Impotence: causes, signs, symptoms and treatment features

Impotence in the stronger sex is a painful situation, the basis of which is the non-compliance with the physical ability of the sexual reproductive organ to remain in an erection (sexual arousal) position or to maintain it for the period necessary for the purpose of sexual action (coitus). The causes of impotence are many. From the medical point of view, the current and correct name for this condition is erectile dysfunction. If we explain more precisely two medical terms in a nutshell, clear to ordinary people, in the absence of additional deep searches, then it is possible to characterize them in no other way than sexual impotence.

In the appearance of sexual impotence, it takes on a full range of involuntary basic, neurogenic, venous and psychogenic elements. They are causes of impotence at 30, 40 and 50 years. This is due to the fact that excitation is a difficult physical move, with the goal of accomplishing which a single chain of alternate interactions is involved. Normally, the conversion of the sexual reproductive organ to an erect position takes place quickly, capturing less than a minute of the period. At the base of the start of the cascade of neurohumoral interactions there is an irritant push from the subcortical or cortical structures of the brain.

impotence causes

Disease Description

Impotence is a condition of the body of a man, which manifests itself in the form of a violation of the physiology of the reproductive system. The violation consists in the complete or partial inability to bring the penis into an erection state or the inability to maintain a long erection time sufficient for sexual intercourse, therefore erectile dysfunction is a synonym for impotence. These two terms designate one - it is sexual impotence.

Impotence as a term understands a number of mechanisms that contribute to impotence. First of all, this is organic impotence, that is, a condition where a man is attracted to women, but cannot make full contact, as there is no erection. The second is psychogenic impotence, that is, a violation of the conductivity of the exciting impulse. The third is mixed, combining the first and second impotence mechanism.


Symptoms are directly related to the causes of impotence in men at 40. They should alert a person:

  1. Decreased severity or lack of erection. This means that a man can not independently bring the genitals into a state of tension.
  2. Mild erection. That is, the penis enlarges, but does not reach its maximum size, which leads to difficulties in sexual intercourse.
  3. A man is not able to hold an erection for a long time, which leads to discomfort during intercourse.
  4. Premature ejaculation, characteristic of older people who have had prolonged sexual experience.
  5. Lack of arbitrary erection in the morning or at night.
  6. Lack of sex drive.
  7. Impotence

But these symptoms can be a normal reaction when:

  1. Excessive sexual activity.
  2. Irregular sex life.
  3. Not of reproductive age, that is, the level of potency directly depends on age.
causes of impotence in men


The main causes of impotence are:

  1. Reduction or lack of erectile dysfunction. From this it follows that representatives of the stronger sex of reproductive age, experiencing signs of impotence, can in no way bring the penis into a position of tension, despite a very significant desire.
  2. Defective arousal - the penis increases in volume, but can not reach the size necessary for sexual action.
  3. The inability to maintain an erection for the period required for the standard duration of sexual activity, especially the presence of unattained ejaculation.
  4. Premature ejaculation, which is found in adults of the stronger sex, who have great sexual practice.
  5. Lack of morning or night involuntary erection.
  6. Reduction or absolute lack of attraction (sexual desire) and the associated sexual helplessness.

There are causes of impotence at any age. Before treating the disease, it is necessary to eliminate them.

Age of disease

Nature has not laid down a rigid dependence of erectile function on age, and many men are able to maintain their potency until they are old. However, with age, the production of sex hormone decreases and the blood supply to various organs, including genitalia, deteriorates. Studies by scientists have shown that 50% of men after 50 years are susceptible to some kind of erectile dysfunction, and this is confirmed by statistics. This is also indicated by surveys of women of different ages who do not want to have men who are older than 50 years old as lovers. In this regard, it is believed that men under 50 should not experience potency problems, and if they do, then most likely a short time. Accordingly, the likelihood of illness decreases for people younger than this conditional boundary and increases for those older.

Impotence in young people who are especially worried about this, with the exception of rare cases of organic diseases, is caused mainly by the psychological causes of impotence in young men and lends itself well to treatment.

impotence at 40 years of reason

How to treat impotence?

