Psychosomatics of cancer. Table of psychosomatics of diseases

The disease, which today is considered one of the worst, is cancer, as old as the world. Paleontologists have revealed the remains of tumors on the bones of animals that lived several million years ago. In the sixteenth century, a case of cancer was first described. At the beginning of the last century, one out of thirty people suffered from cancer. Today, every fifth inhabitant of the Earth is diagnosed with cancer.

What is cancer and why does it occur?

Oncological disease appears due to a defect in the cell apparatus. At the same time, the structure of organs and tissues of the human body changes. This is because the cell affected by the disease begins to divide too intensively. It is not surprising that in our time oncopathologies have become such a common diagnosis. After all, the environmental situation in the world is extremely unfavorable. Also, the development of cancer is influenced by factors such as infectious diseases, smoking, abuse of alcohol and junk food (junk food, sweets, foods containing dyes and food additives). Many types of tumors (e.g., mammary glands, intestines) result from obesity. In some cases, cancer is caused by a hereditary predisposition or abnormalities in the endocrine glands. There are situations when permanent mechanical damage or regular interaction with hazardous chemicals can be factors that trigger tumors.

However, not so long ago there was such a thing as cancer psychosomatics. What does this phenomenon mean?

Psychological causes of cancer

Of course, unhealthy lifestyles and bad habits, as well as adverse environmental conditions are the mechanisms that trigger the development of cancer.

However, a theory has recently appeared that tumors appear as a result of psychological causes. In the USA, studies were conducted, which revealed that almost all patients diagnosed with cancer, shortly before its appearance, experienced a traumatic event and constantly felt anger, despair, sadness and loneliness. Scientists concluded that the occurrence of tumors is associated with psychosomatics (the science of the connection of mental state with physical well-being). It turns out that personal problems have a strong influence on human health, and this fact cannot be underestimated.

The relationship of soul and body

The psychosomatics of cancer is not at all supernatural and inexplicable. Defective cells from time to time appear in the body of everyone. But the immune system actively fights them and, in the end, destroys. Stressful situations provoke disruption of blood vessels. This leads to insufficient intake of necessary substances in the organs and tissues of the human body.

As a result, immunity is reduced, and the body can not cope with altered cells. Their active division occurs, and then oncopathology appears. Defective cells interfere with the normal functioning of internal organs and systems. They secrete toxins that poison the body and interfere with its full functioning. When the disease progresses, metastases occur in other organs - new foci of malignant tumors. The patient becomes weakened and exhausted and eventually dies.

psychosomatic disease table

Specialists in the field of psychotherapy can explain the occurrence of cancer of a particular organ by the presence of certain personality characteristics and difficulties in a person. Some features and problems lead to one type of disease, others cause tumors of completely different organs and systems. For example, the psychosomatics of lung cancer is characterized by a lack of desire to lead a fulfilled life, a loss of the meaning of one’s existence. Tumors of female and male genital organs are associated with a negative attitude to their gender and resentment against partners or spouses, which a person can not let go. A brain tumor can be caused by a denial of the need to change their behavior, stubbornness, self-centeredness. In gastric cancer, psychosomatics is characterized by a person’s unwillingness to adapt to any circumstances, to be more loyal in communicating with others.

More information about the relationship of cancer and mental problems can be found in the table of psychosomatic diseases.

A new approach to explaining the causes of cancer. What can help cure?

Louise Hey, a specialist in psychology, has written many books and even became the founder of a publishing company. The table of psychosomatics of diseases, also authored by this woman, clearly demonstrates how important it is to take into account the relationship between psychological attitudes and physical well-being of a person. In the seventies, Louise Hay was diagnosed with cancer.

She thought about her life and decided that her emotions, such as anger and despair, became the main factor that provoked the development of the tumor. Louise decided to put an end to her negative feelings, let go of unpleasant experiences, and accept the identity of her parents and their actions. She also consulted with a doctor who prescribed a detox diet to get rid of toxins accumulated in her body. Louise ate exclusively vegetables, attended acupuncture procedures and cleaned her intestines, devoted much time to walks, and read prayers. Six months later, the doctor informed Hay about her full recovery.

If, against the background of a serious pathology, a person feels depression, dissatisfaction with himself and his life, the table of psychosomatics of diseases will help him understand his feelings. Perhaps she will also tell the hidden causes of the onset of the disease.

It is also important to understand what event in life is associated with negative experiences that destroy health. Scientists have found that often the triggering mechanism for the development of cancer is prolonged stress or a single, but severe emotional shock, loss.

