Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise

In order for the company to be able to successfully operate and take a strong position in the market, it needs to periodically evaluate its performance. For this, there is an analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise, during which both its strengths and weaknesses are manifested. In the course of this work, the financial side of the company, production and marketing activities, the work of sales and supply departments, the coordination of the work of all departments of the enterprise and so on are analyzed.

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise will help clarify the situation and will provide an opportunity to take measures in case of a threat to the activities of the enterprise. It will provide an opportunity to improve the activity according to the results of the analysis, distributing them among the key figures making decisions at the enterprise.

Methods of analysis of the marketing environment of the company are, first of all, in identifying the main factors that have an impact on it. It:

  1. Identification of key influencing groups using peer review.
  2. Concretization and evaluation of external factors.
  3. The selection of the most significant factors.
  4. Identification of the degree of influence of these factors on the enterprise.
  5. Development of measures to reduce their negative impact or unwanted effects.
  6. Development of forecasts for the development of the external environment for the planning period.

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise may include the following positions:

  1. The level of organization of management.
  2. Availability of marketing research at the enterprise.
  3. The study of consumer demand.
  4. Studying methods of product promotion.
  5. Availability of production base.
  6. Personnel training system.
  7. Motivation system.

Macroenvironmental analysis should include the immediate environment of the enterprise:

- manufacturers of similar products;

- the influence of suppliers on the raw materials stock of the enterprise, in order to avoid an oversupply of goods in the warehouse or vice versa, disruption of the supply of raw materials;

- the ability to work with large suppliers, which makes it possible to obtain maximum discounts, loans and investment services;

- study of the competitive strength of customers;

- control over the operation of the marketing system;

- potential manufacturers of similar products;

- manufacturers of substitute products.

Analysis of the internal environment of the enterprise has the following objectives: clarification of the strategic situation within the enterprise, the correct use of various resources, the current state of the business. In this case, a SWOT analysis is used, which determines the weaknesses of the enterprise and its strengths. For this, absolutely all areas of the company’s activity are considered: organization and management, marketing, production, marketing, financial and personnel management.

SWON - analysis studies the development trends of the enterprise, the possibility of using its advantages, as well as the study of the macroenvironment in order to neutralize the undesirable effects arising from it. Knowledge of their

the strongest sides will help the company to use the best market opportunities much more efficiently, and the vision of weaknesses - in time to take appropriate measures and build protection.

Macroenvironmental analysis will help highlight the following points:

- technical condition of equipment;

- the efficiency of capacity utilization;

- stock control systems;

- control over product quality;

- the cost of raw materials;

- the effectiveness of the procurement process;

- research;

- innovation;

- the amount of costs.

Also in the analysis process can be clarified the main advantages of the enterprise, which create its advantages over competitors.

For analysis, the PEST analysis technique is also often used , which takes into account economic and political factors that can affect the internal environment of the enterprise and carry a certain threat.


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