What is a fresco, its history and modernity

The article will be interesting to those who want to know what a fresco is and what role this type of art played in the history of architecture and culture during the development of human civilization.

what is a mural

A mural is the art of decorating walls and ceilings by applying a color pattern to still wet plaster with water-based paints. With this technique, the binder and primer are the same material - lime. Thanks to this, the paints hold well, not crumbling.

What is a fresco, well known even in antiquity. Their feature was that at the end of the painting was polished with heated wax. The need to start and finish the mural before the lime dries out made the artist work at a very fast pace. Therefore, if it was necessary to create a large monumental painting, then several artists worked on it. At the same time, they had to have professional experience, because in addition to high drawing speed, it was necessary to have a confident strong hand and a clear idea of ​​the whole composition as a whole, since everyone had to work on only one part of it. If corrections were necessary, then this part of the image, together with the calcareous layer, was cut out and a new layer of solution was applied.

what are murals

Almost all ancient monuments of monumental painting are made using the fresco technique . Ancestors well knew what frescoes are. Pompey's wall paintings, paintings on the walls of Christian catacombs, monuments of Romanesque, Byzantine and ancient Russian monumental frescoes have survived to this day.

In the interior of ancient architecture, walls and windows have become crucial. Knowing what a fresco is, they were generously decorated with beautiful paintings on wet plaster and mosaics (according to the wishes of customers - wealthy inhabitants of homes, and in antiquity seeking comfort). Thanks to this, the special "Pompeian" style of painting on wet lime gained wide popularity. The fashion for luxurious floor and wall decoration has been preserved in the medieval interior. Popular trends passed from century to century, so it is not surprising that during the Renaissance people knew what a fresco is. The traditions of decorating with them interiors have not died out.

ceiling painting

For each new era, beauty and splendor, wealth and quality of home design remained important. One need only recall the famous frescoes of the bedroom in the palace of the Duke Ludovico Gonzaga in Mantua. The early Renaissance master Andrea Mantegna dedicated his world-famous fresco cycle to the owner of the palace, the ruler of Mantua. The artist depicted scenes from his life.

The wall fresco in the rich decoration of the Palazzo of the Renaissance era acquired absolutely special significance. The splendor of the decoration of the premises was achieved not by ordering unique expensive furniture in the house, but by frescoing the ceiling, walls and floor of the house.

Today, with the help of fresco painting, the interiors of both private houses and public buildings are decorated . Nowadays, the fresco has acquired extraordinary relevance, popularity and even prestige, especially its types such as ceiling art painting and wall mural, replacing painting.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/B9229/

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