Smart loan: customer and employee reviews

Recently, the popularity of microcredit organizations is starting to grow. Against the background of the fact that banks are reducing programs to provide funds to the population and tightening the rules for issuing money, smaller companies flourish, which set higher interest rates, but are more loyal to borrowers. Attempts to secure their investments result in bona fide payers having to cover problem loans. Among all these organizations, Smart Credit stands out. Reviews about it are mostly positive. Based on this, we can conclude that the conditions of MFIs are quite acceptable. Let's get to know them better.

smart credit reviews

The best in Russia

For more than five years, a successful MFI called Smart Credit has been actively developing in our country. Reviews emphasize convenient credit conditions, which can be used repeatedly, as necessary. Consumers say that regular loans and timely repayment helps to improve credit history if it was damaged before. Therefore, it is beneficial to work with MFIs if after some time you plan to make a major purchase, and for this you need a loan.

What do customers offer?

The company has developed simple and understandable conditions for cooperation. You no longer need to go to the office and sit in line, wait for approval for several days and collect certificates from work. MFI staff just need to get information about your passport number. Of course, the data will be checked so that no one can use someone else's document. The requirements are minimal:

  • The borrower must be between 21 and 65 years old.
  • Necessarily a permanent place of work.
  • Russian citizenship and the presence of a passport of the Russian Federation.
  • Registration in the Russian Federation.

The company is so loyal to its customers that it is ready to consider applications in the presence of a canceled criminal record. The exceptions are articles such as terrorism, threats to the life and health of citizens. Even a bad credit history is not a reason for refusal. The only time that in this case the amount will be minimal.

smart credit debtors reviews

Production methods

What is required of you to take money from Smart Credit? Reviews emphasize that you only need to go to the official website and familiarize yourself with the conditions. Here you can go through three simple steps:

  • Fill out and submit an application.
  • Wait for a response on your mobile phone.
  • Sign an agreement and receive money without leaving home.

The whole process takes place online. You only need a passport and a mobile phone. This is what distinguishes Smart Credit from all its competitors. Reviews emphasize that in some cases it is much more convenient than using the services of pawnshops. No need to go anywhere, stand in lines. After approval of the application, you will receive money on your card.

Tariff Plans

The reviews of the Smart Credit MFIs confirm that the first time an application is submitted, especially if the client has a bad history, they usually approve it, but a minimum amount of 2 thousand rubles is supposed to be issued. Provided that the amount will be returned on time, the limit will gradually increase:

  • The amount of smart 1 - from 2 thousand to 9 thousand rubles. Which category the client will be assigned to will be decided by the bank employee on the basis of the questionnaire drawn up.
  • Smart 2 - loans up to 20 000 rubles. At the same time, the term for using money increases, but more on that below.
  • Smart 3 - up to 30 thousand rubles.

First of all, they are interested in feedback from debtors. Smart Credit has gained trust through a transparent lending scheme. In most cases, money is taken in case of emergency, when not enough to pay. At the same time, people emphasize that the overpayment is very small. Many note that for the first time they did not want to contact MFIs, but, having studied the conditions, decided to try it. For those who are not sure what they will be able to repay on time, there is a loan extension scheme, which the manager is sure to familiarize you with.

smart credit reviews of debtors 2017

Additional terms

Customer reviews of Smart Credit note that with each new loan you have increased time to use money. For the first tariff, this period is from 7 to 21 days, depending on the individual characteristics of the contract. In the future, the period increases to 25-30 days. All tariffs provide for an extension of the contract. Of course, interest reward will be revised for this, but it helps a lot in some situations.

Feedback from Smart Credit debtors in 2017 indicate that with growth and development, the company does not tighten conditions. Many were pleasantly surprised that, overdue for several days, overpaid a very small amount.

