Car tires Michelin Energy Saver: reviews

Summer car tires quite often remain underestimated by drivers. This situation arises due to the fact that in the winter season, in their opinion, motorists, there are much more dangers on the road. However, in the summer, dangerous situations do occur. Take even a heavy downpour, during which the water does not have time to drain off the track and forms an even layer, in some places of which in addition there are deep puddles.

If the tire does not do well with aquaplaning, the car has every chance of falling into a skid no worse than on solid ice. That is why summer tires should be selected carefully and thoughtfully, evaluating all the factors. This is exactly what we will do with the Michelin Energy Saver as an example. Reviews about it will help to complement the picture, based on official information from the manufacturer.

Briefly about the model

This rubber is manufactured by Michelin, which has proven itself on the positive side in the tire market for quite some time. It produces quality products, but at the same time it sells it quite expensive. Therefore, you should immediately expect that the model in question will not be from the list of inexpensive or budget.

Rubber Michelin Energy Saver

As the name implies, the main task of the manufacturer was to save energy, in our case, to reduce the friction index to reduce fuel consumption. We will consider this feature in more detail a little later, and also emphasize its details, considering the reviews of the owners about Michelin Energy Saver.

Among the other advantages of this tire are confident behavior on the road in adverse weather conditions, including heavy rain, as well as good handling and dynamics on roads with high-quality coating.

Tread pattern

First of all, the manufacturer tried to process small tread elements in order to achieve maximum performance improvement compared to previous models. Outwardly, rubber may seem similar to most summer models, but in fact it is not.

As a basis, there were standard central longitudinal ribs, which received some changes. So, they provide directional stability and quality maneuvering at speed. However, they have better adhesion to the road surface due to the use of small slots located on them along the entire length, which is confirmed by reviews of Michelin Energy Saver Plus.

These slots, in turn, form additional cutting edges that confidently cling to the asphalt and give the tire dynamics. If necessary, these small elements can have exactly the opposite effect - to improve braking performance in an emergency.

Michelin energy saver

Lateral tread blocks also did not remain unchanged. You may notice that they have omnidirectional edges. Thus, the rubber receives additional potential for acceleration, as well as better controllability when maneuvering at speed, when the center of the applied force is shifted to the edge of the tire.

The massiveness of the blocks allows them to protect the sidewalls of the tire from mechanical damage that may occur during a strong impact, for example, on tram or railway rails. And their thickness allows you not to worry about punctures and cuts. After all, paired with reinforced cord protection is even more reliable. However, in reviews of Michelin Energy Saver it is noted that sometimes strength fails, and the tire still gets damaged.

Features of a grid of lamels

No less responsible developers approached the issue of applying a grid of lamellas on the working surface of the tire. The behavior of the tire in adverse conditions depends on how well this external design detail is calculated. So, in its central part there are three longitudinal wide grooves, capable, according to reviews of the Michelin Energy Saver 91T, to hold a large amount of water inside. This feature comes in handy when abruptly entering a deep puddle. If there were no such lamellas, then the car could simply "swim", or go into an uncontrolled skid.

Michelin Tread

The side blocks are also separated by rather deep grooves. It is through them that excess moisture is discharged from the longitudinal lamellas extreme from the center. They also provide additional rowing characteristics that are necessary for driving on dirt roads. However, it is worth noting that the manufacturer positions the tire as a highway designed for coated tracks. Therefore, driving to the primer is the exception rather than the rule, and is not recommended, especially if the dirt road is blurry or not rolled.

The special formula of the rubber compound

When creating the rubber formula for the Michelin Energy Saver 205 model, we used the latest innovative developments available to the company's engineers. Silica was developed taking into account the possibility of application in various conditions, including extreme ones. To do this, it was decided to use the patented Durable Security Compound technology, which allows to achieve uniformity of the mixture during manufacture, which increased the strength of the tire and created improved balancing.

This approach, as noted by specialists of the company, provided an opportunity to achieve more effective braking. After all, all areas of the bus work the same due to the monolithic structure.

In the process of developing the formula, the priority was not only the performance and dynamic characteristics, but also the preservation of the environment. That is why a large number of natural elements were included in the composition, and the proportion of aromatic components that are a source of carcinogenic compounds, on the contrary, was reduced to the necessary minimum. As a result, the production and disposal of rubber from this model range can be achieved with less harm to nature. However, as reviews of the Michelin Energy Saver 195 * 65 R15 emphasize, these are not all the features associated with preserving the environment.

Michelin factory sticker

Fuel economy and emission reduction

As can be seen from the very name of the model range, the manufacturer set the goal of reducing the consumption of the fuel mixture. This was achieved by applying several factors simultaneously. So, a rubber mixture with the necessary elasticity is able to roll smoothly, which reduces the level of friction without loss of dynamic characteristics.

The tread pattern was also developed taking into account the maximum roll. Because of this, it was necessary to partially sacrifice the dynamic characteristics on dirt roads. However, this approach in no way worsened the properties of rubber on paved roads. According to the results of official testing, tires created using new technologies can save up to 0.2 liters of fuel for every 100 kilometers traveled.

This fact is confirmed by reviews of Michelin Energy Saver 205 * 55 R16. In terms of carbon dioxide, this is about 4 grams per second, depending on the mode of operation of the engine. For cities in which there is not much green vegetation, this is more than a significant indicator.

