How to identify an allergen in a child? Where to get allergy tests

In the article, we will consider how to identify an allergen in a child. This question excites a huge number of mothers. After all, allergy sufferers are forced to avoid certain foods, drugs and lead a rather cautious lifestyle in their lives. You can not spend a lot of time on the street, especially during flowering periods. You have to change bedding several times a week, avoiding contact with animals and so on. But some do not even know what they are allergic to.

Many are interested in how many allergen tests you need to take. Calculating on your own what exactly causes a rash with rhinitis is quite difficult, because people face hundreds of substances every day. In order to find out which of them are irritants, you need to do tests. In this article, we will talk about how to identify an allergen in a child.

fenistil instructions for use for children

Determination methods

In the event that the parent suspects that his child has a similar deviation, the doctor will prescribe a general blood test to begin with the baby. It is taken in the morning on an empty stomach, while the last meal should be carried out twelve hours before the study. This analysis is primarily aimed at counting the special cells that eosinophils act as. In the blood of a healthy person, the presence of these cells usually does not exceed five percent.

If there are many more, then this allows you to suspect an allergy. True, elevated eosinophils are also characteristic of a number of parasitic lesions, therefore, in addition to allergy testing, the specialist will also prescribe tests for the detection of parasites. If they are not found, then it is precisely the allergy that is supposed to be excluded. In this situation, a direction is given for the establishment of immunoglobulin.

What tests do you have for allergies?

Determination of total immunoglobulin E

Foreign antibodies are neutralized with these antibodies. These, one might even say, are “soldiers” of the protective human system. True, their activities sometimes turn against people. In order to find out whether this also happened with the child, an analysis for the presence of a common immunoglobulin E.

For the accuracy of the results, you should definitely prepare for the examination, namely, it is better to avoid physical exertion, stress and overheating in three days. For twelve hours it is forbidden to eat food. This immunoglobulin is found in very small amounts in the blood. Its level changes with age. Here are the norms for different categories:

  1. In newborn babies up to two years, the indicator is from 0 to 64 mIU / ml.
  2. In children from two to fourteen years old, it ranges from 0 to 150.
  3. And among those over fourteen from 0 to 123.

How else to identify an allergen in a child?

how to determine what allergy

Skin tests as a method for diagnosing allergies

Such exploratory manipulation is an obvious way to establish deviation. The doctor with the help of a special tool forms small scratches on the skin of the hand, applying the drug from the panel of possible allergens to the skin. Reactions occur after twenty minutes. In the event that redness or swelling appears at the site of the wound, then this product serves as an irritant, if not, then, of course, there is nothing to fear at all.

The disadvantages of this method are some (though small) risks of a false-negative and false-positive result, as well as the ability to perform only ten to fifteen samples at a time. Considering that the number of possible allergens is huge, they are grouped in laboratory diagnostics into so-called panels.

Where to make allergy tests?

The easiest way today is to contact one of the diagnostic laboratories. In such centers, a huge number of immunological studies are carried out to determine the degree of allergens. Their list is actually huge. Most often, as previously noted, an immunoglobulin test is given. Parents can go to any laboratory on the basis of a pediatrician's referral or on their own initiative.

It’s pretty easy to get tested: you need to sign up and come at a convenient time. In such laboratories, there are usually no queues, and they work according to a schedule convenient for patients. Usually the results are ready the same day or, in extreme cases, the next day. Private centers have their own technical capacities and a large staff of specialists, so a conclusion can be obtained so quickly.

Answering the question of where it is possible to make tests and how to determine what the allergy is, it is worth mentioning, perhaps, the well-known company Invitro, which is by far the largest network of diagnostic commercial laboratories that covers the whole country. This large medical center has been operating for over twenty years and is constantly expanding. The results of the research are recognized by all medical institutions in Russia.

how to identify an allergen in a child

Symptoms in a child

How to understand what the baby is allergic to?

Manifestations can be local in nature, for example, a reaction to an injection or a bite, as well as a systemic response, affecting the entire children's body. First of all, parents should pay attention to the condition of the skin. Allergic reactions like urticaria or dermatitis can be accompanied by skin redness and the appearance of a small rash. Edema is possible due to impaired capillary permeability. Among other systemic manifestations of allergies, dyspnea is often noted, which is associated with bronchospasm, lacrimation, and allergic rhinitis.

True, it should be remembered that if children have red spots on the body, then this may not even be an allergy. They can be symptoms of various diseases, skin infections, and, in addition, viral pathologies that affect the entire body (we are talking about rubella, measles, scarlet fever, chickenpox). This happens as a result of prickly heat or an insect bite. Therefore, against the background of their appearance, the baby must be shown to the pediatrician. In addition, you need to navigate by additional symptoms, such as, for example, the presence of temperature (in the case of the ailment under study, this is usually absent).

Symptoms and treatment of allergies in children are interrelated.


In order to cure such a condition, it is necessary, first of all, to identify the allergen itself, which caused these unwanted manifestations in a child. In this case, parents usually help with simple methods such as keeping a food diary, in which they write down the products that the baby received. Particular attention is paid to food with a high degree of allergenicity. Such ingredients are best not to give offspring.

red spots on the skin itch

By the method of exclusion, food is found that caused an undesirable reaction. A hypoallergenic diet that is optimal for a child at a certain age is best established in accordance with the recommendations of a pediatrician and nutritionist. A similar technique for determining the stimulus is used for other cases. For example, if the baby was taking the medicine, then it should be replaced by alternative means, of course, after consulting a doctor.

