Mushrooms for breastfeeding. Breastfeeding Nutrition Tips

It is no secret that the nutrition during breastfeeding should be correct and balanced. Simply put, during this period of life, a woman needs to carefully monitor what she eats.

Will the mushrooms harm

Of course, some foods can not but cause concern among women in labor. Among them, of course, include mushrooms, which for many are considered an exquisite delicacy. Therefore, even newly minted mothers can not always deny themselves the pleasure of eating pickled mushrooms. But, unfortunately, not everyone thinks about how this product will affect the health of their little one. Would he be harmed by this?

Until now, the question of whether it is possible to eat mushrooms when breastfeeding is debatable. Consider all the pros and cons of this product for a woman who is breastfeeding.

Mushrooms for breastfeeding

Of course, several centuries ago, nutrition during breastfeeding was not so "balanced" and "verified". Our great-great-grandmothers did not refuse to eat boletus and boletus as they were affordable products.

What do we know about mushrooms

It is generally accepted that mushrooms contain a huge amount of calories, therefore, from the point of view of a quick recovery of strength and performance, they may well replace meat. We also know that this product is slowly absorbed by our digestive system. This is because the fungus contains a huge amount of fiber, as well as a protein component such as fungin, which is structurally similar to chitin. Dried russules and buns contain twice as much protein as meat delicacies.

At first glance, the answer to the question โ€œShould I eat mushrooms while breastfeeding?โ€ obvious for the simple reason that they are abundant in vitamins of groups A, B and C. In addition, nicotinic acid is contained in these lower spore plants, as well as extractives that activate the production of gastric juice and thereby promote better digestion.


Mushrooms when breastfeeding are recommended to eat also because they help lower cholesterol in the body, as well as strengthen the immune system. As a result of recent studies, scientists have found that this product can reduce the risk of cancer. However, this is not all the beneficial properties of the fungus. It should be noted that the fungin, which is part of it, improves liver function.

Tips on how to consume mushrooms in childbirth

Many are interested in the question of whether it would be a mistake to eat mushrooms when breastfeeding immediately after childbirth. Yes, mushrooms should be discarded in the first months of a babyโ€™s life. The fact is that the digestive system of the peanut in the specified period cannot fully work, and in a woman, mushrooms can provoke bloating, upset stools or allergies.

Mushrooms of a nursing mother in the diet after childbirth should be introduced gradually, strictly in metered amounts. Begin with small portions.

The risks

It should be noted that mushrooms are considered a strong allergen, and nursing mothers should consider this fact in the first place. After you eat a small portion of mushrooms and breastfeed the baby, after 20-30 minutes, look at the skin of the peanut and observe its behavior.

Mushrooms to nursing mother

If for several hours (or better than a day) it feels good, then you can add this product to your diet. If rashes appear on the skin of the child and it turns red, then it is necessary to refuse to eat mushrooms.

Unfortunately, there are frequent cases when mushrooms negatively affect the baby's body through breast milk. At the same time, it is impossible to immediately determine that a child has an allergic reaction to this product. It usually manifests itself only at the moment when the child himself tries it for the first time.

What mushrooms should be eaten during lactation

It should be remembered that forest mushrooms are not recommended for nursing mothers to eat because they are able to absorb the toxic elements that are in the district. Especially dangerous are those that are found near industrial facilities. In addition, forest mushrooms are worse absorbed than those grown under artificial conditions. The last category includes the well-known champignons and oyster mushrooms.

Can Nursing Mothers Mushrooms

If we take exclusively these species of spore plants into account, then the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have mushrooms, the affirmative answer will be one hundred percent. From oyster mushrooms and mushrooms, a delicious salad, soup and even meatballs are obtained. Dried chanterelles or mushrooms have good digestibility, since in the process of their preparation the fungin is simply destroyed.

Once again about the risks

Not in all cases, you can eat mushrooms to a nursing mother. It is important to remember that these spore plants in the pickled and salted form are not only poorly absorbed, but also reduce the quality of breast milk. Mushrooms in canned form can provoke indigestion, which is especially dangerous. Care should be taken to buy them in the markets. After all, it is simply impossible to check how safe these mushrooms are. In addition, you do not know where they were collected.

Number of mushrooms

For an adult, the optimal dose of fresh mushrooms is 200 grams daily, and the recommended amount of dried mushrooms is 40 grams per day.

Mushrooms of a nursing mother

Women who have just given birth must adhere to the above limitations as no one else.

Chanterelles useful for nursing mothers

Which mushrooms are best for nursing mothers? The chanterelles bring enormous benefits for women in labor. They relieve fatigue, relieve insomnia, normalize vision, improve muscle tone. Doctors advise these new mushrooms to consume these mushrooms. Chanterelles also help in the treatment of tuberculosis and are an excellent antibiotic. Despite the fact that the above mushroom belongs to the category of โ€œforestโ€, it has so many advantages that ignoring it as a food product would be blasphemy.

If we talk about spore plants grown in an artificial environment, then preference should be given to champignons, which are an excellent diuretic, improve brain function and contribute to memory recovery.

Which is better: fried or boiled mushrooms

There is no fundamental difference, in terms of the degree of digestibility, in which mushrooms - fried or boiled, to choose. The main thing is to abandon the waves in pickled and salted versions, since this product has a lot of acids and spices.

We emphasize once again that it is better not to overdo it with the amount of mushrooms consumed. For better digestibility, grind the product before cooking.

If mushrooms are present in your diet, do not forget to carefully monitor the well-being of the child. At the slightest suspicion of an allergy, consult a doctor immediately.

You should not eat boletus or boletus for those who suffer from kidney and liver diseases, as well as those who have metabolic disorders.

Nursing mushrooms

Refuse from such a delicacy as loaves or saffron milk, newly made mothers should not. However, they should not ignore the rules and recommendations that were outlined above.


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