Personal income tax: tax period, rates, deadlines for submission of declarations

Taxes are an important part of every citizen’s life. Only not everyone knows the features associated with them. A huge role for the entire working-age adult population is played by personal income tax. The tax period, rates, features and deadlines for submitting declarations - all this remains to be learned further. This will help to avoid a lot of problems and explanations to the tax authorities. What should I pay attention to first of all?

personal income tax period


The very definition of this tax is important. Each payment to the state treasury from citizens for something is charged. What can be said in this regard about personal income tax? This payment itself represents money withheld for income received by citizens and organizations.

It turns out that it is relevant to all taxpayers. Indeed, almost all types of citizens' incomes are taxed with this deduction. True, there are some exceptions. Which ones? What income tax is not levied at all under any circumstances?

Tax exempt

Remember, any profit made by a citizen or organization will be subject to income tax. And without fail. Except for some points. Namely:

  • Profits derived from the sale of property owned for more than 3 years are not taxed
  • inheritance;
  • income derived from a gift contract executed by a close relative of a citizen.

In principle, these are all exceptions. From other sources of profit, personal income tax is paid. All taxpayers need to know the tax period, rates and deadlines for submitting declarations, as well as other features of this payment. Otherwise, serious problems may arise with the tax authorities.


The modern tax system in Russia is constantly undergoing some changes. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the new rules that have been in force since 2016. Now all organizations and individual entrepreneurs must report on personal income tax for the quarter. Previously, reporting was required once a year - until April 1.

personal income tax deductions

And since 2016, it is necessary to engage in additional paperwork once a quarter. Reporting now requires form 6-personal income tax. This is exactly the quarterly document that is submitted to the tax authorities. But what is the deadline? What to look for?

If the report is for the 1st quarter of 2016, then the maximum deadline for submitting a declaration of the appropriate form lasts until May 3, 2016, for the second “period” of time reporting is provided until August 1. For 9 months - until October 31, for a year - until 01.04.2017.

Without changes

But that is not all. In addition to 6-personal income tax, organizations and entrepreneurs must submit other forms of reporting to the tax authorities. True, not as often as it seems. There is a so-called certificate of 2-personal income tax and the declaration of 3-personal income tax. For the year, such documents, as before, are submitted only once.

At what exact moment? By the end of the tax reporting period. Namely, until April 1 of the year following the reporting year. So there are no changes in this area. Anyway at the moment. What other points are worth paying attention to?

form 3 personal income tax


Sometimes citizens are granted a variety of personal income tax deductions. Usually they relate to the employed population who have minor children. Also, income tax deduction can be made for:

  • purchase of real estate (including mortgage);
  • treatment;
  • training.

Usually, if you want to receive a “refund” of funds from the tax authorities in certain amounts, a 3-NDFL declaration for 3 years is required. Without it, the implementation of the process is simply impossible. With rare exceptions, when it comes to deduction from wages for children. In this case, the process occurs somewhat differently. How exactly? It is worth learning about everything related to these procedures.

Deductions (treatment, training, purchases)

So, sometimes you can make the so-called tax deduction. This will require some documents. By the way, you can return 13% of the amount spent. To implement the idea in life, a 3-NDFL declaration for 3 years (past) will be required. This means that in the implementation of some expenses the deduction can be received no later than 36 months later. Attach to the declaration:

  • passport;
  • SNILS and TIN;
  • certificate 2-personal income tax;
  • documents confirming your spending;
  • student certificates (for training);
  • documents for real estate (which you bought);
  • institution accreditation (for universities);
  • activity license (for refund of tuition);
  • application for deduction;
  • mortgage agreement (for mortgage);
  • certificate of payment of interest on a mortgage.

For children

If you need to make a deduction for children, you will have to apply to your employer, and not to the tax authorities. Monthly taxes withheld from earnings will decrease in size. After all, deductions for children can reduce the tax base used in calculating income penalties.

3 personal income tax declaration for 3 years

A prerequisite that must be observed is that in the tax reporting period your total income in the form of earnings in the workplace should not exceed 350,000 rubles. If so, apply for child deduction and birth certificates of minors to your employer. It is supposed to reduce the tax base by:

  • 1,400 rubles if you have 1 or 2 children;
  • 3,000 for 3 and subsequent;
  • 6,000 for guardians and trustees of minors with disabilities;
  • 12,000 for a disabled child.

Standard sizes

Now it’s clear how the personal income tax deductions are obtained. But not everything is known about the income tax itself. For example, how much you have to pay for profits made at one time or another.

