pieces of dried glue from the skin, it retains a solid structure and in close connection with the skin can seriously injure it. There will always be something to remove the Moment glue from your hands painlessly and quickly, so you should not experiment. Not all products that are used for household cleaning are appropriate for treating hand skin. This applies primarily to acids, alkalis also rarely give the expected results, but they harm the hands.

Care after cleaning

how to remove glue moment from hands

During the removal of adhesive coatings on the skin, it is impossible to do without microtrauma. Whether it is chemical attack or abrasive cleaning, delicate fabrics undergo serious tests, after which they need to be restored. In addition to knowing how to remove “Moment” glue from your hands, you need to prepare for further sessions to clean up the treated areas.

The first task immediately after cleaning is the removal of traces of processing substances or abrasive particles. To do this, wash your hands with soap and water, and then dry them. Then you can start restoring products, including nourishing creams, interior fat, special lotions for hands or regular vegetable oil.


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