Interest remuneration

If we compare it again with pawnshops, then the conditions are a bit similar. Interest is calculated on the fact of each day of using the money. But you will not be required collateral and surety. The daily interest on the initial loan is charged at 1.7%. Gradually, the rate is reduced to 1.4%, as well as 1.3%. If you can confirm the income, then with a positive credit history you can get money at 1.1% per day. Accordingly, from a month runs from 30% to 50%. A lot, but the sooner you pay, the less overpay. Accordingly, it is convenient to use such loans if the salary is in a few days, and you have already run out of money. In this case, the overpayment will be small.

smart credit customer reviews

Receipt of funds

At the first appeal, there is only one way, namely - crediting a microloan to a card. In subsequent calls, other options will become available that may seem more acceptable to the client. These are various wallets or bank transfers. In subsequent applications, it will be possible to transfer the loan also to the card. Do not forget to check with the manager for information on the time of receipt of funds, the size of the commission. This can be done additionally by phone. This is an important point, since from the time of receipt, and not withdrawal, interest begins to be considered.

Whatever option you choose, the main thing is to correctly assess your income and expenses. This is what the reviews of employees say. “Smart Credit” is a great help for an emergency, but you should not spend money thoughtlessly, unless absolutely necessary.

Loan repayment methods

Everything is quite simple here, you can repay the Smart Credit debt using the same systems as when you received it. In addition, it is possible to use the terminals. The managers will instruct you that you can repay the debt in installments or in a single payment. Early repayment or extension of a microloan is also possible. In case of a premature return, the company will automatically recalculate the interest, and you will pay only for the actual time you use the money. So you can save a lot.

How is a partial repayment of an online loan? This measure involves making planned payments. Interest on each subsequent payment is charged on the remaining amount, that is, minus the payment made.

smart credit collectors reviews

Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus

To date, these countries are covered by the Smart Credit MFI network. Gomel (we will consider the reviews of citizens below) is one of the first cities in Belarus where online resources for providing a loan to the population began to function. The conditions are the same, register your application on the site and get money on the card. The company’s network is growing and developing. Today there are already representative offices in the capital of Kazakhstan. Judging by the demand for such a service, only growth and development awaits the company in the future. Clients like the loyal conditions, and they are ready to overpay a certain amount of remuneration, but use the money when you really need them.

Positive reviews

More than 90% of reviews of the company are positive. Borrowers allocate a quick review of the application, and funds are credited in just 15 minutes. There is the possibility of obtaining a loan with bad credit history, which is also a very important point. According to regular customers, the biggest plus of the loan conditions is that it is possible to prolong the contract, as well as early repayment without interest. For example, if you took 5 thousand rubles and returned in a week, then the overpayment is only 700 rubles. And no longer need to ask for a loan from friends and acquaintances.

smart credit employee reviews

Negative reviews

There are customers who are unsatisfied with the cooperation with the company. First of all, these are those whose debt was transferred to the collectors. Smart Credit, reviews of which allow us to present a company loyal to borrowers, will rather patiently provide you with the opportunity to pay off debt. But if the client is hiding and does not want to take responsibility, then the matter can be transferred to collection offices. In this case, a real raid begins on a person. They call him constantly, day and night, home and to work. In most cases, relatives and friends begin to be disturbed, asking them to have an impact on the borrower. They may also pass to more radical measures.

But these are extremes. Company managers are always ready to listen to you, revise the terms and extend the contract, if necessary. What other negative reviews about the company's work can be found? First of all, I want to note that there is no information that the MFI violates the terms of the contract. Here are the disadvantages that borrowers see:

  • There are technical failures on the site, as a result of which the application does not reach the managers. In this case, you need to call the hotline.
  • The reason for the refusal is not explained, in principle, as in other banks.
  • Since the transfer of money goes directly to the client’s card, it is believed that he began to use it from the first day. It happens that a person received money, but the problem was solved in a different way, and he wants to return these funds to MFIs. In this case, you will have to pay interest for the days when the money lay on your card.
  • It also happens that a loan is repaid, but after a while calls from MFIs begin with a demand to pay off the debt. This may be due to the fact that the interest ran while the bank transfer was made. In this case, you need to provide receipts for payment. Then the bank will eliminate the need to pay interest.
    MFI Smart Credit reviews

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, much more positive and negative reviews are written mainly by those who could not pay off the debt on time or did not get acquainted with the loan conditions. And in that, and in another case, the man himself is to blame, and not a credit organization at all. Therefore, before you borrow money, be sure to weigh your financial capabilities. Maybe you should do without extra expenses to avoid major troubles in the future.


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