Thermal imaging surveys. Heat loss in residential buildings

Technology does not stand still. Modern houses are equipped with autonomous boiler rooms that optimize fuel consumption for space heating. However, there is such a situation when the devices for controlling the energy costs of heaters show unreasonably high rates of its consumption. In this case, the owners should carry out thermal imaging examinations. They will help to identify and eliminate heat loss, which depend on the size of the building, on materials, on the area of ​​windows and doors being opened and other factors.

The essence of thermal imaging surveys

Heat loss is very common in residential buildings, both in high-rise buildings and in modern own houses. Therefore, the issue of reducing energy costs is relevant for each type of house. Thermal imaging surveys of buildings can solve it.

Thermal imaging surveys

After construction, thermal imaging inspections of buildings help identify structural defects, cracks, and malfunctions. This technique has established itself as one of the main methods for diagnosing structures at the end of the construction.

Scanning of apartment buildings, private cottages and other structures is carried out using infrared thermal imaging. This allows you to see the object in completely different colors. Zones with increased heat loss are painted in the warm colors of the spectrum, and in the cold colors with their minimum indices.

What does the examination reveal?

A thermogram is an infrared image that is based on the temperature distribution of the fields of an object. It is built using a thermal imaging device. It creates a snapshot that clearly shows the location of an overheated or supercooled surface.

Apartment buildings

Thermal inspection of buildings reveals the following:

  • defects in thermal insulation on walls, roofs, foundations and window openings;
  • defects in electrical and thermal equipment;
  • leaks through hidden pipelines;
  • areas of condensation and moisture accumulation.

The method of thermal imaging diagnostics will identify and eliminate defects at the stage of rough construction. At the stage of delivery of the object by the contractor, this technology will assess the quality of construction work. This will allow in the future to avoid the additional costs of remaking poorly performed actions by builders.

Survey Benefits

One of the advantages of thermal imaging is the ability to contactless, remote process. This is very convenient for examining buildings such as apartment buildings.

Thermal inspection of buildings

Infrared devices have small dimensions and weight. They are easy to transfer to the site of the survey. This contributes to the rapid conduct of manipulations and a large number of serviced objects. Testing costs are minimal.

The image appears on the screen instantly. This allows you to process the result in just 2-3 days. Moreover, this does not depend on the size of the object. A review of the device allows the inspection of both small (from a few centimeters) and large (up to several hundred meters) buildings and structures.

The presented method does not harm human health and is recognized as environmentally friendly.

How to conduct an examination

To obtain the most accurate result, it is better to examine multi-apartment residential buildings and private cottages during the heating season. In this case, the room must be continuously heated before at least 3 days.

Thermal Diagnostics

Before the test, all materials stored nearby should be removed from the walls. You will need to move furniture from the walls, remove the carpets, if any. You will also need to free corners and skirting boards. Thermal imaging reveals the maximum heat loss in these areas.

Regardless of the light, heat audit will allow you to accurately determine the temperature radiated by each point of the home. This allows you to form a thermogram. She will show those areas where it is necessary to carry out repairs, strengthen heat-insulating materials or other work. This will significantly increase energy efficiency indoors and reduce the cost of heating the home.

Building Error Detection

Thermal imaging diagnostics allows you to identify errors made during the construction of the building, which cannot be determined with the naked eye. If in some place the thermal insulation is not made correctly, a thermogram will certainly show this.

If the building codes have not been fully implemented, moisture will accumulate in some places of the structure. This will lead to the formation of fungus and microorganisms, which will destroy the insulation materials. The presented survey is also able to determine such sites.

Mold also negatively affects the health of people living in an apartment or house. Thermal imaging surveys in a special color indicate where condensate may have collected. It will not be difficult to eliminate them, based on the report of the survey team.

Air leaks can also be detected using this technique. The pressure inside the room in this state of affairs will be lower than outside. In this case, air will leak through unpressurized places. The thermal imager will help to identify structural defects that lead to drafts, and eliminate them.

What else does the examination reveal?

The presented method makes it possible to identify the started exfoliation of wall plaster. This will allow for timely reconstruction. An infrared image will also show the underfloor heating system. If the water pipes walled into the base have a leak, the device will detect its exact location. This also applies to central heating systems.

Thermal imaging control

On flat roofs, thermal imaging will detect leaks. A thermogram will only replace those sections of the roof where defects in roofing materials have been detected. This will significantly save customer funds for repairs.

Heat audit will also increase the fire safety of the house. He will provide information on places of overheating of the chimney. Places of increased fire hazard will also be visible on the thermogram.

Having become acquainted with the advantages that thermal imaging examinations provide, everyone can quickly and inexpensively check their home for heat losses and all kinds of defects in building materials, as well as the layout. This will save significant money on space heating and prevent the need for a quick overhaul of the building.


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