Broccoli cream soup with cream: recipe, calorie content

If you want to cook something tasty, healthy and unusual for lunch, then you can use broccoli as the main ingredient for the soup. The first course will not only have an interesting color and look, but also taste. In addition, broccoli is very healthy. And in this form, children can also love her.

Delicious broccoli cream soup with cream

Products for cooking:

  1. Fresh broccoli cabbage - 1 kilogram.
  2. Cream 20% - 400 milliliters.
  3. Potato - 4 pieces.
  4. Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  5. Onion - 2 heads.
  6. Butter - 50 grams.
  7. Baguette - 1 piece.
  8. Ground pepper - to taste.
  9. Garlic - 3 cloves.

Cream Broccoli Soup Recipe

The use of first courses, in particular soups, is the easiest way to enrich the body with all the beneficial substances found in vegetables. Vegetable soups are especially useful, as they are easily and quickly digested without straining the stomach. To everyone who cares about their health, nutritionists recommend including soups from vegetables, mushrooms and fish in the diet. Unlike the second, rich and hearty dishes, they are less high-calorie, but they contain more nutrients. Broccoli cream soup with cream, the recipe of which we will consider, refers to such useful dishes.

cream broccoli puree soup with cream recipe

Delicate and light, this soup is perfect for both adults and children. Initially, you need to disassemble the cabbage for inflorescences. Put in a deep bowl, salt and completely pour broccoli in cold water. Leave on for 15 minutes. This must be done so that the bugs inside the inflorescences float to the surface of the water. Then you need to peel the potatoes, wash it and cut into small cubes. Remove the broccoli from the water and rinse well under the tap. Then chop in small pieces.

Further, without departing from the recipe for broccoli cream soup with cream, you need to pour about 2 liters of water into the pan and put on fire. Lightly salt and wait for boiling. Dip the prepared potatoes and cabbage into the pan. Once the vegetables begin to boil, you need to reduce the heat and cook for about 15 minutes. Peel, rinse and chop the onions in small cubes. Melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat and fry the chopped onion in it until soft. Add the fried onions to the vegetables and cook them together.

Finish cooking and mash ingredients

Remove the broccoli cream soup prepared with the recipe with cream from the stove, cover and let cool slightly. Croutons with garlic and pepper are well combined with this first dish, adding to it a spicy note. To prepare them, you need to cut the baguette into slices and fry alternately in butter. Then grate each with chopped garlic mixed with salt. Then sprinkle with ground pepper to your liking. Now you need to immerse the blender in slightly cooled vegetables and puree them thoroughly.

cream broccoli puree soup for baby

Pour the cream into the pan and stir. Place on the stove again and heat until bubbles appear. Pour the prepared soup into plates and serve to the dining table with fragrant croutons. Using various recipes for making broccoli puree soup, you can cook such a healthy dish by adding other ingredients to your liking.

Vegetable soup for children

Ingredients Composition:

  1. Broccoli - 600 grams.
  2. Onion - 1 head.
  3. Cream - 250 milliliters.
  4. Potato - 400 grams.
  5. Salt to taste.
  6. Zucchini - 200 grams.
  7. Water - 1.5 liters.
  8. Young onions - 2 pieces.

Cooking method

It is well known that first courses have a positive effect on the body. It is especially useful to include them in everyday children's diets. For a child, broccoli cream soup with cream is a source of calcium and potassium, and the glutathione contained in cabbage strengthens the immune system. Take care of the proper nutrition of your child and cook this first dish more often. Consider how to make broccoli soup puree with cream and zucchini.

broccoli puree soup cooking recipes

All vegetables require little preparation. Disassemble the cabbage into separate inflorescences and rinse each well. Then cut them into pieces. Remove the peel from the potato, wash and chop into medium-sized cubes. Wash the zucchini, then also cut the peel from them and cut into parts. Rinse and finely chop onions after peeling. When the preparation of all products is completed, you need to pour water into the pan and put on a fire for boiling.

Boil potatoes and onions in boiling water. After the boiling process resumes, cook them for 20 minutes. Next, be sure to reduce the heat and put in a pan pieces of broccoli and zucchini. Cook all vegetables together for another 20 minutes. After that, remove them from the pan with a slotted spoon and place in the bowl. Allow time to cool and grind with a blender to a puree consistency.

cream broccoli puree soup with cream recipe

Transfer the vegetable mass back to the pan. Add quite a bit of salt for taste, let it boil, pour in the cream and remove the soup from the stove. When serving in a bowl with a healthy and tasty broccoli soup, add a little young onion, which was previously well washed and chopped. Together with the first dish, offer your baby homemade crackers.

Broccoli Diet Vegetable Soup

Product List:

  1. Broccoli - 600 grams.
  2. Olive oil - 30 milliliters.
  3. White pepper to taste.
  4. Potato - 200 grams.
  5. Cauliflower - 400 grams.
  6. Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.
  7. Green bell pepper - 300 grams.
  8. Onions - 150 grams.
  9. Salt - 1 teaspoon.
  10. Cream 10% - 200 milliliters.

Cooking process

Such a rather thick and very healthy vegetable soup can be prepared for lunch and dinner. These first courses add some variety to the daily menu. The calorie content of broccoli puree soup with cream and vegetables is very low (in 100 g to 100 kcal), so it can be safely consumed by all those who follow a diet. It does not cook for long, but vegetables require preliminary preparation.

cream broccoli puree soup with calories

Broccoli and cauliflower divided into separate inflorescences. Rinse thoroughly, and it is better to soak for 30 minutes in water, adding a little salt. Then randomly chop. Wash green bell peppers, peel seeds and chop coarsely. Peel, rinse and cut the potatoes into pieces. Grind the peeled onions into cubes. Then you need to fry the onions in olive oil until soft, add the bell pepper and simmer for another 5-7 minutes under the lid. Transfer the onion with pepper and potatoes to the pan, pour in the water and send to the fire.

Boil for about 20 minutes, then dip the pieces of broccoli and cauliflower in boiling water. Pour in salt and white pepper to taste, mix and cook all vegetables over low heat until cooked. Turn off the stove and, after cooling, mashed with a blender.

tasty cream broccoli puree soup with cream

Turn on the fire under the pan and let it boil. Pour in not too fat cream and lemon juice. Mix everything well and let stand for 10 minutes, covering it with a lid. When serving a healthy diet puree soup with broccoli and cream, you can add parsley, dill or green onion to the plate.

Simple recipes will help in a short time to prepare a delicious, satisfying and healthy soup puree. In addition, if you wish, you can add other vegetables to the list of ingredients.


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