Prevention of prostatitis in men: drugs, exercises

Men after 30 years often face prostatitis. The disease manifests itself in the form of inflammation of the ducts of the prostate gland, which causes pain. To avoid this ailment, it is necessary to carry out a set of special measures. It’s easier to prevent than to cure the disease. What are the folk remedies and medicines for the prevention of prostatitis? You can find answers to these and other questions by reading this article.

Who needs prophylaxis?

First of all, men who have already suffered this disease in an acute form are prone to prostatitis. In this case, secondary prevention is carried out, since prostatitis can develop into a chronic form.

Primary prevention is necessary for men who are at risk for this disease. First of all, these include people who have had illnesses and sexually transmitted diseases. Especially men with urethritis, trichomoniasis or gonorrhea. Even after recovery, the man remains with non-specific inflammation of the genitourinary tract, which in the future can cause the development of prostatitis.

in what professions is it necessary to prevent prostatitis

A risk group also includes men who lead a sedentary lifestyle. These are programmers, truckers and representatives of other professions, forced to stay in a sitting position for a long time. This situation reduces the outflow of blood from the pelvic area, which provokes the appearance of prostatitis.

It is also necessary to regularly carry out prophylaxis at the initial stage of prostatic hypertrophy, as well as for men over 40 years old (from this age, the level of male sex hormones decreases, which increases the risk of the disease).

Primary prevention

To prevent prostatitis, it is necessary to use a set of measures. Primary measures will help improve circulation in the pelvic area. They include:

  • Active lifestyle.
  • Classes in the gym.
  • Hiking
  • Special exercises.
  • Balanced diet.
  • Massage.

In rare cases, the doctor may prescribe the drug for this purpose.

Secondary prevention

This type of measure applies if the disease is already present. The purpose of prevention is to prevent complications of the disease and the occurrence of relapses. Preventive measures are necessary to prevent the development of a chronic form of prostatitis. Secondary prevention includes:

  • Active lifestyle.
  • Special gymnastics.
  • Massage.
  • A regular visit to the doctor.
prevention of prostate inflammation

You should also be aware that preventive measures to prevent the disease are carried out only after the patient has fully recovered.

Drug Prostatitis Prophylaxis

To prevent the disease, they use the same medicines that treat him. But during prevention, they are taken according to a different scheme, which is prescribed by the doctor. Medicines are available in the form of tablets, suppositories, injections and capsules.

Prostatitis medication

Preparations for the prevention of prostatitis have the following properties:

  • Normalize blood flow.
  • Block the development of inflammation.
  • They help repair damaged tissue.
  • Normalize the nutrition of the prostate.
  • Some drugs relieve swelling and remove stagnation.

Medicines for the prevention of prostatitis in men:

  • "Prostate Forte" - a drug that is used to block the development of the disease. The composition of the drug includes trace elements, vitamins and plant extracts that have a complex effect on the prostate. "Prostate Forte" will help to cope with the pain syndrome that occurs during sexual intercourse, remove inflammation and swelling of the tissues, and also balance the metabolism of the prostate gland.
  • "Prostatilen" is a complex drug that has a positive effect on circulation and vascular walls. The tool tones the muscles of the bladder and removes reflex retention of urine, increases the activity of the bladder and smooth muscle cells of the prostate. Prostalitene improves immune defense and also reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • "Prostalamin" - a drug that has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the prostate gland and restores the body. The drug can be used to treat low potency. The composition of "Prostalamin" includes proteins and nucleoproteins obtained from the prostate gland of bulls.
  • "Prostamol UNO" is a drug that normalizes the urinary and reproductive functions of the body. It has anti-inflammatory properties.

Drugs as prophylaxis should be taken only after visiting a doctor.

Traditional medicine

It is possible to prevent prostatitis in men at home. To do this, you can use the following tips:

  • Mix 0.5 kg of ground pumpkin seeds with 200 grams of honey. Roll balls from the finished mass and take 1-2 each day. And you can also eat 30 pumpkin seeds every day for half an hour before eating.
  • Bark and leaves of hazel brew boiling water and insist 20-40 minutes. Broth take 1 cup per day on an empty stomach.
  • Brew a shell of chestnuts with boiling water and take it as tea every day.
  • Elderberry juice to drink 1 tbsp. spoon a day before meals.


Prevention of prostatitis is not possible without changing some habits. First of all, it is necessary to stop smoking and drinking alcohol. Even a small alcohol content in drinks causes irritation of the narrow ducts of the prostate gland . This, in turn, provokes the appearance of an inflammatory process, as well as congestion in this area. Alcohol abuse greatly increases the likelihood of prostatitis.

