Funny sketches about teachers on Teacher's Day

Everyone is facing the profession of a teacher. First, he gets acquainted with her in the form of a student, then - in the role of a parent. Therefore, almost all people like funny scenes about teachers. And on school holidays you can’t do without them!

Funny sketches about teachers and Vovochkin’s parents

Oh, and this notorious little Vovochka got all the teachers! But, as it turns out, his parents are not inferior to him in knowledge, resourcefulness and self-confidence. Therefore, funny sketches about teachers and Vovochkin parents will successfully fit into the script of school holidays.

A scene about Vovochkin’s dad and his physical education

funny sketches about teachers
This miniature is quite suitable as a scene for Teacher's Day. Funny stories connected with dull parents - what can amuse teachers more? The plot of this scene begins with the fact that Vovochkin’s dad comes to school with his head bandaged and on crutches. He demands from the director monetary compensation for the injury, since the clinic does not give him a newsletter with payment. The principal is surprised: "Why should a school pay for a broken head?"

- Yes, not a school, but your physical education teacher! It was he who made the children do the exercise, which I also tried to do while standing outside the gym door - and here is the result!

- What did Andrei Petrovich demand of such an impossible from children? - the director is surprised.

- He told them: “Children, lift your right leg!” I raised my right foot too. And he says: “Now lift your left leg!” I also tried to raise my left leg, holding my hands on the windowsill, but fell, hitting my head on the floor ... And my legs got stuck in the heating battery! It is amazing how still all your children have not been injured!

Miniature "Anna Ivanovna from Kazan"

Funny scenes about teachers written in the styles of classics are successful. For example, it may be a miniature, somewhat reminiscent of “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish”.

Vovochka lived with his parents

Right next to my school.

They lived there for five years and two months.

Little Johnny went to this school,

And parents regularly attended meetings.

funny teacher's day sketches

Since father came to the meeting,

Looks - the teacher is all in mourning.

And the father asked the teacher:

“What happened, Anna Ivanovna?”

The teacher answers the father:

- The bitter grief we have adventure!

A commission came to school,

I attended various classes.

So they looked into our class, yes ...

I surprised everyone, I will not hide, Vovochka,

It’s just, one might say, absolutely shocked!

He declared to an honest commission,

Like, I love an extracurricular without memory,

It’s called “Myths from Kazan” ... Yes ...

He didn’t mention the legends,

He even specified: they say, in Kazan

These myths were written by myths.

Indigenous Kazan residents.

Then my father was surprised in a big way:

“What are you unhappy with, Ivanovna?”

My son told you such a compliment

And you do not like everything!

- So an extracurricular activity

It was called quite differently after all!

There, not only myths were spoken about,

And also about ska-za-ni-ya!

And my father soared completely out of anger:

- If you yourself, Anna Ivanovna,

You are a native city

What is called Kazan today

This is not an argument, alas,

Attack a child with a claim!

- Where did you get this from,

What, as if, I was born in Kazan?

- So you yourself said, they say, in class

We are learning myths. AND - FROM KAZAN I!

The teacher grabs her head and shouts: “Oh!” runs away from the scene. Vovochkin dad shrugs and goes the other way.

Old man Hottabych - was he?

You can imagine scenes on Teacher’s Day funny, in which an old folio with hieroglyphs inscribed on it will be used. You can get it from the bottle that Volka will catch in the sea. Everyone in the audience will expect gin, and here ... And Volka will be surprised too - the book says something completely different!

very funny sketches about teachers

But you can still release the genie on the stage during the scene on Teacher's Day. The funny commandments that the old man Hottabych will pronounce will surely make all teachers and students laugh! Although the folios for reading in a purely teacher circle and at a common holiday with students should be, nevertheless, different.

“Commandments to a young teacher from experienced colleagues” with a demonstration

Funny scenes about teachers on Teacher's Day will be very creative if the rules that go into them are not only read, but played out. For example, it might look like this.

Leading (experienced teacher):

- Teacher!

Entering the classroom, one of the young teachers depicts the moment of entering the room, puts the bag on the table, nods to the imaginary class and prepares to sit on the chair, pushing it out from under the table. The host almost shouts:

- Do not sit down!

But the teacher was already seated in a chair. The host shakes his head reproachfully and continues sadly:

“Do not sit on the chair right away - first check to see if there is glue or buttons on it ...”

funny sketches about teachers on teacher's day

The teacher jumps up, but the chair is already stuck and rises with her. Achieving this effect is quite simple if you use a strap that you must tightly fasten.

In this way, you can beat all the commandments, which can even turn into miniature funny scenes about teachers on Teacher's Day - each commandment will become a full-fledged small performance.

Thumbnail rule for beginner educators

You can play funny scenes about teachers and students, taking as a basis a real case from the practice of experienced "Rusaks". For example, the facilitator says the following commandment:

- Teacher! Never ask students for essays, adding the phrase "blood from the nose!"