Wear resistance

Developing the formula of the rubber compound, the engineers had to take into account another important factor - resistance to abrasive wear of the working surface of the tire. If this is not done, a quite successful model may turn out, but its service life will be too short, and many drivers will refuse such a dubious option.

In order for the rubber to serve for a long time, it is necessary to strengthen the bonds between the individual elements of the rubber compound without loss of elasticity. This is achieved by adding synthetic silica bonded with silicic acid to the original formula. The latter can bind together synthetic and natural components without compromising softness. However, it also increases the service life by more than two times. That is why it is used by almost all manufacturers of modern automotive rubber.

Michelin energy saver

Another weak area is the side of the tire. They are susceptible to damage as a result of strong physical impact, such as shock. A puncture or rupture of the sidewall can be obtained by running into a sharp object, which may be a reinforcement sticking out of a curbstone.

To avoid this, the manufacturer added reinforced metal cord, which provided resistance to punctures and cuts, and also allowed the tire to maintain its shape under strong mechanical stresses, avoiding the appearance of hernias. The side part is made of more durable and tough rubber, which also increases the survivability of the products.

The result was an increase in service life. The manufacturer is so confident in the strength of his product that he gives a guarantee for damage of this kind for Michelin Energy Saver 205 * 55. Reviews, in turn, sometimes note that the strength of the side part is still insufficient.

Wide selection of sizes

This model is positioned as a passenger solution for a wide range of users. So that each driver can choose exactly the option that is suitable for his car according to passport requirements, more than 120 different sizes are presented in stores. The main differences between them, according to reviews on the Michelin Energy Saver 91V, are in the width of the working area of ​​the tire, the height of the profile and in the indexes of the maximum permissible speed.

The inner diameter of the tire is from 13 to 17 inches. A small, as it seems, range. But it should be borne in mind that the model was developed primarily for compact vehicles, including urban subcompacts and sedans.

That is why it is impossible to find options for crossovers and vans in the list. For them there is a special lineup that has enhanced performance and has the prefix SUV in the name.


The lineup of the French manufacturer received rave reviews from many reputable automotive-related publications. It is easy to find information on a network about a particular test, as a result of which the tires showed their best side and with dignity outperformed their rivals in terms of dynamic characteristics.

However, the most prestigious achievement of the manufacturer can be considered that the Michelin Energy Saver R16 model was awarded by the German Automobile Association. This means that the tires are actually safe in motion, able to help the driver cope with emergency situations in adverse weather conditions and can serve more than one season.

Sidewall Michelin

Positive feedback about the model

It's time to analyze the opinion of drivers who operate rubber from this lineup for more than a year. Their reviews of Michelin Energy Saver will serve as the basis for a final conclusion on whether to buy this rubber for your car. Let's start with the positive aspects. Among them, the main ones are the following:

  • Very high wear resistance. Drivers, among whom there are taxi service workers, respond positively to the ability of rubber to serve for a very long time without the need for repairs. So, some of them noted that the mileage exceeded 200,000 kilometers, and the rubber is still able to work further, although it looks worn.
  • Good handling on the highway. The ability to make maneuvers without losing speed is another definite plus of this model. As stated in the reviews of the Michelin Energy Saver, it confidently keeps on the track when maneuvering due to side tread blocks.
  • Short braking distance. Effective braking is one of the key safety factors in an emergency. Thanks to the well-thought-out tread and the special formula of the rubber compound, this rubber is able to quickly stop the car in case of danger.
  • Low noise. Due to the fact that the manufacturer tried to achieve profitability, a side effect was also brought out - a decrease in the level of acoustic discomfort. Therefore, rubber can be safely used on cars with low-quality sound insulation, it will not annoy with excessive noise and vibration.
  • Good behavior on wet pavement. The manufacturer, as stated in the reviews on Michelin Energy Saver tires, made sure that the rubber can withstand weather conditions, effectively combating aquaplaning and removing water from the contact patch of the working surface with the track.

As you can see, the model has a pretty impressive list of advantages that speaks in its favor. However, one should not leave aside some negative features of the model range.

Cons model based on driver reviews

Among the negative aspects, many drivers in reviews of the Michelin Energy Saver 205 * 55 R16 note the insufficient strength of the side of the tire. Despite the fact that the manufacturer tried to protect it as much as possible, this was not enough. The result is damage sustained during careless operation that does not allow testing the full tire life.

Another disadvantage is the rather high cost of rubber compared to competitors. Domestic manufacturers offer tires with similar parameters and characteristics for a price about one and a half times cheaper. Therefore, some drivers remain at a crossroads: overpay for a brand or take cheaper, but also high-quality rubber.

Side part

Drive on dirt roads with this rubber is also not recommended. This can be seen even in the shape of the tread, not intended for driving on primers. The manufacturer also positions this model as purely highway, but in domestic realities a periodic exit onto dirt roads may be a necessity, so this feature can be considered a drawback. Drivers in reviews of Michelin Energy Saver tires say that on a dirt road, a car, especially after rain, feels like a cow on ice.


This rubber range is perfect for those who prefer to drive on paved roads, for example, in urban mode, and want to achieve maximum safety and a long service life. If you handle rubber carefully and avoid mechanical damage, then, as Michelin Energy Saver reviews say, mileage on it can reach very large numbers. It is not recommended for use on dirt roads, as well as with aggressive driving style.


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