Fish soup: recipe with photo

Fish soup is a very tasty and fragrant first course that will surely appeal to everyone who tries it. Everyone will have a saliva from the smell of such a meal alone, and those who taste it simply will not be able to resist and not ask for supplements. But most importantly, this dish is very easy to prepare, so that everyone can cook it.

The main ingredients of the dish

There are a huge number of variations of the first fish dish. Most often, fish soup is prepared from canned food, but it is also created from fish fillet and from individual parts of certain fish. And although most of the ingredients of the soup are placed in it, depending on its variation or the taste preferences of the culinary specialists, the classic recipe for this first dish should contain such components as:

  • 4 large potatoes;
  • one medium-sized carrot;
  • one medium-sized onion;
  • canned or fresh fish;
  • 5-7 peas of fresh pepper;
  • greens and bay leaf;
  • salt to your taste.
ingredients for fish soup

Fish preparation

If suddenly you decide to cook a fish soup according to a recipe from a fresh fish, then before you create it you will need to prepare it for laying in a saucepan. To do this, you need to clean the fish thoroughly from the scales, then rip open its belly, pull out all the insides and rinse it under cold running water. After that, you will need to rid her of bones and skin and cut into small pieces that are easy to chew. You don’t need to do anything else with it, just at the right time it is put into the soup and cooked along with its other components. Well, if you are preparing a dish of canned fish, then it will be enough to throw it into the soup, but not all at once, but one piece at a time so that it does not turn into porridge. True, it will first need to be cut into these pieces.

Classic canned fish soup recipe

To prepare such a dish, we will need all of the above ingredients, as well as a jar of canned fish (mackerel or sardine is best for this) in oil. First of all, we peel our vegetables, and then cut the potatoes into cubes, carrots - in circles or stripes, and carefully chop the onion. Then we put the pot of water on the fire, wait for the water to boil, and throw the carrots and onions to it, after which we cook such a vegetable broth for 5 minutes. Further, in accordance with the recipe for canned fish soup, put pepper, bay leaf and potatoes in a saucepan, after which we continue to cook the soup for another 15 minutes to make the potatoes soft. In the end, it remains only to throw canned food with the liquid into the pan, wait a couple of minutes, salt the soup to your liking and pour in chopped greens.

canned fish soup

Classic fish fillet soup recipe

If instead of canned fish you have fish fillet, then this is also not a problem. The recipe for this soup almost completely repeats the recipe for canned fish soup. Also here you will need to peel and cut vegetables. As in the preparation of canned fish soup, first boil the water, then cook the chopped carrots and onions for 5 minutes, then put the potatoes there. Just this time, you don’t have to wait for it to soften, and right after 2 minutes it will be possible to lay our fish one piece at a time. Next, put the bay leaf, add salt to the soup, cook it for about 10 minutes, removing the scum that has formed, and at the end we throw the chopped greens into the pan, and our first dish will be ready.

Creamy soup

If you want to slightly improve our first dish and make it more delicate and refined, you can prepare creamy fish soup, a recipe with a photo of which you will now see. For such a soup you will need:

  • 100 grams of cream cheese;
  • 100 grams of millet;
  • 2 large potatoes;
  • a jar of canned fish in its own juice;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • salt, herbs and pepper.
easy fish soup recipe

For such a soup, the first thing we put in the pan is washed millet and immediately put it on the fire. As the water boils, remove the noise from it and put the peeled and chopped potatoes there. While it is cooked for 15 minutes, we knead the processed cheese, which is then sent to the potatoes. After this, mix the soup well and put our fish in the pan, and then salt and pepper to taste. Then you just have to cook the soup for another 5 minutes, add the butter with chopped herbs, and the food will be ready.

Sprat soup in tomato sauce

If you look at the photo of fish soup with sprats in tomato sauce, you will already salivate from one of its types, and yet it also cooks easily, and its taste is just wonderful. So not cooking it is just a crime! Moreover, we need the same ingredients for this as for the classic recipe, plus a jar of sprat in tomato and 2 tablespoons of tomato paste.

And the process of preparing this soup is almost identical to the preparation of classic fish soup. We also clean and cut vegetables. We just put the potatoes in the pan right away, and while it is boiling, in a frying pan in vegetable oil, pass the onions, then add the carrots to it, and then the tomato paste. When the potatoes become a little softer, pour the sprat sauce into the pan, put the mixture from the pan there and salt and pepper our soup to your liking. We leave the soup to boil for another couple of minutes, add a sprat into it a bit and chopped greens, then immediately remove the pan from the heat, as the dish is completely ready.

canned fish soup

Pink salmon fish soup

Those who love pink salmon most of all can make soup with it, and not with standard mackerel or sardine. Moreover, the ingredients here will be all the same as for the classic fish soup, only 3 tablespoons of millet will be added to them. And the process of making such a soup will be slightly different.