Gastric Cancer: Psychosomatics

The digestive organs are responsible for the processing and assimilation of the necessary nutrients that a person receives from foods. Psychologically, the stomach and problems with it are associated with relationships and tolerance towards others. This body can also make itself felt at the time of stress and tension.

psychosomatics cancer

What is stomach cancer for psychosomatics from? First of all, it appears among those who reject others, their society and warmth. Sometimes oncopathology is associated with the patient’s interaction with those people whom he refuses to perceive, does not want to adapt to their requirements or desires. A sense of uselessness, anger, psychological fatigue and emotional upheaval can also provoke tumors.

The psychosomatics of cancer is different in that the patient’s body, as it were, requires attention to him as a person, and also indicates to a person difficulties that he cannot cope with for some reason. These problems in patients with cancer have gone too far, and this is what caused such a negative reaction of the body.

Psychological causes of liver cancer

The defeat of this body is most susceptible to residents of Asian and African states. In liver cancer, psychosomatics is characterized by the presence of anxiety in a person about a lack of something. For example, the mother and father of a child constantly talk about a lack of money in the family. A son or daughter may take these words too much to heart. In adulthood, this person may feel threatened by hunger and poverty, although his fear may be unfounded. If someone is having difficulty with money, he may feel anxious about not having enough food. Also, liver problems (including oncopathology) occur in people who were force-fed in childhood. Since this body works on the breakdown of nutrients, it can fail if it needs to process something that a person does not like.

psychosomatic disease table

You need to listen to your body, it will tell you what it needs. The intuitive power system is based on this principle.

Disorders of the liver also appear as a result of a feeling of lack of love, recognition. This body tends to accumulate not only substances, but also experiences. When there are too many negative emotions, the liver does not have time to "process" these "toxins" and they remain inside it.

Throat Cancer: Psychosomatics

Every day, a person interacts with others through communication. Sometimes, for certain reasons, he uncovers something, hides it, cannot find words to express thoughts. This causes deep inner feelings that can lead to serious pathologies of the throat.

stomach cancer psychosomatics

On the contrary, if someone betrayed an unpleasant secret, uttered rudeness and cannot forgive himself for this, he may also be susceptible to the diseases of this organ. The constant presence in life of those events that are associated with increased responsibility and cause panic is also a factor in the development of this type of cancer. And, although it is believed that the largest percentage of patients with a throat tumor are smokers, in the presence of this pathology, you still need to pay attention to communication problems.

Causes of Kidney Cancer

This body provides disposal of toxic substances accumulated in the body.

liver cancer psychosomatics

In kidney cancer, psychosomatics is associated with negative emotions, which, like toxins, harm the patient's life and well-being. It can be a strong fear, sadness, which a person tries to hide and restrain. Also, kidney pathologies mean that a person can not let go of an insult or an unpleasant situation, does not find the strength to live without remembering the negative experiences. Sometimes such diseases affect people who, because of their emotionality, are too sympathetic to others, but are not able to take care of themselves, make the right choice or make an informed decision. They rely on anything but their own strength.

Why does blood cancer occur?

This type of disease is associated with unpleasant experiences that "get stuck" in the human soul. Perhaps this is children's resentment, a sense of uselessness and loneliness.

throat cancer psychosomatics

With blood cancer, psychosomatics involves a feeling of hostility or anger towards relatives. Perhaps the man did not find words to express his resentment, and it seemed to spill through his veins. Instead of joy, benefit and energy, his blood carries those negative experiences that have accumulated in his soul.

Psychological causes of intestinal tumors

Anyone who suffers from diseases of this organ, cannot wean from the usual way of life or beliefs, wants, at all costs, to save them. The psychosomatics of intestinal cancer is characterized by the desire to fight for something that does not bring benefits and joy. Such patients have no desire to learn something positive from their lives. They tend to focus on failures. With colorectal cancer, psychosomatics is characterized by the presence of a person with increased irritability, anxiety.

kidney cancer psychosomatics

This is a disease of people who tend to exaggerate their problems and the shortcomings of others. The illness is also provoked by such character traits as aggression and criticism, nit-picking, excessive attention to details, especially unpleasant ones, the avoidance of changes in one’s life, the desire to leave everything as it is.

Skin Cancer: Psychosomatics

The disease of this organ testifies to the desire to distance oneself from communication, to close oneself in one's own world. Also, skin pathologies, including cancer, are signs of a person's desire to change himself. He may experience complexes and embarrassment, as well as having difficulty establishing contacts with the opposite sex. A person with a serious skin disease justifies his alleged inferiority and unattractiveness, as if making himself inaccessible to others. He feels lonely and does not accept himself as he is. Skin oncopathology is a signal that the patient is a vulnerable or anxious person, he is unsure of himself, and has a low level of self-esteem.

Psychological causes of lung cancer

Respiratory organs supply the body with oxygen, that is, they provide existence.

