How to open the head of a member - features, recommendations and methods

The article will figure out how to open the head of a member.

Most mothers carefully monitor the hygiene of their sons from a very young age. However, not everyone fully understands all the anatomical features of the structure of the child's reproductive system. Many people have a question about whether it is normal that the head of the penis is open / closed. This question is often caused by obvious differences between a boy and an adult man. Specialists find it difficult to answer this question, since the process is purely individual.

open glans penis

When does the head of a penis open in a boy?

Starting from the moment of birth, the foreskin of a boy is connected to the head of a member with special adhesions. These connections do not allow the head to open partially or completely. This condition is called by doctors physiological phimosis. How the head should open depends on the age of the future man, since this kind of phimosis is self-passing. Over time, there is a gradual separation of the foreskin from the glans penis, which gradually leads to full opening. It is quite difficult to accurately formulate age limits for this process.

What does it depend on?

The age when an already open glans penis is observed depends on the anatomical features of the structure of the child’s reproductive system and other characteristics. There are cases when the head opens fully in three years. Sometimes this process is prolonged to seven years, less common are situations when the head opens at the time of puberty, that is, in adolescence. Therefore, age cannot be considered a specific indicator.

penis open closed

When do I need to open the head of a penis to a child? This is a common question.

Such an age spread does not mean at all that you can not pay attention to the personal hygiene of the boy. It is necessary to observe the condition of the baby's genital organ from the diaper. Physiological phimosis can lead to inflammation and infectious diseases. Therefore, it is important to regularly show the child to a pediatrician who will assess the condition of the boy's external genital organs and timely detect the pathological process.

How to open the head of a member?

You can not open it by force if the child does not complain of discomfort during the urinary process, and his genitals visually look healthy. The genitals of the boy are very sensitive, since a large number of nerve endings are located in it. Forced opening can damage the skin or cause pain.

It is important to learn how to open the penis head in advance.

In addition, incorrect attempts by parents can cause the development of various negative consequences, such as paraphimosis, which can only be treated surgically.

open head penis

Sufficient measures will be the observance of personal hygiene of the baby, including regular washing after changing the diaper or the act of defecation. In addition, while bathing, it is important to rinse the penis well, without opening it, using baby soap. In the process of washing should not make efforts and try to open the head. Thus, the likelihood of injury to the organ with subsequent formation of cracks on it increases. The latter will also become a serious obstacle to opening the head of the penis.

Why do cracks occur?

The appearance of cracks can provoke other reasons:

  1. Long stay of the child in a dirty diaper.
  2. Allergy to diapers.
  3. Disregard for personal hygiene.
  4. Pathology of infectious genesis.

Thus, regardless of the age at which the head was opened in the child, sufficient attention should be paid to the hygiene of the boy. This will prevent future problems in adulthood. The fullness and health of the boy begins with the observance by the parents of the rules of his intimate hygiene.

Why is it so important to figure out how to open the penis head correctly? What is fraught with such a phenomenon as a closed head?

open head member why

Possible complications

In the case when the head of the penis in the boy is closed at the age of six, this should not be a cause for concern. In the main part of children at this age, the foreskin is completely delayed due to physiological characteristics.

When a child’s head is closed at the age of 12, the boy should be shown to a urologist. The specialist will conduct an examination, which will allow him to determine the presence of suppuration, inflammation and discoloration of the penis. If all these signs are absent, do not worry. The doctor will also conduct a survey of the child, paying attention to complaints of pain during urination.

If the head of the penis does not open well, the child experiences pain during urination or other symptoms, the doctor will tell about measures that need to be taken. Most often, surgical intervention is required, which consists in excising the frenum between the foreskin and the head of the penis.

If you do not conduct timely treatment, the following serious complications may develop:

  1. Balanoposthitis. It is an infectious process that proceeds in a chronic form. This pathology requires strict hygiene and the use of antibacterial drugs.

  2. Urinary obstruction. Against the background of narrowing of the foreskin, there is a difficulty in removing urine. In this case, against the background of urination, severe pain and burning occurs. A similar condition is treated only surgically.

  3. Accumulation of urine and secretions under the surface of the foreskin. It is the result of poor hygiene. Allocations are formed into a fairly solid mass, which does not allow the boy's penis to develop normally.

    open the head of the penis to the child

All these pathologies can acquire an irreversible character without appropriate measures. The consequences of complications can be:

  1. Swelling and loss of sensation of the boy's genital organ.

  2. Splicing of the foreskin with the head and complete obstruction as a result.

  3. The transition of the inflammatory process to other organs of the urination system.

At this age, it is considered normal if the head of the penis is open. Why didn't this happen in a timely manner?

If the head does not open for a long time (after 12 years), the specialist prescribes a surgical operation.

What to do?

It should be understood that in some boys, phimosis may not be physiological, but pathological in nature. In this case, the mandatory assistance of a specialist is required, since such a condition can lead in the future to erection dysfunction. In this situation, a rush of blood to the penis of a man causes discomfort and leads to the formation of cracks. All this can greatly complicate the sexual life of a man.

Indications for surgery

If the head of a boy’s member does not open at the age of 14, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will prescribe an examination and subsequent surgery. Indications for surgical intervention are:

  1. The formation of scars and scars on the foreskin.
  2. The inflammatory process in a chronic form.
  3. Violation of the urinary process.

How to open the head of a member? There are several methods of surgery, the choice should be made by the doctor on the basis of the examination.

open head

It is important to remember that there are no other ways to help in this case, except for surgery, there are no special nozzles. The open head of the penis is the norm that will help to avoid various inflammatory processes.

Basic Rules

An important role in preventing problems with the boy’s genitals is played by methods for the prevention of pathological phimosis. The main one is the boy’s personal hygiene. Every woman should remember these basic rules:

  1. There is no need to thoroughly wash the baby's penis with soap with each wash. Such zeal can disrupt the boy's sexual microflora.
  2. Soap is used once a week, and the scrotum of the child should also be treated.
  3. You can’t try to forcefully open the head of a member.
  4. When washing, it is allowed to add various medicinal herbs to the baths, for example, chamomile.
    how to make an open head of a member

Raising a boy, each mother should remember that any problem is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, due attention must be paid to the development of the genitals of the future man.


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