Directly depends on the reasons for the treatment of impotence. This is easy to do - use folk remedies. They, in turn, include a variety of herbs and plants. Popular are listed below:

  1. Ginseng to increase potency. For treatment, only the root of the plant is used. It affects not only potency, but also a restorative effect on the whole body. It is able to restore and rejuvenate any cells in the body. Apply it in the form of alcohol tincture and prepare it this way: take the crushed root and pour a glass of 70 percent alcohol and insist for a week. 20 drops of tincture are diluted with water and taken half an hour before meals.
  2. Ivan tea to increase potency. The grass is rich in vitamins of groups A, C and B, as well as various trace elements. A large number of trace elements allows you to maintain the body in an updated state.
  3. Tea is prepared from the leaves of the fireweed, pouring them with boiling water and insisting for about 5 minutes. They drink the broth an hour 4 times a day.
  4. Calamus root to increase potency. The root contains a large amount of gum and ascorbic acid. It causes a stimulating and tonic effect for the whole body. Prepared by taking a teaspoon of chopped root, and steamed in boiling water. Drink a quarter cup three times a day before meals.
causes of impotence in men at 40


It contains all the necessary substances to improve the health of the body. The increase in potency occurs due to stimulation of blood circulation in the pelvis. Apply dried and chopped in a spoon a day with food. A great option to eliminate the causes of impotence in 40 years and above, as well as its increase.


Nettle is a widely recognized medicine that contains large amounts of vitamins and acids. Nettle broth is prepared first by drying it, and then steamed with boiling water and consumed in a tablespoon before meals.

cause of impotence in young men

What do men have with impotence?

Five foods that increase potency are listed below:

  1. Stomach of a camel. There is an opinion that the product is able to act no worse than Viagra. But getting it is very difficult and costly. In history, there are references to the use of the drug for over 50 years. The product is consumed immediately before sexual contact.
  2. Oysters They occupy a high place in the ranking of products that properly affect the male reproductive system. The zinc contained in the composition has a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. It shows high efficiency only when consumed raw. But it is worth remembering that a high mercury content in a product can harm the body if consumed excessively.
  3. Flounder. Not only healthy, but also a delicious product that is rich in a large number of vitamins and amino acids. It is also famous for its good digestibility. This fish is recommended to eat steamed.
  4. Boiled mackerel. Fish is rich in unsaturated fats omega 3 and 6, which have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. With regular use, increased potency and sperm count.
  5. Turnip. It occupies a high place in the popularity of consumption in order to increase potency. It is rich in substances that strengthen the reproductive system and contribute to the maximum increase in the amount of testosterone in the body. It is recommended to use boiled.

Not recommended for use

The following are products that adversely affect potency:

  1. Smoked meats and pickles.
  2. Alcohol in any form.
  3. Carbonated drinks.
  4. Fast food.
  5. Products containing a huge amount of bad cholesterol.
  6. Caffeine.
  7. Excessive intake of sugar and salt.
impotence causes age

Impotence exercises

Exercises to increase potency are aimed at maintaining the pubic-coccygeal muscles in good shape. The first exercise is performed according to the following algorithm:

  • Take a sitting position on a chair with a straightened spine and relaxation of all muscles with the head bowed.
  • Tension of the pubic-coccygeal muscle up to 3 seconds. If you can not hold out for 3 seconds, then this means that the muscle is in an atrophied state. In this case, develop the duration of muscle retention in tension.
  • Interruption of muscle tension up to 3 seconds.
  • Repeat the above steps.

The duration of the exercise is at least 10 minutes. After a minute break - repeat at a slow pace. If during the exercise you feel a burning sensation in the muscle, then you should not be afraid of this, since it receives a passive load, and therefore small damage.

Also for pumping the pubic-coccygeal muscle use the option lying on your back. In this case, the legs are torn off the ground and spread apart. Then they strain the pubic-coccygeal zone.

Squatting will be the second exercise. The squat algorithm for increasing potency is listed below:

  • standing straight, spread your legs wider than your shoulders and turn your socks outward;
  • Without lifting your heels, lower the tailbone down to a leg angle of 90 degrees.

For a pronounced effect from the performance of such squats, the muscles of the buttocks should be kept in a tense state.

The third exercise will be the rotation of the pelvis. To do this, use a hoop. This exercise heats the pelvic muscles and stimulates the veins to increase blood flow to the groin.

And the last fourth exercise will be leaning forward. To perform, spread your legs wider than your shoulders and bend the body down, while it is important to try to reach the floor with your fingers without bending your knees.

causes of impotence in 30

Impotence Prevention

To prevent a decrease in potency , a number of preventive measures are necessary. They are listed below:

  1. Restructuring lifestyle so that it does not affect the state of health.
  2. Rejection of bad habits.
  3. Refusal to interrupt ejaculation to prevent conception.
  4. Refusal of self-satisfaction.
  5. Treatment of disorders of the body systems.
  6. Treatment of pathologies of the reproductive system.
  7. Avoid injuries that could adversely affect the genitals.
  8. Regular sexual intercourse.
  9. Refusal from promiscuous sex life.
  10. The presence of feelings for a partner that will not interfere with sexual intercourse.
  11. The use of food, folk recipes and medications that will help maintain the level of potency at a normal level, while not directly affecting the male reproductive system.


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