Sources in Karlovy Vary: description of how they affect the body, reviews

Karlovy Vary has long been famous for its mineral hot springs, which have many useful qualities. They are mainly intended for drinking therapy.

Sources in Karlovy Vary - a whole natural complex that converts precipitation into healing waters. They contain many trace elements and other beneficial substances that, when combined, have a beneficial effect on the body.

The use of thermal mineral drinks is completely free. In total there are 15 healing springs. Only from 1 to 12 the number of sources in Karlovy Vary are used in the spa industry. They are similar in their chemical composition, differ only in temperature and the amount of carbon dioxide.

What are the sources

Many people are interested in what sources of Karlovy Vary are and what heals, since there are certain indications and contraindications for the use of healing water. People from ancient times knew about the healing effect of sources. The very first mention of healing water treatment dates back to the 14th century, since at that time Charles IV healed his feet with mineral water. After a while, they began to use it inside.

Karlovy Vary

The characteristics of the mineral springs in Karlovy Vary allow the use of water for patients with a wide variety of diseases. The most popular are such as:

  • "Vzhidlo";
  • “Prince of Wratzlav”;
  • Libushe;
  • "Mermaid";
  • "Rocky";
  • Mlynsky
  • "Castle";
  • "Liberty";
  • "Market";
  • "Serpentine";
  • "Garden"
  • "Charles IV."

Each of the sources is intended for the treatment of certain diseases, but it is worth remembering that water should be taken carefully after consulting a doctor and diagnosing it.

Geyser colonnade

Among the sources in Karlovy Vary, the “Geyser Colonnade” is distinguished. She hides under water only one source - the Geyser. This is one of the most famous sources. Its temperature is 72 degrees, and the height of the fountain reaches 12 meters. Water is generally prescribed for taking a bath.

The geyser outputs have been known since ancient times. This healing water protruded from the depths of the earth. Initially, it flowed along with river water. Natural remedies are constantly overgrown with salt sediment. Only the foundation of the city and the need for the use of sources served to capture the Geyser water.

Clean water from this source in Karlovy Vary is used for drinking and swimming. The colonnade contains 5 tanks with water reaching the surface, access to which is open to all comers from 6 to 19 hours.

Castle tower

One of the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary is the colonnade on Castle Hill, which was built by the architect of Oman. It consists of the Upper and Lower Source. Inside the Lower is a bas-relief made of ferruginous sandstone depicting the Spirit of springs.

The colonnade has been functioning since the beginning of the 20th century, and in the 21st century it was restored by private investors, and it became available only to patients of the hospital located on the territory. However, the water of this spring is accessible to every person. This water source in Karlovy Vary is located in the gazebo next to the colonnade.

Castle colonnade

The first information about him appeared in 1769, but he was formed in these places much earlier. At the place of his exit, the children made a small backwater and bathed in warm water. She was also drunk by cows, who returned home from pasture. Already at this time, the source interested the doctors of this resort. He had drilled 3 wells, one of which reaches a depth of 31 meters.

The Upper Castle Spring is constantly closed. It is made artificially, since water comes from a lower source. As a result of this, it cools and along with this, the solubility of carbon monoxide increases.

Market colonnade

The mineral spring in Karlovy Vary under the name "Market" was equipped only a few years ago. The wooden Market Colonnade is decorated with snow-white patterns. Under its roof there are 2 sources, namely, "Market" and "Charles IV". According to legend, it was with them that the birth of the city began.

The “market” thermal spring in Karlovy Vary was discovered in the 19th century. The water in it has a temperature of 62 degrees. The colonnade under the gable roof is surrounded on 3 sides by wooden walls, and the front wall has the appearance of a column. From time immemorial, large and small keys have been beaten here, which either disappeared or reappeared. Since the exit from the source was at a depth of 2 meters, it was necessary to go down to it by steps. More recently, the colonnade has been restored, and now the water rises to its level.

Many tourists are interested in which source in Karlovy Vary is the oldest and most famous. He bears the name of Charles IV and is associated with a long legend. According to her, in this source the emperor of the Roman Empire washed his feet, after which he decided to open a resort on this site. Above it is even a carved picture depicting its discovery.

Mill Colonnade

Mill Colonnade is one of the most famous in the city and it has as many as 5 sources, namely such as:

  • Mlynsky
  • "Mermaid";
  • “Prince Wenceslas I”;
  • "Libushi";
  • "Rocky".

The colonnade roof is supported by columns that are very beautifully decorated. The upper balustrade shows 12 months. The temperature of the source "Mlynsky" is 56 degrees. It is believed that water from it does not lose its healing qualities during transportation. Part of it in bottles is sold in many countries of the world.

Source "Mill"

The temperature in the source "Mermaid" is 60 degrees. Its water used to be very popular. Source "Prince Wenceslas I" has a temperature of 65-68 degrees. Water has long been used to make healing mineral salt.

The source of "Libushi" was formed from 4 small springs, and its temperature is 62 degrees.

Garden colonnade

The garden colonnade was built at the end of XIX according to the design of Viennese architects. This amazing architectural monument decorates not only the nearby Dvorak Gardens, but also the entire resort area. Right under the roof of the colonnade there are 3 healing springs, namely:

  • "Garden";
  • "Freedom";
  • "Serpentine."

The temperature of the source "Freedom" is 60 degrees. It was opened during the construction of the hospital. It is located in the gazebo, which refers to historical sites. Spring "Garden" has a temperature of 47 degrees. It was originally called the Imperial. It is located on the basement of the Military Sanatorium.

