What to answer to "I love you"? Several variants

Life is an interesting thing, and sometimes, without expecting it at all, you can get a declaration of love from a person who, it would seem, does not even pay attention to your modest person. What to do in a similar situation, so as not to offend him? What to answer to “I love you” if this recognition is unwanted? And how can you please your loved one if “I love you” is a long-awaited and pleasant phrase?

words to beloved


The first thing to understand if you need to refuse a person: it’s better to immediately tell the truth, no matter how painful it is, and put an end to this. No need to bustle, try to arouse feelings of unloved in yourself or simply deceive. So it will only be worse for a person who is unrequitedly in love. Truth is what’s best. But you can also say it in different ways.


The first tip about responding to “I love you” is a joke to help. You can try to laugh it off from recognition, making it clear to the person that it is not worth continuing to continue talking on this topic. You can answer: “But I love sweets, let's love them together”, or something like that. But don’t make fun of the feelings of a guy who decided to open up. This is not good, and it will leave an unpleasant residue in the soul of a lover.

what to answer i love you


What to answer to "I love you" if there is nothing to answer? You can simply keep silent or pretend that the confession was not heard. From this, the lover will be somewhat uncomfortable, so you need to quickly orientate yourself and try to translate the topic in a different direction, somewhat changing the angle of the conversation. And only having diverted the conversation in the completely opposite direction, you can relax a bit and let the guy in love come to his senses and come to his senses. After all, silence is the very refusal, and this is always a shock and a blow to male pride.


If you want to get away from an undesirable question or figure out what to answer to “I love you”, you can try to play comedy or tragedy - which will be to your taste. You can roll your eyes theatrically, twist your fingers and say: “Ah, sir, why do you need such a mess like me!” Or: "Do not tell me such a thing, my dear, I am so unhappy in my relations with men!" Such a performance will somewhat distract attention from the main issue and help to move slightly away from this topic.

I will love you
Easiest answer

You can directly respond to unnecessary recognition. Just say: "I, unfortunately, have no such feelings for you." Or: "I love (in love with) another." But do not pronounce the most terrible, according to lovers, phrase: "Let's stay friends." After all, this is how a person seems to repel, but at the same time attracts him. And you do not need to do this in a similar situation.

If you still have feelings

But what words can be said to a loved one if there are also feelings for a guy who confesses love? There are a huge number of options. You can simply answer with the same phrase or by saying: "I will love you forever / always." Also, as an option, a meaningful look will do, which will say everything without words. You can simply throw yourself on the beloved’s neck with a hug, gently whispering all sorts of cute nonsense into his ear. It is also worthwhile to learn several variants of the phrases “I love you” in different languages ​​and just answer the same thing each time, but in other words. It will be interesting and even informative.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9181/

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