Here we also put a pot of water on the fire, but as soon as it boils, you will immediately need to pour the liquid from the jar of pink salmon into it and add the millet groats. While millet is cooked, we cut our vegetables - potatoes, carrots and onions, and after 10 minutes add them to the pan, and also slightly add salt to our canned fish soup. After that, cook the dish for another 10 minutes and add the pink salmon, which should first be cut into small pieces. Cook together for another 5 minutes, and the dish will be completely ready. All that remains is to add chopped greens to the pan, and after a few minutes you can serve the soup to the table.

Fish soup with tomatoes

Due to the pleasant acidity and brightness of the dish, many people like canned fish soup with tomatoes, which is prepared very simply and easily. The ingredients for this dish are exactly the same as the ingredients for a classic canned fish soup, to which only one large meaty tomato is added.

The cooking process of this dish almost completely coincides with the manufacturing process of ordinary fish soup. Water is also put on the fire, it is also necessary to squeeze it to boil, and add chopped potatoes there along with salt. Then after 5 minutes, chopped carrots with onions will need to be added to the pan. And while the vegetables are boiling, you will need to remove the peel from the tomato and cut it into oblong slices. And as the potatoes are cooked, it remains to add the tomatoes and canned fish to the soup, cook them for 5 minutes, pour the chopped greens into the pan, and everything will be ready.

tomato soup

Yushka fish with corn and cheese

If you look at various photos of soups with canned fish, then for sure among them the eye will grab a photograph of an unusual soup with cheese and corn. But this soup is attractive not only for its appearance, but also for its unique taste. And we need it for this:

  • a jar of canned fish;
  • 350 ml of milk;
  • a jar of canned corn;
  • 3 tablespoons of butter;
  • standard onions, carrots and potatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

To make such an unusual fish soup from canned food, we first, of course, as usual, peel and cut vegetables, and chop the garlic. After that, we melt the butter in a pan with a thick bottom and pass the onions and garlic in it. Then we add carrots and potatoes there, pour in water, add a little salt and leave the soup to boil for 20 minutes. During this time, you will need to grate hard cheese and then throw it, fish, milk and corn into a pot of vegetables. After this, the soup should boil, immediately chopped greens are laid in it, and the dish will be ready.

delicious fish soup

Soup with rice and fish fillet

If you want to make the dish even more interesting and satisfying, then in this case it is best to cook fish soup with rice, which is made in much the same way as ordinary, but differs in its spicy taste and freshness. And we need the following for this:

  • 500 grams of fish fillet;
  • 2-3 juicy tomatoes;
  • 5 tablespoons of rice;
  • bay leaf and greens;
  • salt, spices and pepper to taste.

Here, the first thing to do is to fill the prepared fish fillet with water, put the pan on the fire and boil it for 15 minutes. After that, to prepare the fish soup, we need to add pepper, salt, spices and bay leaf to the fish, cook the broth for a couple of minutes and remove the fish from the pan. And instead of it, you will need to put pre-soaked rice in the pan and, while it is boiling, peel and cut the tomatoes into rings. After 15 minutes, the tomatoes are lowered to the rice, and after 3 minutes we add our fish fillet, cooked and cut into portions, into the pan. It remains to let the soup boil, add chopped greens there, and the dish will be ready.

Mistress note

And in order for you to always get fish soup simply excellent, you need to know only a few simple nuances.

fish soup recipe
  1. In all the above recipes, the amount of water for the soup should be about two liters, but, wanting to get a more liquid soup, you can take more water, and thicker less.
  2. Add canned fish or chopped filet to the soup should be at the very end, and carefully, piece by piece, so that the fish does not turn into porridge.
  3. Since canned fish are sold with various spices, salt and pepper the dish before they are added to the soup should be a little bit, otherwise it will be salted.
  4. To be sure of the quality of the canned food you should pay attention to their marking, which must be squeezed out from the inside of the can so that the letters and numbers on it are embossed and convex.
  5. If you add a couple of cloves of chopped garlic to the fish soup, it will become more aromatic and tasty.
  6. If you wish, when serving, you can add several crackers from white bread to the soup, which will make it more satisfying and appetizing.
  7. To improve the taste of the soup after pouring it into plates, you can add a small slice of lemon there.
  8. Canned fish can also be added to pickle, but in this case, smoked fish is better, which does not mix with other fish soups.
  9. Whenever you add a fish to a soup, you should add the juice in which it was contained, so the taste of the dish will become even more saturated.
  10. If you or your loved ones have diseases of the liver, gall bladder, biliary tract, diabetes mellitus or atherosclerosis, then it is better to eat fish fillet soup, but not canned fish.


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