How to live on 3,000 rubles a month and still not infringe on food and clothing

If you are tired of endless debts, financial problems, loans and other money pits, then this indicates one thing - you simply do not know how to manage your money. To bring personal finances in full order, you need to save a few months well. Having learned to save, you can start collecting money for a summer house or a new car, or maybe you will fulfill your cherished dream and fly on vacation? But for the dream to come true, you need to know how to live on 3,000 rubles a month.

Stability comes only with high returns.

Many will say why live on 3,000 thousand rubles a month, because you can learn to earn extra money, change your job. But not everyone knows - the more you start earning, the more you will spend. You need to learn to live according to today's incomes, if they are minimal, then live economically. Over time, you will get used to not buying things that will simply lie on the shelf and gather dust, and the question of how to live on 3,000 rubles a month will no longer be so acute for you.

how to live on 3000 rubles a month

If you want to leave money, and not waste it, then you need to determine the purpose for which these bills will be collected. A person who does not have a goal will never collect the necessary amount. We decided to go to the sea - save 1000 rubles each month, or rather, open a bank account and save interest on it. For one month, an amount of one thousand will be ridiculous, but for the year 12,000 rubles and interest will be collected. Of course, such a sum is not enough for a dream, but the main thing we have learned is to go towards our goal.

Hunger is not an aunt, but an evil uncle

The main item of any expenses is food. You can allocate 3,000 rubles and 30,000 rubles a month for food, only in the first case it will be salads, potatoes and pasta, and in the second, red caviar, sturgeon, trout and other delicacies. How to live 3000 rubles a month and not “stretch your legs”? Remember a few rules regarding the kitchen.

  • Do not buy delicacies even once a month: either you get out of debt and start collecting on your dream, or you just fill your stomach, and besides feeling satisfied with food, you get nothing more.
  • Remember: we save on everything: buy pasta, cereals, vegetables at a wholesale base.
  • Cook immediately for 2-3 days.
  • Neglect fast food. For example, Doshirak pasta costs 24 rubles per pack. If during the day to replace them with breakfast, lunch and dinner and eat for 30 days, then a month comes out a little more than 2000 rubles. There is no saving in quick dinners, but gastritis or an ulcer is provided.

live sparingly

Cheaper does not mean worse

If you are still trying to tell yourself how to live on 3,000 rubles a month, then you have not tried to save.

Have you noticed that fruits are sold at a markdown in the store? The fact that they cost 2 times cheaper does not mean their expired shelf life at all. Products with a short shelf life, overripe fruits, and products with damaged packaging are sold at a reduced price.

how to learn to save

As for clothes

Saving by saving, and you need not only to eat, but also to dress. Walk to the nearest second-hand. Buy clothes at huge discounts. Try to take once or twice a month, but for one unit of goods, it is more profitable than then you buy everything at once. The amount you give away for one thing will seem ridiculous, but pretty decent money will come out in a year. Many will long ask themselves the question of how to learn how to save money until they understand the most important thing - in this case only you can help yourself, your desires and desire for the goal. Set yourself goals and always look for the right solution. Only having solved them, you can start a new plan.

We save on utility bills

As for food and clothing, the principle of “eating and dressing according to one’s income” is triggered, but you won’t pay as much as you like for electricity, gas and a communal apartment. Pay less will not work, but save energy can be very easy.

15-20% of the electricity we consume is accounted for by lighting. If you treat it as a source that takes our money, then very soon you will be able not to spend such an amount of energy.

  1. Replace all light bulbs in the house with energy-saving ones.
  2. Always turn off the lights behind you, do not leave the chandelier burning in an empty room.
  3. Use daylight for as long as possible.
  4. A bright room always requires less electricity than a room with dark walls and furniture.
  5. Buy Class A household appliances. A washing machine, a hairdryer, an iron, a vacuum cleaner are all those items that literally devour our money.

save on everything

On Moscow posters you can often see an inscription urging you to turn off unnecessary lamps and electrical appliances. Remember this rule and use it as often as possible.

You can save not only in the world, but also in water and gas. The principle is the same: the less you turn on, the less you pay. Especially this principle applies to water.

Learn to save on everything - and soon you will feel the taste of money that you simply did not throw away.


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