According to generally accepted rules, in Russia individuals must give 13% of the income. And without fail. True, sometimes this figure decreases or increases. But, as a rule, most types of profit are levied precisely in the amount of 13% of the amount received. There is nothing difficult to understand.

Calculation of tax is extremely simple: you need to multiply the tax base with the interest rate. As a result, you will receive the amount due. It can change if there are children and official work.

personal income tax period reporting

Not by standards

How much is the tax period? Year. It is once a year that they previously reported to the tax authorities. But since 2016, as already mentioned, it is necessary to carry out the process on a quarterly basis. For this, a 6-NDFL form is submitted. The remaining documents, as before, are submitted to the tax authorities only once every 12 months.

What is the amount of income tax? In general, it is 13%. But there are some exceptions. They are not so common, although in practice they do. For example, you can give only 9% of the money received for income. How exactly? This amount is recovered for dividend income until 2015 and for mortgage-backed bonds (until 2007, January 1). Not too common. Therefore, do not rely on such a penalty.

Also pay attention - 15% is paid when you receive profit from dividends received by individuals from companies that are not residents of the Russian Federation. It can be said from foreign organizations.

The largest personal income tax (the tax period and the details of the payment we already know) laid for the win. If you received a prize or won something, you will have to give the tax authorities as much as 35% of the profit. And it doesn’t matter whether the money was handed to you or just real estate. In any case, the citizen must pay 35% of the cost.

By the way, not only the population of the Russian Federation is subject to income tax. Form 3-NDFL, as well as the corresponding payment for profits, is due to non-resident citizens. They pay much more than residents. In this case, the amount of payments to the state treasury will be 30%. And no less. No exceptions!

monthly taxes

The organization

When does the tax period end? Month of the end of annual reporting - April. It is up to 1.04 that you will have to report to the tax authorities for your profit in the past year (calendar). Moreover, this rule applies to individuals and organizations.

Please note: companies also pay personal income tax. But at the same time, when the 3-NDFL form is submitted, it is necessary for all of its employees to prepare and submit 2-NDFL certificates. This can be done in paper or electronic form.

What determines the form of filing? From the number of workers in the corporation. Paper reporting is acceptable when it comes to small firms with no more than 25 employees. And electronic forms are offered if there are more subordinates at the employer.

Organizations pay a variety of types of income taxes. That is, they face several types of penalties. For example, personal income tax is withheld from the earnings of each employee in the amount of 13%. And speaking of corporate income tax, you will have to give a more significant amount of cash. Namely, 20% of the income received.

Period Codes

Perhaps this is almost everything you need to know about personal income tax. The tax period, reporting and interest rates are all crucial. But no less significant elements are the codes of tax periods. They are indicated in the declarations of 3-personal income tax. Rather, this information is more important to accountants who will report. But ordinary people should also know the meaning of the periods.

So, for example, 3-NDFL wears a “combination” of 34. This is not the most important. The tax period tax code is set in accordance with the reporting month. Namely:

  • 1st quarter - 21;
  • 2 quarter - 31;
  • for 9 months - 33;
  • for the year - 34.

If the company is being reorganized or liquidated, it is necessary to indicate code 50 in the reporting for the last reporting period of its existence. Also, use the combinations for quarterly reporting:

  • for 3 months - 51;
  • for half a year - 54;
  • for the 3rd quarter - 55;
  • for the year - 56.

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about this. In any case, it is now clear how to clarify for what period you report to the state. After all, no one will understand this on their own. Therefore, codes of tax periods play an important role for citizens and organizations.

tax period month

Terms of payment

And up to what point is it worth paying income tax? There must be some rules in this regard! The way it is. Only for organizations and individuals there are different restrictions. Which ones?

  • ordinary citizens have the right to pay for their income until July 15 inclusive;
  • organizations pay no later than the 28th day of the month following the reporting period.

Speaking of tax deductions, it can be emphasized that you have every right to request a 13% refund for certain expenses within 3 years from the date of the transaction. Your application will be considered approximately 2 months after applying to the tax authorities, and direct payments will be made to the account indicated in the application after another 1.5-2 months. The exact dates will be notified when applying for deductions.

Now we know everything about personal income tax: the tax period, the codes thereof, the size, procedure for payment and receipt of deductions. Each taxpayer must be aware of this information. Usually, all officially employed employees are exempted from paperwork associated with personal income tax. All responsibility for reporting (salary) lies with the employer. But individual entrepreneurs are required to independently report on their profits.


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