In the case of breastfeeding, it should be borne in mind that many medicines that are taken by the mother, just like irritants that are contained in food, can penetrate into milk and cause an undesirable reaction. It is also required to keep in mind that many pathologies, especially skin ones, may have symptoms similar to allergy manifestations. Therefore, the presence of such conditions should be diagnosed exclusively by a specialist. He must also determine the necessary therapy. As part of identifying an allergen, a doctor can prescribe skin tests along with an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.

How to treat an allergy in a child? Drug treatment primarily includes drugs that block histamine receptors in the body. These drugs are divided into several generations. The first includes funds like Suprastin, Tavegil and Diphenhydramine. However, despite their low cost, they differ in a significant number of side effects and can not always be assigned to small children. Therefore, for the treatment of allergic reactions in babies, antihistamines related to the second generation, for example, “Loratadine” or “Cetirizine,” are most often prescribed. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs.

where to do allergy tests

Red spots on the skin itch

A condition such as an allergy often provokes redness of certain areas of the skin, most often on the neck or arms. The main treatment is to eliminate the factor that causes such a negative response. Most often, they are citrus fruits, along with eggs, chocolate, nuts and the like, as well as decorative cosmetics with household chemicals. Choosing these funds for yourself, you need to pay attention to the composition, as well as to whether they are able to provoke irritation.

In the event that red spots on the skin itch, you can use antihistamines in the form of "Suprastin", "Claritin", "Radevita", but it is better not to do this without consulting a doctor.

Eczema is a special kind of allergic reaction. Red spots occurring on the palms of the hands and in the armpit area are observed not only due to the reaction of the human body to the allergen, but also as a response to stress, to various digestive and nervous system disorders. Do not try to cure eczema yourself. Any special corticosteroid ointments, exactly like sedatives and antihistamines, should be prescribed exclusively by a dermatologist. Traditional medicine recommends preparing a chamomile broth, adding honey to it and taking it three times a day. It is believed to be a soothing safe.

Urticaria is a disease against which small red spots are observed that resemble a burn from the leaves of the corresponding plant. As a rule, for therapy it is enough to simply eliminate the cause of the irritation that has arisen.

Next will be presented to the drug "Fenistil" instructions for use. Children are often recommended for such symptoms.

What tests do you have for allergies?

The drug "Fenistil"

Why do doctors recommend using this medicine even to infants? First of all, because it is the only anti-allergic medication in the form of drops, which are allowed for babies from the first month of life. The pharmaceutical form is very convenient, because parents do not have to measure the medicine with a spoon or crush tablets.

A convenient dropper makes it possible to accurately dose the drug, which is very important for the baby. The medication, as a rule, begins to act quickly and this happens already fifteen minutes after the first drop enters the mouth. It is extremely important that the medicine has a pleasant taste, and it can be well tolerated by young children. Instructions for use with Fenistil confirms this.

Next, we will tell you how dangerous pets can be for a child.

Dog allergy

Four-legged friends do not always bring kids only joy. Unfortunately, many, stroking a harmless cute puppy, begin to sneeze and itch. This is due to allergies. The symptomatology of which causes a lot of trouble, making it impossible to communicate with animals.

Similar manifestations of allergy to dogs in children arise due to the hypersensitivity of the child's body to the protein, which is part of the saliva, urine and skin of the dog. Also, the child may have an individual intolerance to the coat. This does not mean at all that long-haired pets will be more dangerous than short-haired representatives. This can apply to any particular breed or even just one single dog.

Sometimes the reaction in children can not be caused even by the pet itself, but by the usual dust, fluff, mold or mites that the animal brings into the house after walking. To avoid a similar option in the development of events, it is necessary to wash the beast thoroughly after each of its outings. Now we find out how the child manifests incompatibility with the animal.

how many allergen tests


Allergies in children to these animals can occur in the form of the following symptoms:

  1. This is mainly an itch along with a burning, redness, or the appearance of a characteristic rash, especially in the area of ​​scratching or saliva from the animal.
  2. The appearance of nasal congestion, runny nose, allergic rhinitis.
  3. The occurrence of dry cough along with shortness of breath, wheezing, shortness of breath, choking, bronchitis, asthma and the like are not ruled out.
  4. The appearance of redness of the eyes and lacrimation.
  5. The presence of indigestion, diarrhea, vomiting.
  6. Severe reactions like Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock are rarely observed (a sudden drop in pressure is noted, which can be very life-threatening).

Symptoms of an allergic reaction can occur immediately after communicating with the pet, or after a couple of hours.

For consultation, you can make an appointment with a pediatric allergist in Moscow. For example, Olga Viktorovna Bazhenova gives a lot of praise (he receives at SM Clinic on Voikovskaya).

Allergist Services

A visit to such a specialist in the capital has the following prices:

  1. The reception, during which the child is examined, and the consultation of an allergist-immunologist will cost parents two and a half thousand rubles.
  2. A follow-up visit to such additional doctors as an ENT, an endocrinologist, a nephrologist (which is necessary as part of the diagnosis) will cost two thousand.
  3. Visiting a pediatric allergist in Moscow to provide advice at home costs five thousand rubles.

Thus, allergies are a serious violation of the immune system of the child, in which the body's defenses aggressively respond to the most harmless components. Such reactions tend to occur unexpectedly. And in the event that a person has never had problems with peanuts or house dust, this does not mean that it will always be so.

This deviation has many symptoms, which are most often expressed in itching, swelling, rash, conjunctivitis, coughing and rhinitis, and in severe cases, sometimes there is swelling of the airways and anaphylactic shock. In this regard, an allergy is deadly and finding out what exactly causes it is vital.

The article provides information on how to identify an allergen in a child and cope with an illness on time.


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