Tired of a cruciferous flea? Methods of controlling the pest of cabbage

cruciferous flea
After planting a radish and anticipating the abundance of the crop, after about a few weeks you notice that someone has thoroughly worked on your garden: he has nibbled the leaves of the plants to holes and thereby caused considerable damage to your crop ...

Cruciferous flea is the very first pest of young plants encountered by gardeners. Small bugs, 1.8-3.5 mm in size, have a wide variety of colors: from black to metal with a brilliant shimmer, sometimes there is a cruciferous flea with stripes. Cruciferous cruciferous fleas belong to the family of leaf beetles. There are several varieties of this pest: wavy, light-footed, notched, black and blue. They parasitize almost all over Russia, except for the edge of the cold North. The length of the larvae reaches 4 mm. The body of the pupae is yellow, and they feed on small roots. They got their name due to their physiological characteristics. These insect pests jump very well, which contributes to their relocation in early spring from the soil to cultivated cruciferous plants (cabbage, radish, rutabaga, watercress, etc.) and further damage: the fleas scrape the top layer of the plant to small sores. The harmfulness of bugs is observed in the phase of plant emergence and the growth phase of 3-4 leaves under comfortable weather conditions (18-25C). When the temperature drops, the cruciferous flea leaves the plant and hides in the soil. The nibbled plant lags noticeably in development, the eaten leaves dry out, and, as a rule, the culture dies. Older plants, unlike young ones, can still withstand the destructive effects of beetles due to their full rooting.

cruciferous fleas
The proposed methods will help protect the future crop and will be effective not only in the early spring, when a cruciferous flea appears. The fight against it is most effective during the entire summer period:

  • covering young seedlings with non-woven material;
  • complete eradication of cruciferous weeds: shepherd's purse, colza;
  • regular weeding and loosening of the soil, especially in autumn, helps to destroy pests that settled in the ground for the winter;
  • constant irrigation method;
  • the use of insecticides: "Decis" at the rate of 3 ml of the drug per 10 liters of water (the solution is enough to process 100 square meters), "Karate" - 2.2 ml per 10 liters of water;
  • treatment of the site with such biological products as Actellik, Bankol -20 ml per 10 liters of water (1 liter of solution is enough for 10 square meters);
  • pollination of seedlings with ash with careful processing of the upper and lower leaves at least 3 times with intervals of 4-5 days;
  • plant protection with a special mixture of wood ash and tobacco powder, adhere to a ratio of 1: 1;
  • spraying with vinegar in dry weather: dilute 1-2 tbsp. per 10 l. l 70% vinegar essence or half a liter of regular 9% vinegar.

cruciferous flea wrestling
Cruciferous flea does not have a love for odorous aromas. Between the beds, you can pour naphthalene (per 10 sq. M 30-50 grams of the product). Plants such as dill, coriander, marigolds, garlic, etc. emit odorous substances that repel pests, so they can also be used, for example, planted next to affected plants. It is desirable to provide active resistance to pests everywhere, urging the owners of neighboring gardens to participate and jointly delivering a powerful blow to eliminate the enemies of the future crop.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9167/

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