Source "Garden"

The “Snake” spring has a water temperature of 30 degrees. It contains much less minerals, but it contains much more carbon dioxide. Mineral water flows from the mouth of a snake right in the Garden Colonnade. These are the main sources in Karlovy Vary for swimming and drinking water, which help to improve your health.

What is the source of what heals

You must know what source in Karlovy Vary what treats and what healing water is used for. This is required in order not to harm health. Vrzidlo geyser hot spring is mainly intended for swimming. In addition, water is used for drinking therapy and has a very good effect on the functioning of the intestines and stomach, and also helps in the treatment of gastritis. For people prone to respiratory diseases, it is useful to breathe air around the geyser.

The source of Charles VI is distinguished by the unique healing qualities of a hot spring. Water from it works well on the joints and the skeletal system. The source "Lower Castle" is characterized by the fact that its water is used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The Upper Castle Spring is available only to guests of the Castle Lazne. Rinsing the gums with this water has a very good effect during periodontal disease, prevents the formation of caries, and also helps to strengthen and restore bones and joints.

The “Market” source is intended for the treatment of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Today, its water is actively used in sanatoriums. Spring "Mill" is famous for its thermal water. Many say that this is a female drink to give beauty. It has a beneficial effect on the hair and nails, nourishing and strengthening them. Previously, this water was used only for bathtubs.

The source "Mermaid" is characterized by the fact that its water has a temperature of 60 degrees. It is considered a children's healing drink. It can be used to improve metabolism and strengthen the body's immune system. The water of the spring “Prince Valsav I” is enriched with Glauber's salt, which is why it has some laxative effect. It is recommended to use it to cleanse the body, and preferably before conducting spa treatment.

Source "Geyser" Karlovy Vary

The Libushi source is used to treat children, improve metabolic processes, and normalize immunity. The water of the Skalny spring is used to treat diabetes, and its consumption is very effective in the process of losing weight.

The source "Sloboda" is famous for its amazing healing drink, as it helps to regulate the production of male hormones, has a positive effect on potency and helps in the treatment of prostatitis. The water of the Sadovy spring is used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and kidneys, helps to remove stones and restore the body after an illness.

Source "Serpentine" refers to the coldest. This is a real storehouse of beauty. It is not intended for the consumption of healing water inside, but for washing and helps rejuvenate the skin.

Indications for treatment

Sources of Karlovy Vary are quite extensive indications for the treatment. Complexes of procedures in all sanatoriums are different, due to the level of equipment of medical institutions. Among the main indications, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • recovery after treatment of oncology without signs of activity of the malignant process;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • pathology of the digestive system;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • dental problems;
  • neurological disorders.

In addition, water sources are used to treat respiratory diseases and pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor selects each patient's own treatment program, which fully takes into account well-being and the diagnosis.

Contraindications to treatment

It is worth noting that there are certain contraindications for treatment with water from thermal springs, which include:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • intestinal stenosis;
  • increased creatine levels;
  • epilepsy;
  • liver failure;
  • exacerbation of pancreatitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • pregnancy.

It is worth noting that treatment with mineral water is prescribed only by a doctor after a diagnosis. Self-treatment is strictly prohibited, as this can provoke various kinds of complications.

Treatment in Karlovy Vary

Many of those who come to this country for treatment are interested in which sources in Karlovy Vary are better to choose and where it is preferable to take a course of rehabilitation. It is possible to be treated not only as prescribed by the doctor.

Treatment in Karlovy Vary

If there is no appointment, then you can get it by contacting a doctor in any chosen sanatorium, and it is best to do it where it is planned to undergo therapy. It is worth noting that treatment is carried out in courses, the minimum duration of which is 1 week.


Each spring in Karlovy Vary is unique, but in any case, each of them helps to improve your health. Some of the procedures carried out in sanatoriums require the advice of a doctor, and for some it is not required. In particular, such procedures as:

  • spa treatments;
  • massage;
  • drinking mineral water;
  • salt caves;
  • inhalation.

Particularly noteworthy are spa treatments, which include a range of services that contribute to wellness.

The composition of thermal water

The purpose of the sources in Karlovy Vary is different, since they can be used to treat diseases and to heal. In addition, some of the water is intended for drinking and some for bathing only. In Karlovy Vary, mineralized water comes to the surface . To get a more complete picture, it is worth noting that its maximum temperature is 73.4 degrees.

The composition of water includes ions, anions, cations, boric and silicic acid, gases. It is not radioactive. Sources are characterized by the fact that the water in them is natural, with a high content of fluorides.

How to consume medicinal water

It is recommended to drink water as prescribed by a doctor who will prescribe which one to consume, how much and how to do it correctly. You can do this without consulting a specialist, but in small quantities. A sharp change in the amount of mineral substances entering the body can provoke a strictly opposite effect.

It is best to draw a little water into the container and, while walking, consume it in small sips. The optimum temperature is 50 degrees. It is worth remembering that the hotter the water in the source, the less it can be consumed. Do not draw water into a plastic bottle, you can use only special dishes.

How to drink water

At the first morning intake, you need to collect liquid from the source at 5-6 o’clock in the morning, since at this time it is more saturated with useful geyser gases. The course of therapy is not recommended to combine with the consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Passive inhalation of smoke is also harmful. Treatment must be carried out in a state of rest and relaxation.

Treatment Reviews

Karlovy Vary is one of the most famous resorts in the Czech Republic. Its thermal springs have simply unique healing power, help fill the body with energy and get rid of many diseases. Reviews of tourists about visiting this resort and the consumption of healing water are very good. Patients of sanatoriums swimming in the outdoor thermal pool are especially distinguished.

However, some say that the water is unusually warm and bitterly salty to taste. If you drink it without the recommendation of a doctor in large quantities, then this can trigger digestive upset.


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