Smoking adversely affects the venous outflow and can lead to lymph stagnation and edema. Tobacco slows blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which impairs the saturation of prostate tissues with oxygen and nutrients.

regular prostatitis prophylaxis

To prevent stagnation, it is important to conduct regular sex life or masturbation. This is the most effective way to prevent prostatitis in men.


The procedure is performed only by a specialist by direct palpation of the prostate through the anus. Prostate massage for many men is considered degrading and painful, but its effectiveness is beyond doubt. The procedure is carried out not only as a prophylaxis, but also for the treatment of chronic inflammation.

massage prevention of prostatitis

The massage course consists of 8-10 sessions and takes about 1 minute in time. The procedure ends with the release of a few drops of prostatic secretion. This phenomenon is considered a positive reaction of the body to direct palpation.

With the help of massage you can achieve these results:

  • Acceleration of blood circulation, expansion of blood vessels and saturation of prostate tissues with oxygen and nutrients. Thanks to this, prevention of blood and lymphatic stagnation is carried out.
  • Improving the quality of intimate life, due to increased excitability and lengthening of sexual intercourse.
  • Pathogenic bacteria are excreted from the body along with the release of prostatic secretion. This helps prevent the development of the disease in healthy men and shortens the duration of treatment.
  • Activation of the gland tissue due to the secretion of prostatic secretion.

Prostate massage is an effective method in the fight and prevention of the disease, but has some contraindications. These include obstruction by the stones of the ducts of the prostate, benign and malignant neoplasms of the gland, bacterial prostatitis.


With the comprehensive prevention of prostatitis, it is necessary to adhere to an active lifestyle. The most favorable sports are athletics, tennis and swimming.

Kegel exercises are considered very effective. They help strengthen the anal and other muscles of the pelvis. Regular exercise activates blood flow to the prostate gland. It is advisable to carry them out during urination, by holding a stream of urine for 3-4 seconds.

exercises for the prevention of prostatitis

Such exercises for the prevention of prostatitis are also considered effective: “bicycle”, “birch”, “candles” and “bridge”. Regular gymnastics enhances blood circulation in the pelvic area and blocks the development of congestion.

Nutrition principles

It is necessary to adhere to some recommendations of the daily diet.

Nutrition Rules:

  • Reduce salt intake. It is able to retain water, which cleanses the body of toxic substances. And also salt reduces the anti-inflammatory properties of calcium.
  • Regularly hold fasting days. This helps the body retain strength for the further fight against inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Provide a balanced diet. The daily diet should consist of foods that contain beneficial trace elements and vitamins.

A man’s nutrition affects the quality of prostatic juice, which removes pathogenic elements from the glands. A strict diet is not necessary. On the contrary, severe restrictions can adversely affect the condition of the prostate gland.

Why do I need a diet?

During the prevention of prostatitis in men, it is necessary to exclude products that irritate the prostate. Daily nutrition should be as healthy and balanced as possible.

The purpose of the diet:

  1. Limit prostate irritation.
  2. Improve blood circulation for an uninterrupted supply of nutrients to the prostate gland.
  3. Prevention of atherosclerosis.
  4. Improve the gastrointestinal tract to avoid constipation and congestion in the pelvic area.
  5. Create a favorable environment for intestinal microflora.
  6. Enhance immunity and body defenses.

Vitamins and minerals

Prevention of prostatitis at home should be to replenish the gland with the necessary trace elements.

nutrition during the prevention of prostatitis

The following substances should be present in the daily diet:

  • Vitamins - the most useful are A, C and E. They increase immunity, which improves the body's resistance to various pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.
  • Zinc - promotes the production of progesterone and blocks pathological changes in the prostate gland. It also improves potency and relieves inflammation.
  • Selenium - improves the quality of sexual function and blocks the excessive growth of prostate cells. The trace element also has an immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory effect.

What foods contain vitamins

To compensate for the deficiency of nutrients in the prevention of prostatitis, you need to eat vegetables and fruits with their high content:

  • Vitamin A. The daily norm is about 800 mcg. It is found in such products: liver, carrots, spinach, onions, fish oil, eggs, milk, cream.
  • Vitamin C. Daily dosage of about 60 mg. It is found in such products: parsley, currants, bell peppers, rose hips, cabbage, citrus fruits.
  • Vitamin E. The daily norm is up to 10 mg. It is found in such products: eggs, liver, bran, wheat seedlings, nuts, vegetable oil, corn.
  • Zinc. Daily dosage is up to 15 mg. A trace element is found in such products: pumpkin seeds, beef liver, peanuts, watermelon seeds, chocolate, lamb.
  • Selenium. The daily norm is up to 200 mcg. It is found in such products: beans, corn, liver, rice, eggs, walnuts, almonds, wheat.

So, the disease is most susceptible to men at risk. Prostatitis prevention consists of medications, special exercises, massage and traditional medicine. To prevent the disease, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures, which depends on its type.


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