Urinal urinal pill Snowter

This product - Snowter - is distributed on the market in the form of tablets for urinals, packaged in containers of 1 kg. Disinfection and cleaning of plumbing, especially in common areas, does not take the last place, and the Snooter copes with this task perfectly. Disinfection, cleansing, antibacterial coating, elimination of unpleasant odors - all this is within the power of one universal tool - Snowter.

Purpose of a tablet

The direct purpose of tablets produced according to TU 2383-004-70095350-2010 is the use for toilets and urinals in public places. Dissolving in water, the tablet creates an active foam, staining the water in a bluish tint. The tool copes well with:

  • disinfection of plumbing;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor;
  • removal of stony plaque and prevention of its appearance.

The action of the tool does not end there. Cleaning the walls of sewer pipes is the next step after disinfection of the ceramic surface of plumbing. This action of the substance occurs in the complete absence of formaldehyde-containing substances, and one container will last up to 8 weeks, which, you will agree, as never before economically, with such an extended spectrum of action.

urinal pill snowter

How to use Snowter tablets and what should not be forgotten?

One or more tablets are placed in a urinal, flush toilet bowl. A new portion of the product is added as the previous one dissolves.

When using tablets for cleaning and disinfecting Snooter urinals, do not forget about safety precautions and remember these rules:

  1. Make sure that the product does not get into the eyes.
  2. If tablets get into your eyes, rinse the affected areas with plenty of running water and be sure to contact a medical institution.
  3. If the product is swallowed or if it enters the mucous membranes, consult a doctor immediately.

In any emergency, take the package with the product with you so that healthcare providers can quickly determine the magnitude of the problem and exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction to certain components.

urinal tablets

The composition of the product and storage conditions

The composition of the tool includes the following components:

  • flavorings - 5%;
  • nonionic surfactant -> 5%, but <15%;
  • sodium tripolyphosphate -> 30%.

Be sure to store urinal or toilet pills in an inaccessible place, especially when children are in the house. At the same time, choose a hard-to-reach but cool and dry place.

Please note that Snowter urinal pellets have a shelf life of 24 months from the date of manufacture. Never use an expired product.

Snowter urinals are a great alternative to other disinfectants that cost a lot, although they have a similar effect.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9143/

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