In lung cancer, psychosomatics is associated with a lack of positive emotions. At the same time, a person seems to lose his craving for life. Perhaps he is oppressed by any difficult or unpleasant circumstances. Also, the cause of lung disease can be fear, which leads to inaction.

One of the most important factors influencing the possibility of a cure for cancer is the desire to live. Scientists argue that the most favorable prognosis for those patients who find the strength to fight the disease and can explain the meaning of their existence on this earth. They name the reasons why they certainly need to continue to live. It can be a favorite job, caring for children, creative aspirations. Such patients clearly set goals. They mobilize all the physical and mental reserves of their body to overcome the disease and achieve what they want. Only a positive attitude and a sincere and deep confidence in the significance and meaningfulness of their existence can help regain health.

Why does a brain tumor occur?

There are over one hundred types of cancer of this organ. Many scientists believe that the cause of such a tumor is a strong nervous shock that disrupts the functioning of blood vessels and the supply of cells with nutrients. In brain cancer, psychosomatics can be caused by excessive perseverance, the desire to remake other people, confidence in the lack of justice in life. Often such patients are touchy, aggressive. Sometimes a brain tumor is caused by selfishness, the desire to draw attention to your personality and make people love themselves at all costs. Envy, anger and anger, which a person constantly scrolls in his thoughts, also negatively affect his condition.

Uterine Cancer Psychosomatics

Neoplasms of this organ can be triggered by negative emotions associated with sexual life. If a woman does not accept her affiliation with the weaker sex, is dissatisfied with her body, she may become a victim of uterine cancer. Sometimes diseases of this organ indicate a feeling of guilt about their children or relationships with their husband. In some cases, these diseases affect those who have sex with a person to whom they have neither attraction nor love. Then the tumor can be a kind of excuse for abandoning sexual activity, rejection and avoidance of a partner. When uterine diseases become an obstacle to childbearing, this may mean that a woman subconsciously wants to have a baby, but is afraid to admit it to herself, and her body, as it were, “turns off” the fertile function.

Another factor that can contribute to the development of such a pathology as uterine cancer is concern for the lives of children, the experience of their failures as their own. For example, a mother who finds out that her daughter left her friend or was fired from her job can suffer so much that she risks undermining her health. Tumors of the reproductive system often occur in women who sacrifice all their time, strength and energy for the sake of children, while forgetting about their needs and their own well-being.


Having examined the factors that provoke cancer, psychosomatics, the causes of this disease, we can say with confidence that the state of mind plays an important role in the development of pathology. Long-term observations of scientists on the condition of cancer patients led to the following conclusions:

  1. In childhood and adolescence, these people often felt rejected, unhappy and unnecessary. It was difficult for them to establish close relationships with their relatives. They often felt sadness and apathy. Many patients early lost loved ones. Some had dysfunctional families.
  2. In adulthood, these patients put too much energy and energy into work or personal relationships. Often they completely ignored their own needs and interests for the sake of others.
  3. After a severe mental trauma (death of loved ones, dismissal from a beloved job, moving a son or daughter, divorce), these people seemed to lose their meaning of existence, they lost the desire to live. It turns out that many of them are characterized by children's character traits, dependence on others. They are subject to depression and a sense of despair, do not know how to forgive and let go of resentment and grief.
  4. Often cancer patients are secretive individuals. They conceal unresolved problems, refuse to recognize and voice them. They are real perfectionists, they want to correspond to some ideal, they fit themselves under the template.

So, self-education and positive thinking play an important role in cancer prevention . It is necessary to work on these negative character properties in order not to damage your health:

  1. Negative thoughts and memories.
  2. Psychological addiction.
  3. Rejection of one’s personality and constant pursuit of an unattainable ideal.
  4. Helplessness, despair.
  5. Depression, loss of the meaning of life, apathy.

To get rid of such a serious ailment as cancer, it is certainly not enough just to work on yourself. Be sure to follow the doctor's recommendations, take the prescribed drugs, regularly undergo examinations. It is important to adhere to proper nutrition, eat fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat and fish. Do not forget about physical exercises, meditation. Be sure to abandon bad habits.

blood cancer psychosomatics

In the treatment of cancer, it is important not to lose the presence of mind, to fight for life and health. Of course, this is a serious pathology, accompanied by severe pain and extremely poor physical health. Treatment is also a burden on the body, leading to fatigue, weakness, loss of appetite and many other side effects. And only strong in spirit can go this way. By directing thinking in the right direction, a person stimulates his immune system, and it, in turn, becomes stronger. Thanks to treatment, the body destroys defective cells. Positive attitudes and a positive attitude can be developed using psychotherapy sessions. A specialist will help identify problems that bother the patient and provoke serious pathologies. Then it will be possible to develop ways to deal with psychological difficulties and the disease itself.


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