Expanding the effect of this commandment, you can beat a variety of funny scenes about subject teachers. For example, such.

The teacher gives the task to the children:

- Tomorrow everyone brings an essay - blood from the nose!

Children nod, whisper, giggle. The light flashing imitates the onset of a new day. The children are satisfied, the teacher asks to read the essay of one of them. He reads: “Composition. Blood from the nose. Once I wrote an essay in the evening. Suddenly I fell asleep. The head itself fell onto the notebook, the nose flattened against the surface of the table, blood flowed profusely from it! ”

There may be another version of the task: “Bring an article - blood from the nose!” As a result, children bring blood bubbles. And one says that Mom’s blood was taken, the other - that a passerby was on the street, and the third says that he took blood ... from the principal, the school, explaining that Natalya Petrovna told him to do it!

Scene commandment for "mathematics"

It turns out very funny scenes about teachers, in which resourceful and funny students take part. Such performances are even suitable for school KVNs.


- Mathematic teacher! Do not strain students with a humanitarian bias with their tasks - for them, the queen of all sciences is another subject.


- Guys, please describe the sinusoid. Petya!

funny sketches teacher and student

Petya quickly writes something on a piece of paper, nibbles a pen, scratches it in the head, ruffles his hair with his hand - in general, demonstrates the process of composing poetry. Then he gets into the picture pose, puts his leg back, stretches his hand forward and reads from the sheet with a howl:

- Oh sinusoid friends

Now I will describe you here.

She is beautiful, there are no words here -

But I will give you the full answer.

Like a drunkards home cruise

She is tortuous. Now up, then down

Curve curls, curls, curls ...

Alas, rhyme is not given here ...

Changeable sine! From the corner

It always depends. Is always!

Oh, the amplitude! Argument!

It’s possible that for a drunken cop

In a hurry? And so it looped

Track? Or forced

His footprints are so confused so much

Blizzard? And the snow was falling abundantly? ..

The teacher interrupts the "poet" indignantly:

- Well, enough, Petya, frolic!

Sit down, poet Peter. Unit!

Thumbnail about English teachers

Teachers really like short dramatizations when adults show their skill and humor, ironic about the resourcefulness of unlucky lazy people. The teacher and the student play such funny scenes together, so they are suitable for an all-school concert.


- Good day, Volodya!

“Good day, Anna PavlOvna,” the student answers with an accent.

“Have you learned the words?”

- Conception, Anna PavlOvna!

- How will the "carrot" in English?

- Morkvation!

- What about potatoes?

- Potato Filing!

- So, Volodya ... Wonderful! For the answer you get one! Understanding?

Volodya nods sadly, takes the diary and leaves.

Thumbnail from Jokes about Little Johnny for the girl

Funny scenes about teachers on the last call are played out as childhood memories of already matured graduates. Therefore, you can imagine adult boys and girls toddlers - girls with bows and freckles and boys in breeches with help. One of the scenes may be like this.

funny sketches about teachers on the last call

The teacher:

- Natasha, tell me how earthworms breed?

- By division, Tamara Stepanovna!

- More specifically, Natasha, how?

“By the shovel, Tamara Stepanovna!”

“Okay, Natasha, god be with them, with worms ... And tell me ten animals that live in Africa.”

“Four crocodiles and six monkeys!”

- That's it, Natasha, my patience is over! Give me your diary, I'll put a deuce in it for you!

funny sketches about subject teachers

- And now I don’t have it ... Vasilisa took it from me for a while. She will scare them with her parents today.

Thumbnails from the plot of anecdotes about Vovochka for a boy


- How many will be two and two? Tanya, answer!

“Five thousand, Mary-bath!”

- Wrong. What do you think, Petenka?

- I think Tuesday!

“You don’t think at all, Petenka.” And if you think, then not with your brains ... Little Johnny, maybe you know the right answer?

- Of course, Mar-Ivanna! Twice two will be four!

- That's right, you smart girl, Little Johnny! How did you guess?

- So after all, if you take away from five thousand Tuesday, then just get four!

The second scene can be built on a conversation between Vovochka and his parents. Mom rescues the son that was at school today. Little Johnny proudly replies:

- Mar-Ivanna praised you for your friendship!

- What is it like? - the surprised mother asks.

- She said so: “Well, Vovochka, thank you very much to your parents, they made me very happy! And she also asked everyone to say if they have siblings. I was the first to answer!

“What did you say?”

- Well, he said that I am the only child in the family! And Maria Ivanovna wiped sweat from her forehead, raised her hands to heaven and exclaimed joyfully: "Glory to you, Lord!"

About how to come up with miniature plots for school holidays

All dramas are a reflection of reality. They do not need to be invented at all. It is enough just to carefully monitor the children and teachers and record all the funny cases. No one can compose better than life itself.


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